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Rules of Attraction

Neg Collection

1.Jealous Girlfriend Opener
2.Two Part Kiss Opener
3.Girl Fight Opener
4.Seattle Girlfriend Opener
5.Tattoo Opener
6.Never Be Couple Opener
7.I Love You Opener
8.The Spell Opener
9. Weather Opener
10. Are You Shy Opener



3.The Change Riddle Game

4.The Mouse Race Game
5.The Question Game
6.Kiss Game
7.5 Questions Game
8.Animal Game



Intriguing Routine
1.Avoid Stalker Routine
2.Three Smiles Routine
3.Third Grade Girlfriend Routine
4.I Stole A Girls Girlfriend Routine
5.Gay Cat Routine
6.Pimp Daddy Routine
7.The Crazy Girl Routine



1. Best Friend Test
2. Trust Test
3. Tension Test
4. The Girlfriend Test
5. C Smile vs. U Smile
6. Anger vs. Passion
7. Eye Accessing Cues
8. The Peg System
9. Psychic Code
10. Ring/Index Finger
1.Lying Game
2.Fuck Marry Kill


Sexual Routine:
1.Masturbating In Shower Routine
2.Remembering Name Routine
3.Mannequin Routine
4.Pants In The Air Routine



Kino Routine:
1.The Hank-Shake Analysis
2.Palm Analysis Routine
3.The Side of The Cheek Routine
4.Body Sound Routine
5. Hit & Tickle Routine
6. Pokable & Delicious Routine
7. Evolution Phase Shift Routine


Banter Line:
1. Marriage & Divorce
2. Categorize Her
3. Bad Girl Revealed On Phone
4. Good Girl Anyway
5. Embarrassment Contest
6. Making Her Your Item
7. Playful Hostility
8. Shes The Predator
9. Lets Just Be Friends



1.Prision Break Role-Play
2.Bodyguard Role-Play
3.Good Doggie Role-Play
4.Would You Role-Play
5.12 Wives Role-Play
6.Bond Girl Role-Play

1.Mirror & Exaggerate
2.Pushing Her Routine
3.Grabbing Knee Routine
4. Back Turn Routine


Rapport Builder:
1. Secret Self Routine
2. 7 Essential Questions
3. Soul Gazing Routine



4. Guy/Girl Name Routine

5. The Movie Routine
6. Eliciting Value Routine
Cold Reading:
1. The Cube
2. The Love Test
3. The Bus Stop
4. The Inside of Your Palm
5, The Strawberry Field Test
6. The 4 Magic Questions
Destroying Tactics
1.Jealous Boyfriend
2.Boyfriend Destroyer
3.Cute Couple
4.Whole Room Destroyer
Anti-Flakiness Routine:
1. Time availability Routine
2. Last Minute Resistance
3. The Sad Story

Appendix 1
Indicators of Interest

Appendix - 2 Fun Fact

Conversation Opener/Fixer

Appendix 3 Never Give A

Straight Answer

Appendix 4 Rules Of
Approaching Groups


- Let go of your outcome

- Good mood

- See yourself as a man that women desire

- Energetic

- Know that you can and will please her. You will
learn something from every set you run and every
person that you meet

- Smiling

- Well-groomed

- Always assume that it's on, that she desperately

wants you, and that you hold all the cards

- Radiate positive energy

- Have the attitude that you are auditioning or testing

the girls to see if they meet your standards!

- Remember your last success and pretend like it

just happened before you walk in the room

- You deserve the best of everything

- Sexual

- Be unflappable

- Confident

- Be non-needy

- Relaxed


- Playful

Rules Of Attraction

Step One: Opener

- Do improvised or canned opener
- Give yourself a time constraint ("I can only stay for
a minute because I'm with my friends over there")
- Body language as if you're about to leave
- Convey personality, smile, but don't be

Step Three (can also be done during or after step

- Option 1: Take-away or false take-away
- Option 2: Join the group, mid-story or routine, but
again, give yourself time constraint

Step Four: Demonstrate Value

- Use gimmick, magic, psychic routine, humor,
game, whatever

Step Five: Build Rapport

- Elicit values
- Find commonalities

Step Two: Break Into Their World

- Best friend test
- Make perceptive or teasing comments about them
(negs are included here)
- Insert challenges

Step Six: Close

- Option 1: Close
- Option 2: Isolate target, phase shift/seduce and
- Option 3: Stay in group (or return to group) so that
you end the night with them. Try to get to target's
house, or get her to your house

Negs Collection 1
Its important to note that, when negging, you must come off as sincere. She shouldnt
perceive you as reaction-seeking or trying to make her feel bad in any way.

