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Fusion Radio HD

Social Media Strategy

Amantha Hons,

Madalynn Kainer,
Chelsea Powers,
Chase Shelton,

This is the social media strategy for Fusion HD Radio. Amantha Hons, Madalynn Kainer,
Chelsea Powers and Chase Shelton of the AGCJ 489 Social Media in Agriculture class created
this proposal. This strategy proposal includes audience identification, social media goals and
objectives, platform identification, content calendars, visuals, social media management tools,
and our recommendations for Fusions continuing social media presence.
@fusionradiohd | @fusionradio_hd |
Fusion has three key audiences that they want to reach with their social media. The first
audience is their listeners. This audience is made up of millennials, especially those ages 18-24.
They predominantly live, work or go to school in the Bryan-College Station, but with the live
streaming nature of the station, the reach of their listeners could very well extend further. Their
second audience is advertisers. This audience is made up of businesses, as well as business
owners and decision makers, in the Bryan-College Station area. Their third audience is
industry and educators. This audience is made up of professionals and academics who are
interested in the station format.
Audience 1: Listeners
Listeners are millennials; specifically those aged 18 to 24. They are college
students in the Bryan-College Station area who attend at Texas A&M University
or Blinn College. The social media audience is mostly women, but the target
audience for the radio station is split between men and women. Listeners are
located primarily in the Bryan-College Station area, but due to the live streaming
nature of the station, the reach could very well extend further in Texas. Listeners
are in the middle to upper class. They value social interaction; entertainment, new
and interesting content and fit the divergent character of the station. Listeners
seek the benefits of new music, a social outlet and entertainment from Fusion.
Audience 2: Advertisers
Advertisers are business owners and decision makers in businesses. They are
professionals, mostly male, and between the ages of 35 and 50. They are in the
local market of Bryan-College Station or in the larger market of Houston. They
are in the middle to upper class and value their families, careers and meaningful
business relationships. They seek the benefit of a way to brand and promote their
business from Fusion.
Audience 3: Industry/Academics
Industry is professionals in the radio and entertainment industry or in the
academic field. They are men and women, aged 25 to 44. They are middle to
upper class and find fulfillment in their careers. They value education and
industry advancement and seek to use Fusions social media as a tool to monitor
and value the new, innovative Fusion format.




Audience Rank





College students
Mostly women
Age 18-24

Businesses & business

Mostly men
Age 35-50

Age 25-44


Bryan-College Station
Southern Region
United States

Bryan-College Station
Southern Region
United States

United States


Middle to upper class

Finds fulfillment in
social settings and
Interested in
entertainment and
finding new music
Value new and
interesting content
Fit the divergent

Middle to upper class

Finds fulfillment in
career and family
Interested in
promoting their
Value productive and
relationships in

Middle to upper class

Finds fulfillment in
Interested in new
Value learning
opportunities and
advancement in their


-Football games
-Traveling Shows
Benefits sought:
-New music
-Consistent voice
-Social outlet

-Football games
-Traveling Shows
Benefits sought:
-Way to brand
-Market and advertise
their business

-Road shows
-Social media
Benefits sought:
-Social media presence
-Digital media
-Educational relevance

Goals and Objectives

Key Message - Fusion is a divergent rock station operated by students. The program and
its innovative format is the product of a partnership between Texas A&M Universitys
Ag Leadership, Education and Communications Department (ALEC) and Bryan
Broadcasting. The key message Fusion wants to convey is a divergent sound, one that
is unapologetic, sarcastic, does not fit the mold, and almost tongue to cheek, but covertly.
Goals for Social Media - Fusions goal for social media is to help grow and build the
Fusion brand. Fusion is a brand new station with an innovative format, so their main goal
as an organization is to grow their listener base and attract key stakeholders. They will
use social media as an important tool to engage and attract listeners, share their brand,
build a solid brand reputation, and keep potential advertisers and colleagues informed.
Keeping it related to local news, i.e. Texas A&M and Bryan-College Station, as well as
random and satirical news.
Social Media Voice & Brand
Fusion is a divergent rock station that doesnt fit the mold of a typical radio station. With its
mix of rock, alternative, indie, and countless other genres of music, Fusion breaks the status quo.
This translates into its social media voice by the various types of content that is shared.
Its Facebook page shares a lot of content with the intention to draw attention to its
Facebook page. Occasionally it will share important information about events that
Fusion is putting on or developments in their growth. However, the main purpose
is to provide content that is funny for the followers to open and in return lead
them to its page. It is aimed to attract people in the BCS area as well as others
since they have a live stream online that listeners in other areas can tune in to.
Its Instagram account is used to inform followers of events it is planning or
currently holding, as well as what is going on in the studio. The purpose of its
Instagram is to provide insight to its followers so that they feel informed about
what is going on as well as provide them with a feeling of closeness to the station.
Geared more towards Texas A&M University students, it keeps its followers
informed of various events going on around campus while also using this tool to
draw attention to its station. Its Twitter account also posts things similar to its
Facebook page that is funny in order to get retweets and in results followers.

