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Stewart McDonald IV

100 beatties ford rd

catlin kennedy
sports manager
professional sports publications
4701 Hedgemore Dr #800, Charlotte, NC 28209

Dear, mrs. Kennedy

A great salesman doesnt sale the product he sales himself. With over 4 years of sales expericence in the
car business I know how to win people over with my great personality. I studied at johnson C.Smtih
university and gained A backhloers in sports management while working as a internet manager at
nissan. I was the top sales person for 2 years straight because of my A1 customer service and my
product knowledge. I also worked as an intern with the schools health plex so I have great sports
management expeicnece. As a former college football player I am very competative and will not stop
till I reach my goal I hope you will consider me for the position.
Stewart McDonad IV

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