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VISION SEEKER DAY 11 Who is with me? My Innermost Circle “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Rumi We are not alone. We are a web of connections. Our attitudes, actions, and energy ripple outward and touch people, nature, and spirit in ways seen and unseen. No single action stands alone. Rather each action, idea, and feeling is born out of countless influences and in turn, has its own unique effect. We see this most clearly and dramatically in the realm of our innermost circle of close friends and family. Our consciousnesses are dancing together challenging, uplifing, teaching, learning, questioning, reassuring, inspiring, and loving. Today, we will gain insight into how the Vision we are manifesting interacts with our loved ones. WORK WITH THE CARDS: Write a short list of the people who are closest to you. This is your absolute innermost circle ~ parents, children, lovers, family, and dear friends. You might not have a perfect relationship with some of these people. That is ok. Still include them. You are choosing the people who have the greatest effect on your life and vice versa. For each of these people, pick one card that answers the question: How does this person interact with the n Lam trying to manifest? Reflect on the cards you have picked and ask yourself for each person: Is this a supportive energy or a challenging energy? IFit’s supportive, how do you see this person being able to help you? Can you ask for that help? If you don’t know how they might be able to help you or you don’t know how to ask, pick another card with this in mind and see if it unlocks some insights. IFit’s challenging, what energy can help you stay strong in your vision and true to yourself? What energy can help bring healing to this challenge? Pick a card for each and reflect. VISION seEKER DAY 11 <1] © [> 02016 nicote Pia

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