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VISION SEEKER DAY 8 How do | get there? Seeing Opportunities “The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep! You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep! People are going back and forth across the threshold where the two worlds touch, The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep!” Rumi We have our vision focused in our hearts and mind. How do we give our vision form and reality? The first step is to awaken ourselves to opportunities. We must be alert, ready, and respon- sive. We must be taking actions while looking for openings for that vision to manifest. An opening can be a window of time or a shift in a relationship or in ourselves. It can be a chance to learn something, a chance fo share something, or « chance to collaborate or cooperate. They truly can be anything but we have to have the eyes to see them. We can easily blind our- selves to opportunities because we are afraid of the work they require, we are afraid of failure or we are afraid of people’s reactions and judgements. We can also confuse diversions for opportuni- ties. Optimism will help us to see these openings but itis also important to actively work on expand- ing our inner sight. Our intuition can often see beyond our rational minds and beyond the blocks, confusions, fears, and diversions our minds create. GUIDED MEDITATION: Expanding your Inner Sight ASK THE CARDS: Pick cards for the Opportunity Spread. Then, reflect in your journal on what opportunities might be arising in your life right now. What HELPER: opportunities energy will What energy mark a are arising? will assist me in Pick 1 or diversion for me? Pick 1 or more cards Pick 1 card. recognizing more cards opportunities? VISION SEEKER DAY 8 <{] © bX © [> o2016 nicote Pir

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