1. Your eyes are lovely.. especially the left one!

2. Nice teeth! Are they real?

3. You are pretty.. you could have been a model.. if slightly taller.. and slimmer..

4. You look really sexy.. from behind!

5. Cool perfume. I think my granny wears the same.

6. Your hands are so SOFT and GENTLE,.. Like toilet paper.

7. If she says something even slightly rude, you say: You dont go out much, do

Negs Collection 2

8. You: I dont think we should get to know each other.

Her: Why not?
You: I think youre just too much of a nice girl for me.

9. If your target interrupt you, say: Hello, Im talking, geez. or Excuse me, may I finish my
sentence first? You then say to others in the group, Is she always like that?

10. If youre asking question to two women and your target answer, say: I didnt ask you, silly.

11. If you pull out things to show (Photos), first show them to the obstacle. When your target tries
to see them, say: Excuse me, Im showing them the photos, not you, wait your turn.

12. Ewwww, your palms are sweaty Ewww! Where have you been? No, dont tell me, I dont
want to know.

13. Youve got something in your ear.

14. My, you come on strong. That isnt till later in the relationship.

Negs Collection 3

15. You need to wash that dress already.

16. I just noticed, your nose moves when you speak, haaa, its so cute. (Pointing and
being cute) Look, there it goes again, its so quaint.

17. You take a gum out and offer it to the target. No, thanks. Im drinking beer. I
know ,take the gum.

18. Is that a wig? It looks nice anyway

19. I think your hair would look better up.

20. What do you call that hairstyle, waffle? (Smile)

21. You have eye crusty.

22. I like that skirt. Those are really popular these days.

23. I like that skirt, I saw a girl wearing it a few minutes ago.

Jealous Girlfriend Opener





Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something. I'm trying to give my friend over there advice, but we're just a
of guys and not qualified to comment on these matters.
Okay, see Wing over there. Well, he has been dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in with him. Now,
this is a two part question. So, imagine you've been dating someone for three months. And he is still friends with his
old girlfriend from college. How do you feel about that?
blah blah blah are they just friends blah blah blah


Yes, they're JUST friends. There's nothing else going on. They talk like once a week at most.
I think it's fine/I don't think they should be talking/whatever


Okay, now let's say that he has a drawer in his apartment. And in that drawer he keeps all of his old photographs
and letters. Now, some of those letters happen to be from ex'es and some of the photographs happen to be with
blah blah blah concerned comment blah blah question



It's not like he ever looks at them. They are just there, like old souvenirs and memories of his past.
I think it's fine/I think he should put them away in a closet/He should destroy them/whatever


Okay, the reason I'm asking is because WING's girlfriend says doesn't want him to talk to his ex from college at all.
She wants him to cut it off completely. And she wants him to destroy all of his old photos and letters from ex'es. She
says it's just holding onto the past, and he should let go of it now. Personally, I thought it was extreme and a bit
insecure. But what do I know. I'm a guy. And, as we all know, guys think differently from girls...

(From here, you can transition into Maddash's Romance Novel routine if you want or the opener about how men and women
think differently)

Two Part Kiss Opener


PUA: Hey guys, we're having a debate over here and need a quick opinion on
something. If a guy is dating a girl, and she goes out to a bar with her friends one
night and makes out with a guy just for fun, is it cheating?

Group: Yeah, it's cheating.

PUA: Okay, that makes sense. So here's the real question. And I'll tell you why I'm
asking in a second. If she goes out and gets drunk and makes out with a girl for fun, is
it cheating?

Group: (the responses will vary, but if any guys say "no", you can bust them for having
a double-standard etc.)

PUA: Okay, interesting. The reason I'm asking is because my friend over there has
been dating this girl. And she likes to go out and get drunk and make out with girls.
Now, some guys might be into that, but it pisses him off and he thinks it's cheating.
She says it isn't. So we were trying to figure out who was right.

Group: (discussion ensues, which you will have to cut off soon and move into your
next piece of material because they will go on and on about this and stale the topic
and convo)

Girl Fight Opener


"OMG! ... Did you see those two girls fighting outside?
Like right outside the club... they were totally going at it;
one was pulling the other's hair, and the other one drew
blood with her nails. Believe me, it was not a pretty sight.
And they seemed to be fighting over this short guy; he
was standing near them just totally laughing!"