Social Media Platforms

We chose Facebook as the primary platform for Fusion Radio HD. Facebook has over
894 million daily active users, making it one of the most popular social media outlets
available. 87% of 18 29 year olds reported using Facebook, making it a popular outlet
amongst Fusion listeners. Not only is Facebook a popular social media outlet, it is also
easy to use and has many platforms available for businesses or groups. According to
Social Media Examiner, over 85% of marketers stated that the most important benefit of
Facebook was increased exposure. As a new radio station, Fusion Radio also has that
same mission.
We also recommend that Fusion Radio utilize Twitter as a second social media outlet.
Twitter will increase brand awareness and allow Fusion Radio increase their reach.
Twitter is an excellent social media outlet for Fusion listeners to use. Not only does it
deliver messages in a short and concise manner, it also is easily accessible on both a cell
phone and computer. We believe that Twitter is an excellent social media for Fusion
Radio to utilize.
We recommend that Fusion Radio post content that reflects the mission and purpose of
their radio station, as well as information shared by the disc jockeys on their radio shows.
As a divergent rock radio station, ran by students at Texas A&M University, Fusion
Radio should attempt to post articles, stories or photos pertaining to the divergent rock
genre, the music industry, pop culture and Texas A&M University. This content should
be posted on all social media outlets.

Audience Usage of Platforms



Industry &

















Social Media Platforms

Be sure to tune into Aggielands only divergent rock station, 95.1-2! This
HD radio station is collaboration between Bryan Broadcasting and the
Texas A&M University Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education
and Communication.
September 24, 2015
College Station, Texas
Student-operated Divergent Rock station. Stream live at
College Station, Texas
Months 1-3
Content Calendar (see attachment in the back)
The content calendar covers the first three months of the social media
strategy. It begins on October 21, the day the Facebook page was created
and continues for 12 weeks, ending on January 9, 2016.
Measures of Performance and Analytics
The measures of performance that you should use are page likes
(followers on other platforms), engagement, which includes post clicks,
likes, comments and shares, and reach. Use the management tools outlined
later in the strategy to monitor and report these measures.
Likes: According to Facebooks analytics, we received 147 likes in
one day on October 23. By November 18, the page had reached its
current total of 178 likes.
Engagement: Our most engaging posts include articles written
about Fusion, videos, photos from events, and articles that
reference big trending topics. A post from October 24 featuring a
video of Texas A&M Football player Myles Garrett received 106
post clicks.
Reach: The posts with the most reach are sharable content
pieces, like event photos, videos, and trending topics. A feature
story about Fusion posted on October 22 reached 220 people and a
post about a local event reached 403 people.
Months 4-6 (see attachment in the back)
We continued on the path that we were going with our posts, and are hoping for
more likes and higher reaches by January 1st, 2016.

The profile headers we have created for this proposal include 4 color and style variations
of the logotype and tagline, one Texas A&M themed graphic, and one Christmas graphic.
The four brand color variations (white with green accents, white with purple accents,
green and purple) can be used at any time. The Texas A&M variation, which states Gig
Em Aggies! can also be used at any time, but we recommend only using it when there
is a large Texas A&M event, such as a football game. The final header we have included
is for the Christmas season. It is currently up on the social media platforms and we
recommend using this one only during the holiday season, or the month of December.

