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VISION SEEKER DAY 6 Where am | going? Visioning “1 prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.” Khalil Gibran JOURNAL: Write a list of the significant areas in your life. Examples could be Family, Art, Health, Pure Joy, Learning, Career, Writing, Spiritual Practice, Nature, Friends etc. These categories will be unique to each person. Now, envision what you would like to create in these area of your life. What are you already loving and what changes would you like to see? Give yourself 1-2 minutes for each category to brainstorm and write. Be quick and uncensored. Don’t mitigate your vision with a desire to be realistic. Let it be wide open. FOCUS: Choose 3 of the areas in your life that are calling to your heart the most right now. What is asking for your attention? Trust your intuition here. If you are having trouble choosing, pick a card to help guide you towards a choice. ASK THE CARDS: For each of the 3 areas, ask the following question and pick a card: ‘As I move towards manifesting my vision, what energy am | reaching towards like a GUIDING. STAR? This card will be your beacon in the distance as you embark on your journey of creating this vision. Keep these cards aside to use tomorrow. They are your GUIDING STAR cards. VISION SEEKER DAY 6 <{] © bX © [> o2016 nicote Pir

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