Seattle GF Opener

"Hey guys, I need an opinion. My friend met this girl in Seattle, and they really hit it
off. They wound up hooking up on the first night, and he even hung out with her in
L.A. over the next week. So he's up visiting her in Seattle last week, and they're out
on a walk. He takes a few pictures of them together. Like really cute ones with them
together. Some of them they're just hanging out, and a few of them they're like kissing
or whatever while they're out walking.

Anyway, the next morning he wakes up, and checks his camera. He looks at the
pictures, and he sees that she's woken up before him and gone into it and deleted the
pictures where they're kissing, and left the ones where they're just hanging out. He
goes to her and says 'Are you psycho? Why are you going into my camera?' She
says its because she thought she looked bad in the pictures, and didn't want him to
have them. But he can't figure out if she's psycho or if its legit that for girls they just
hate having pictures out there where she doesn't look good. He just really liked them
because he likes her and doesn't judge the pics like that.

(HBs response)

"He doesn't care about that. He's busy. He just doesn't want her deleting his

Tattoo Opener

Hey guys, would you ever get a Tattoo?

Heres the deal: My nineteen-year-old sister wants to get

her boyfriends name tattooed on her shoulder.

(HB: No, no don't let her do it)

See thats the problem. She's really strong headed and

when I tell her not to get the tattoo it just makes her want
to get it even more. How do I deal with that and let her
really know its mistake?

Never Be Couple Opener


You: Awww - you are soo cute.. but you make me SO SAD!

You: (Pause with puppy dog face) Because we could NEVER EVER
be a couple!

You: Nooo.. we are too similar IMAGINE, we would be SO IN

LOVE.. and the next moment, we would be fighting and screaming
and throwing things.. and then we would have HOT MAKE UP SEX
all over the place.. and then fight, makeup sex, fight, make up sex..
after a week we would both be in psychiatric care due to emotional

I Love You Opener


PUA: I love you..

HB: hahahaha.. yeah right!!

PUA: what?? whaaat? I'm serious, I want to marry you.. I love you so much!!
HB: hahahahha.. yeah right!!!

PUA: I do.. I swear! Close your eyes.. I want to show you something..
HB: noooo way!!

PUA: OMG I'm so embarressed.. you're making me so shy!! I told you that I loved you, and totally
revealed all my emotions, and you're stomping all over them like a little ant hill!! (make PUPPY
DOG faces, so you look SOOO CUTE..)
HB: OMG I'm soooo sorry.. I totally love you.. here.. (closes her eyes)

PUA: (now KISS the chick while her eyes are closed)
HB: hahahahahhaha.. OMG you jerk!!

PUA: yeah.. so what do you like so much about jerks?? ;)

(I also use the "close your eyes" and kiss the chick usually within the first 1-2 minutes, or whenever I get IOIs
(usually for me I get IOIs early, since I do a lot of PU so I'm good at fishing for them)... I HIGHLY recommend
getting girls to close their eyes and kissing them, in ANY sarge when you have IOIs.. Then, transition to PUPPY
DOG routine, so you're IRRESSITABLE)

The Spell Opener


Hey guys, I want to get your opinion on something.

Do you think spells work?

I know, it's a strange question. But I have a reason for asking. Let me just get your opinions then I'll tell you.

Our friend, he's not out with us tonight, because he's with this girl...

We met her at a party last weekend, and she said she's a witch. So...they ended up going home together, and
made out, but nothing more happened and he passed out on the couch. He said she wasn't really his type after all.

When he woke up, he found this tiny scroll of parchment tied with a leather string with a feather stuck in it. There
were weird markings inside.

So we happened to be down at this esoteric shop the next day, cause I like to get candles, and we asked the
proprietor what he thinks of this little scroll. You know, this is one of those guys with tattoos all over his face and

Anyway, he says, "Oh that's a love spell."

So the strangest thing is, ever since then, I never see my friend anymore. He's always hanging out with this girl,
twenty-four seven. He says he's in love with her. So do you think its magic or just psychology?

Weather Opener

YOU: Bad weather huh?

HER: Yeah..

YOU: You know, I can change it..

HER: How?

YOU: (blow in her ear)

HER: hahaha..

Are You Shy Opener


Are you guys shy?

Ive been standing here talking to my friend for

like 5 minutes now and you still havent come
and talked to me?

Best Friends Test (DHV)




Okay, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for?
(If you think they're sisters ask, Are you guys sisters or best friends?)


See, I knew that.

How could you know that?


