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Julie Jamison

Philosophy of Education

I believe that, as teachers, it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide our students
with a safe, nurturing and supportive learning environment. Students will receive the knowledge
and skills necessary for future success within this type of environment. I have chosen the career
of teaching due to my desires to educate the future leaders of our country and to make a positive
impact on children. The profession of teaching is one that directly affects the next generations
and plays a role in the advancement of society.
I believe that teachers should set high, yet achievable, explicit expectations for their
students and be consistent with the procedures and expectations. When expectations and
procedures are explicit and consistent students will have a clear understanding of their role in the
classroom. When it comes to discipline, I believe that teacher should include the students in the
responsibility of figuring out a way to fix the problem. By allowing the students to have a choice
in the consequence the responsibility of the action is placed on the student and can hinder further
I would describe my teaching style as a mixture of methods and techniques. First and
foremost, I am a strong believer of hands-on and activity based education. I believe that
curriculum supported by activities is vital to the learning process. Engaging students and
providing them with lessons that incorporate their learning styles will foster academic success
and confidence while allowing them to be active participants in their education.
Learning and instruction is designed based on assessment. Assessment should be
continuous and ongoing in the classroom through formative and summative assessments. Using

activities to support curriculum can also support the assessment process by allowing the teacher
opportunity for formative assessment. Providing a safe and comfortable learning environment
can also assist in assessing the students understanding and therefore help in the development of
In conclusion, my goal as a teacher is to provide my students with a safe and positive
learning environment and instill in the students a passion for learning. I hope to instill in my
students confidence to follow their dreams and the skills necessary to be active and successful
members of society. I aim to come to the classroom each day with a positive attitude and high
expectations in hopes that I can inspire my students to do their personal best.

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