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VISION SEEKER DAY 4 Who am I? Shadow and Healing We all experience struggle and pain. We all have shadows within that feed our fear, our sadness, our shame, our anger, and our disppointment. We also all have innate healing ables. The first step is being able to recognize what needs healing. Then, we must embrace ourselves with selFlove, Be genile. Even if you wish to change, you are perfect as you are. Some wounds can take a lifetime to heal. Others will linger on and then, suddenly, shift and lighten. Others will gradually become less intense and exert less influence over us. Accept the fiming and yet, keep the energy moving. Be open to receiving help from your fellow human beings, from nature, and from spirit. You are not alone. REFLECTION: If there was one thing within yourself that you could heal instantly, what would it be® I will refer to this as your Shadow Place. This can be a limiting belief, a physical ailment, pasttrau- ma residue, or an emotional struggle such as being overly distrustful or feeling empty. Be soft with yourself. This is deep work. ASK THE CARDS: Choose a card for each spot on the spread. SHADOW PLACE SPREAD What energy is What are hiding beneath you not giving HELPER: What your Shadow yourself that What energy ACTIONS Place? What is would bring light will support can you take your pain trying into your your to bring to tell you? Shadow Place? HEALING? HEALING? JOURNAL: Reflect on the spread and write any insights. Are there any specific actions that you are intuitively drawn to? Is it time to seek out the help of a healer? Is there a healing practice that you could begin or reinstate? VISION SEEKER DAY 4 <{] © bX © [> o2016 nicote Pir

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