I'll show you. In fact, I'll give you the best friend test.
(they always get excited here - they love tests for some fucking reason)



Okay? (Pretend like I'm about to ask a serious question - you're hooked, right,
so you know they're already hooked)? Do you both use the same shampoo?
(Look at each other, and then open their mouths to answer)



Okay, the answer doesn't matter. You already passed.




See, if you weren't close to each other, you'd keep eye contact with me as you
answered. But if two people have a connection, they look at each other first.
Kind of like you're doing right now.
Giggle (This is where the seduction newbies you just met see you making two strangers
laugh and think you're a PUA God, LOL)


If they want more, I get personal here and ask, "Has one of you ever kissed someone the other person dated?" They fucking love this one
- but don't make it your first question. You can also use the telepathy line to launch into a mind-reading/cold-reading routine if you do that


See, you don't even need to say anything to each other. It's like you just communicate telepathically.

Trust Test (DHV)


Say "You're taking the trust test". Then say "Give me

your hands", and put your palms up for her to take them.

1- Squeeze her hands. If she squeezes back, she


2- Lower your hands, and if she follows with her hands,

she passes.

Then TELL her if she passed or failed, and then she'll

say "No No No, I DO trust you! "and then she'll always be
responsive to kino-tests from then on. These are
fundamental IOI kino-tests

Tension Test (DHV)


"You know you're actually quite tense... i bet you're the kind of person that
finds it difficult to really let go and relax... "

1 "OK I'm giving you the tension test"

2 Put her hands on your shoulders

3 Put your hands on the lower part of her back and massage in small circles

4 Massage your hands up her spine 'till you reach her traps (shoulder
muscles) and then massage them

5 then rub your fingers down either side of her spine with a firm even

6 Then make some bullshit cold read up based on the tension you claim to
have felt in her back.

The Girlfriend Test (DHV)


When a girl checks your status. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Say, "To be my girlfriend (or lover) is a prestigious and exclusive thing. There's a test. Curiosity being what it is,
she will want to take the test. There are three multiple-choice questions. Take out a pen and write the correct
answers on her palm but forbid her to look. Then ask her the questions while you hold her hand closed. You should
make up your own, but here are some example questions.


1. Which do you enjoy more? A shower or a warm bath?

2. What is the sexiest food? Whipped crme, chocolate syrup or strawberries?
3. What feels better? Kisses on your neck or nibbling on your ear?

The correct answers are bath, strawberries and kisses on the neck.

Most times she will answer the first two correctly. The last question is up for grabs.

The crucial thing is that the last question is some sort of intense kino or kissing that you can do right then.

If she gets it wrong: Whisper in her ear "I can't be with you if you really believe this (nibble ear) feels better than
this (kiss neck)."

If she gets it right: "I'm glad you like this (nibble or kiss). It is so much better than this (kiss or nibble)."

Make sure you kiss and nibble before you let go of her hand.

If she gets all the questions wrong give her a playfully hard time about it.

This test is used mostly after you have some connection. If a girl checks your status it usually means she is
interested. But you may want to try it as an opening - who knows.

C Smile vs. U Smile (DHV)


Style: Smile again for me.

HB: Um, okay.

Style (to wing): See, she's a U.


HB: ????
Style: I dated a girl who wanted to be a pop star. And she had a theory that people with U-shaped smiles were perceived as
unfriendly. And people with C-shaped smiles were perceived as friendly.

HBs: So what's a U then?

Style: A U is when your teeth go straight back in your mouth (can add "kind of like a horse" if she's a SHB). A C is when
there's a row of pearly whites in the front. And to my ex, it was more than just a theory. She actually got her teeth surgically
reshaped from a U to a C.

HB: No way!

Style: And she had me go look at pictures of like Christina Aguilera, who is a U, and Britney Spears, who is a C. Look at the
cover of any magazine and you'll see that it's always a C smile on the cover. (From here, me and the target start inspecting
the teeth of random strangers looking for the perfect C or U. This next section isn't part of the IVD, but this is the rest of the
routine if you want it...)

Style: It's crazy how many plastic surgeries they have for celebs now. She had her eye make-up and her lipstick tattooed on,
and when she changed her hair color she had her lips re-tattooed. (If the HB seems open-minded I continue with the
following...) And do you want to hear the grossest thing? One day I noticed that she had two round dots on her upper thighs.
She worked out two hours a day and was super-fit, but evidently she got lips too. But here's what's crazy. Because she used
to work as an exotic dancer, she got the fat injected into her labia so that she always looked aroused. (Pretend to walk away,
embarrassed) Then I throw in this joke, with credit going to Nightlight9...