Competition and Inspirations

Two successful campaigns
Candy 95
Facebook: @candy951
Instagram: @candy95.1
Twitter: @candy95
94.5 The Buzz
Facebook: @945thebuzz
Instagram: @945thebuzz
Twitter: @945thebuzz
Who to follow
Facebook- On Facebook, we choose to follow many of the Texas A&M
University pages and ones associated with A&M departments. As well as many
music pages such as, Candy 95, MusicMaster, Bryan Broadcasting, and local
music venues such as Revolution Cafe and Bar and Grand Stafford Theater. We
felt that we should follow many news and media outlets as well, such as SPIN,
Alternative Press, and BuzzFeed.
Twitter- we tried to stay personal with our followers by following back normal
college students. We wanted to have relatable content to share with those
followers, so we followed funny study accounts and fellow university pages, i.e.
TAMU, ALEC, and TAMU sports pages. Fusion follows many music accounts
that keep up with the current events. Accounts such as Requiem, BuzzFeed, Vice,
Bryan Broadcasting, as well as local weather and news accounts.
Instagram- We follow a lot of on-air talent from Candy 95 such as Tucker Frido
Young, Ebony Williams, Adam Drake, Casey Catnip Atnip and Melissa Mel
Hering in order to keep up-to-date with events going on in BCS. We follow
accounts related to our A&M student audience such as TAMU, 12th Man,
Aggieland Outfitters, and X Games so we can find content that our audience
would be interested in to share with them.
Social Media Management
Management Tools
Hootsuite for twitter and other platforms, Google analytics, Facebook analytics,
and sometimes twitter analytics
We use these management tools to keep track of posts and the analytics of the
posts made.
Hootsuite: keeps up with multiple accounts and it keeps your feeds
updated. You can schedule posts and use it for multiple platforms and

Facebook analytics: is for Facebook only, and it keeps up with all of the
analytics and insights of your page. Some cool features are seeing all post
ever posted and their analytics as well as people who have followed or
unfollowed your page.
We recommend that each DJ have access to or be able to post onto the social
media pages. They should have it open while they are on air and be actively
monitoring the page and responding to comments. DJs should share stories that
they discuss on air and ask for more interaction on the social media sites.
We recommend running contests frequently depending on event or occasion. For
example, merch and promo item giveaways at live remote broadcasts or ticket
giveaways on air.
We recommend encouraging users to interact with content and the station. Ask
listeners what music they want to hear, post polls, or ask opinions on hot topics.
Management time
We recommend allocating up to one hour per day to schedule posts, respond to
comments or monitor activity on the social media pages. A designated social
media or web manager can do this. We also recommend that DJs keep a close
watch on the social media sites while they are on air, which wont take any
additional time out of their schedules.
Increase brand
Holding polls and contests frequently to keep the audience interested.
Responding to their tweets within a few hour time span and their private
messages within a 24-hour period. Retweeting and favoriting things that
are relevant to the station and surrounding area. Maybe start up a chat
with a DJ day on a certain day to interact with your audience.
Posting to the page daily to keep the audience interested and informed.
Posting and sharing videos and photos makes the people want to know
more and reaches a higher interest rate. Having contests online and in
person will keep more coming to Fusions social media and hold them in
with the radio station.
Posting three to four times a week to keep relevant with the audience.
Usings certain apps and editing tools to make your post unique and up-todate. Holding contests on there and having a weekly hashtag, like
#musicmonday or #throwbackthursday.

For all
Some ideas that we thought would work would be holding road shows,
like Bryan Broadcasting, to interact with the audience in person and
spread the brand with merchandise. Coordinating with band drives, local
band and music stores, and first fridays to host or co-host events. Some
student spotlight ideas to go in local publications such as, the Battalion,
Student Life, and Ask Ags. Going to local music events and concerts to
host live shows or have behind the scenes from the show. As well as
having artist features to show off local artists and feature them on the
show or online.

Screenshot of Facebook analytics of when Fusions fans are online. Any day between the hours
of 9 am and 9 pm are peak times to post according to the Facebook analytics.

Screenshot of Facebook analytics of the demographics of Fusions fans from November 10,
2015. Women made up 70 percent of fans and most fans fell between the ages of 18 and 24.

Screenshot of Facebook analytics of the demographics taken on December 6, 2015. Women have
risen by one percent as well as the age category of 25-34.

These two screenshots below were taken on December 7, 2015. They show you the most recent
post, which the one at the bottom was the one with the most engagement. Our engagement has
gone up continually since we began the social media campaign for Fusion HD Radio.

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