Style: She was from LA, and you have to be careful with them. Whenever you go out with girls in LA, everything can be really
fake. Fake hair (point to your hair), fake eyes (point to eyes), fake nose (point to nose), fake teeth (point to teeth), fake
breasts (cup your breasts). You have to take them to the doctor first to find out which parts are real... they put her through a
machine, and you get a print-out at the end.

Anger vs. Passion (DHV)


Have you heard about this? .. Anger and aggression .. are caused by
24 different chemical reactions ... and Passion .. is caused by only 4
different reactions from that! It seems that passion is only a baby
step away from anger...

So have you seen all of those old movies (and even some of the
newer ones) where the couple is fighting and the woman is throwing
plates at him while he is screaming like a maniac and just when you
think they will kill each other, they suddenly stop, look deep into each
others eyes, start running toward each other and make out like they
haven't seen each other in 10 years!

And I always thought "what the fuck is going on here?! But now I
think "well, maybe there's actually some truth to that!"

Eye Accessing Cues (DHV)


Up= visual invented/remembered

Side=auditory- invented/remembered

Down = kinesthetic/talking to self

Straight Ahead (rare)= visual

Segue into the following (Demonstrated on the DVDS)...

The Two Lying Games

l - Eye-accessing cues
2 - Interrogation

The Peg System (DHV)


First, you must memorize the pegs. They are:

One-Bun, Two-Shoe, Three-Tree, Four-Door, Five-Hive, Six-Sticks,

Seven-Heaven, Eight-Gate, Nine-Line, Ten-Hen

Once you have these memorized, you are ready to perform this routine.

The effect:

Pull out your trusty notepad and pen, and write the numbers 1 through 10
on the paper. Ask her to pick a random word to write down next to each
number. For example, let's say she chose the words: 1. Dog, 2. Car, 3.
Water, 4. Dancing, 5. Cocaine, 6. Outer Space, 7. Ugly, 8. Airplane, 9. Strait
jacket, and 10. Backscratcher.

After briefly studying the paper, you claim to have all the words memorized
and in order. You can list them forwards or backwards. If she calls out a
number, you can instantly answer with the word associated with that
number. Apparently you have a photographic memory.

Psychic Code (DHV)



2.So, go



5.Woud, could


7.Quickly, perhaps




If you do not get it: "This is a hard one."

If messed up, wingman: Shit, it's been a long hot


Note: Sometime it's more believable to be off by one


Ring/Index Finger

- Your fingers can tell whether you are a girl or a man, you know?

- Its male characteristic that the ring finger is longer than your index
finger, only gay men have shorter ring fingers. For girls, normally you
must have shorter ring finger too.

(Some girls have longer ring fingers, and some others may have longer and
shorter fingers on different hands. Neg them on this, telling them that they
have mens hand)

Lying Game

You : Hey, are you a good liar?

HB : What ?
You : Can you lie, like (turns to other HB), is she a good liar?
HB or Others : Yes! she is a fantastic liar! / No, she can't lie.
You : Is that right? Well lets see. Ok, you are going to tell me three things. One of them will be a
lie. Ok ?
HB : Ok.
You : Right.. you are going to tell me.... umm.. a place you have always wanted to visit. Ummm a
shop you like going to... and.... the name of the first guy you slept with, or girl...
(HB raises eyebrow)

You : Ok guy. So that's three things, place to visit, shop you like and first guy you slept with. Ok?
(the whole table is now looking at her)
HB : Ok.

You : Ok... hold on, take it slow, think about it you have to try and be as convincing as you can...

(She tells.. you try and pick the lie... you get the idea. Then usually someone goes "MY Turn!" and
if they say to you "Your turn" you go "Are you kidding, I am not playing some silly lie game", then
turn to your wing "Yeah like _I_ and going to play some lie game, these people are crazy)

Fuck Marry Kill Game


You play it by pointing out three guys in the club and telling her you have to fuck one of them,
marry one of them, and kill one of them. Which one would you do what to??

Version 1:
"When I play Fuck, Marry, Kill I don't pick 3 guys and get the girl to choose out of them. I just pick
a guy and ask if she would rather fuck, marry, or kill him. Then I let her pick a girl and I answer and
we go back and forth for a while.

When it gets old I pick a hot girl and ask if she would fuck, marry or kill the girl. Then I bust on her
answers and shift the conversation to girl on girl action and find out if she's ever experimented with
another girl, etc and go on from there.

Version 2:
She told me she would name three people, and I had to pick what I wanted to do with each one.
One person you have sex with (I think only once, not really clear on that), one person you get
married to but can never have sex with, and the third person you have to push off a cliff. She told
me she would start with an easy one, then she named three celebrities. (J-Lo, Salma Hayek, and
someone else.) I made my choices and explained them. Then it was my turn so I gave her a
choice of three famous men. The next time she said she would make it tougher, and she picked
three ugly women (Janet Reno, Rosie, and someone else) so I had to pick from those. Then I
gave her a choice again, and the third time she gave me a choice of two common friends of ours
and herself.

The Change Riddle Game

n Have

penny, nickel, and dime in your

hand. Ben's mother had three children: the
first one was penny, the second new was
Nicholas and the third one is?

The Mouse Race Game


Draw three lines on her inside of arm, each line

represents 1 mouse:
1. A blind one
2. A dumb one
3. A deaf one

These three mice will compete in a race by you

drawing lines on her inside arm. She will call
Stop to signal the stop of drawing each line. But
you pretend not to hear her at the third line thus
making this the longest line.

The Question Game


You: "Let's play the question game."

Her: "What's the question game?"

You: "Well, it's like Truth or Dare but without the Dare, because I don't know how
weird you are yet! The questions have to be good ones, no "where do you work"
bullshit, ok? You go first"
Her: "I can't think of anything!"

You: "Ok, how many boyfriends have you had?

(From there the questions will get deeper and more sexual as the game goes along. Then after you have been
playing for a few minutes, when it's your turn you can say.)

You: "I have a good question for you... Would you like to kiss me?"
Her: "I don't know"

You: "Let's find out!"


Kiss Game

PUA: (does trick or tells story - whatever)

HBs: more more.. that was cool, do MORE!!

PUA: Fuck, typical woman... "more.. more!!"

(said in troll imitating voice)
HBs: hey! we want more..

PUA: ok you want more.. I've got ONE more, just for
HBs: ok..

PUA: ok, do you understand VISUALIZATION??

HBs: yeah..

PUA: ok, are you intuitive?

HBs: uhuh..

PUA: yes?
HBs: yeah

PUA: yes?
HBs: yes.

PUA: are you intelligent?

HBs: yes.

PUA: are you imaginative?

HBs: yes.

PUA: ok.. close your eyes, and I want you to visualize a

HBs: HEY.. HEEEEY!! We KNOW what you're doing..

PUA: OK.. whatever.. (turn back on them, and sit there)

HBs: no no no.. ok we'll do it, we'll do it..

PUA: OK, close your eyes..

HBs: you're not going to kiss us are you??

PUA: WTF?? Look I don't know what FANTASIES you

have, but I'm just doing VISUALIZATION tricks here..
HBs: ok.. (close their eyes)

PUA: (KISS the chicks.. both you and your wing, or just
you if you're solo)
HBs: hahahhahahahha.. HEEEEY... you promised!!!

PUA: NICE!!! (high-five your wing, or any guy around

you, or her friends).. She likes me!!
HBs: hahahahah..

PUA: nice.. I got what I want.. peace!!! (start to leave)

HBs: hey!! HEY!! come back!!

PUA: hahahah.. ok get this......

(move into next JERK routine, or PUPPYDOG routine if you've

already conveyed enough JERK-ness to turn her on)

5 Questions Game

Tell her to answer 5 questions wrong, then she'll win, if not, you win.

1. The third question should be a long one, making her to think.

2. At the fourth question you ask: "How many questions so far?"

3. After she answer the 4th question, you pretend to be surprised and ask
her: "Oh, you got me, have you played this game before??"

4. When she says no, bust her: "You see, I got you!"

Animal Routine

1.If you could be an animal, which one?

2.How do you bring an elephant in a refrigerator? No,

open the door and put the elephant in the refrigerator?
How do you bring the rabbit in the refrigerator? Open the
door, take out the elephant and put in the rabbit! Animals
meeting, which animal isn't there? Rabbit

3. River with crocodiles... How do you pass?

Avoid Stalker Routine

n "Oh,

My God, oh my God.. that girl.. don't

let her see me!" (Hide behind your HB or
run and hide behind a corner. Later when
target asks why, avoid the topic!)

Comment: Simple, effective and funny - builds huge intrigue.

Three Smiles Routine


Any time the chick smiles, you can run this routine. It's best used
once you've established that you are cool, and that you are quite
attractive to her.

"Hey... you know... you have three smiles." (usually, she'll smile in
response to this) "and there's a fourth!" (she'll probably ask
something, and then you improvise along the lines of the following)
"Yeah, that was your 'I'm flattered' smile, and then you have a... um,
not fake... but a polite smile... then there's this really genuine smile
when you laugh, and your whole face lights up. Then there's this
smug, 'hey this guy fancies me' smile. I've a feeling I might see that a

Third Grade Girlfriend Story



You know how kids go through this phase where they think the opposite sex is gross?

PUA: Well, I never went through that. Ever since I was born I've loved girls. When I popped out of my mom I
probably hit on the nurse. (Pause slightly to see her response)

PUA: So in elementary school when all my friends thought that girls had cooties I was secretly making out with
them during playtime. Sometimes, I'd even do cutesy stuff like pretend we were getting married or whatnot. (Pause
slightly to see her response)

PUA: I remember this one in third grade, I had this girlfriend. But now I was with this other girl under the building
block table. Yeah, third grade and I was already cheating on my girlfriends. (This almost ALWAYS gets a laugh)

PUA: So I'm kissing this girl and my girlfriend finds me and freaks out. I get up and try to explain that we were
just playing doctor or some shit. Now as kids we never wore blue jeans or belts or anything, I wore these sweat
pants things with the elastic waistband, and right there she pulls my pants AND my underwear down. (You'll get a
good reaction right here as she should totally be into the story by now)

PUA: I didn't know what to do. I'm standing there with my weenie hanging out. So for some reason, I figured the
best thing to do, would just be to pull her pants down too. I grab them but she jumps back a step and sticks her
tongue out at me. Now I wasn't about to let her get away with all this so I jump forward. But I forget that I've got my
undies around my ankles so I trip and fall on top of her. And JUST at that moment the teacher turns around from
the blackboard and just freezes with the most horrified look on her face. I remember the chalk falling from her
hand, her screaming, and then the entire class turns and sees me half naked on top of my girlfriend. (ROFL)

PUA: I was sent to the principal, but I never really got in trouble. The principle actually laughed about it once I
told him what happened. He let me go saying, "Remember Arcane, in the classroom, we keep our hands off and
our pants on".

I Stole A Girl's Girlfriend Story


You know the weirdest thing happened to me today, and i need your opinion on this...

When i lived alone, i threw this party in my house, all my friends came, we even had this cool fog
machine that made it really cool...

So as the party is going, two cute girls came in, but they were like holding hands and giggly over
each other... I didn't think much of it there. Ok, so later in the party i start talking with one of these
girls and we really hit it off, like when you feel like you've known someone for a long time...

So the next day she surprised me by showing up at my house, and you know... we started hanging
out together.

But there was always something strange... whenever she was at my house, someone would call
her on the phone and she'd be like, "yeah... sorry I'll be home tonight don't worry". I thought it was
like her parents or something like that.

Until one day i get this phone call and in a girls voice someone says "you'd better stay away from
Tatiana or I'll send someone to beat you up". I just couldn't believe it. It seemed that this girl had
been going out with her girlfriend and she found out about me and went postal.

But now, after we broke up like 5 months ago she calls me today and she says that she wants to
see me again. What would you do?

Gay Cats Story


Initial hook: Start the story with, "Have you ever met a gay cat?" After this, you'll have the undivided
attention of your audience.

PUA: Ok, get this, my friend Sara, bought 3 cats some time ago. I don't know what she was thinking when
she bought them, but she bought all three *male* cats. It was so funny. When I would go to her place to
visit her, I would see the cats spooning each other, sometimes even licking each other.

HB: smiling

PUA: No Really. I told Sara "you know what, I think they're gay, I mean not gay by birth, but maybe prison
gay... you know. I mean they haven't seen a female cat in months... what are they supposed to do" So
Sara started getting freaked out, its amazing how she never thought about it. And we decided one day
that we're going to do something about it, coz the last thing Sara wanted were gay cats. So we embarked
on a mission to find a female cat.

HB: hehehe

PUA: And Sara had a neighbor that she really hated, he had a female cat, so once while the guy was
away, we stole it and put it in the room with three male cats. Only God knows what happened then.


Punch line: "So now her neighbor's cat is knocked up. So pretty soon I think I know where you can get
your very own little gay kitten!" (Wilder)

Pimp Daddy Story


I saw two people sitting next to each other in a bar, a

man and a woman. it was obvious that both were
interested in each other, but neither was going to do
anything about it. so I go up to the man and tell him that
he should kiss her on the cheek. well, he does and she
gets all happy and they start talking. when the bar closed
I saw the them leave holding hands and I couldn't help
but feel I might have brought two people together.

The Crazy Girl Story


The Girls at Burning Alan are flacking crazy! So I met this girl at dinner and
we really hit it off. We spent the whole evening together and she was great,
but something seemed a little off. Anyway, she finally takes me back to her
tent and it's really romantic and everything, then afterwards we fall asleep in
each others' arms. In the morning I kissed her on her forehead, but she
didn't wake up, So I left and went to my own tent, which was like twenty
yards away, figuring I'd see her at breakfast.

But she's not at breakfast. And she's not at lunch. And she's not at dinner.
Finally after dinner, I see her across the space and she comes right oyer to
me with this weird look on her face. She puts her hand on my chest, looks
deep into my eyes and says, "Oh my God. you're so hot, I have to meet

I looked at her and said, "Sarah, it's me."

Then she gets this really weird look on her face and says, "How did you
know my name?!"

Masturbating In Shower Routine


You: Did you know that 93% of girls masturbate in the shower?
Her: No
You: The other 7% sing
Her: Oh yeah?
You: And do you know what they sing?
Her: No, what?

You: Oh you must be one of the girls that masturbates then.


This is great for groups.

Remembering Name Routine


When a girl asks my name I'll say, "Turn around a sec."

Then I'll grab her ass and say, "My name is Wilder."

You better have the game to back this up, but I'll diffuse
and get around to, "Haha, I find people remember my
name much better after I've done something delightfully
inappropriate. Now what's my name? And don't say
Daddy-- not yet anyway."

Mannequin Routine

Tell them about that time you saw a fallen over mannequin in the
department store and you tripped over it.

The security guard thought you were trying to make it with the
mannequin and called you a little freak.

Pants In The Air Routine


Hey girls, do you know how you can tell whether you liked us?


Well tonight, when you get back to your room, and you remove your
panties, throw them in the air and if they stick to the ceiling, then that
means that you liked us!

The Handshake Analysis


At some point during the routine you can hold out your hand and say:

"Oh, by the way, my name is magicman."

Optional: Keep holding their hand (it can be a test for comfort) and with your left hand trace a line from their hand
to their shoulder (kino) as you say:
"That's an interesting handshake you have. Have you ever had your handshake analyzed? (no pause) I know it
sounds crazy, but if you stop and think about it, your hand is connected to your arm, your arm is connected to your
body, and everybody knows that there's a mind-body connection. For that reason, your handshake reveals a quite
a bit about you."


Either pause for their response or plow ahead with:

"At first you gripped my hand firmly. That says that overall you are confident and probably have good leadership
skills. I wouldn't be surprised to find that at work in or some other way you are a good leader...or soon will be."

"Then you relaxed your hand a little which says that even though youre confident that you're not inclined to reveal
too much about yourself until you get to know and trust someone."

"On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being great, how was it?"

If they give your cold reading a high mark, then press on. If they give you a low mark say: "Wait! There's also one
other thing...I also sense that you can be disagreeable at times! (smiling).

If they say, "Not all of the time" or "No I'm not!" Smile and say, "See! There you go again!

Palm Analysis Routine


Ask a woman, during the conversation, casually, to give you her hand, and hold her hand in one
hand of yours and use your thumb of your other hand to touch her palm, then drop it, and tell her
that you can know a lot about a person from the feeling of her hand.

When she asks what you learn, ask her to give you her hand again (pretending to be a little
annoyed), and then tell her that you look for 3 things: the texture of her skin, how much tension is
in her hand (by touching into it), and how flexible her wrist is.

If her hand is tense, shake her wrist and tell her to relax.

Then tell hand when you continue touching her hand:

"If you skin is smooth and soft, usually you're a very sensitive person; If your skin is very tough,
usually you're a very rough and tough person; you hand is kind of in the middle, so I'll say you've
got your issue handled, and are socially healthy." And drop her hand at this point, and lean back.

The Side of the Cheek


Morse: You're a good woman, Sarah.

Sarah: How can you say that, we hardly know each other.
Morse: I have a feeling.
Sarah: So? Its feelings that gotten me in this mess.
Morse: I'd like you to trust me Sarah.
Sarah: I'd like to trust you too.
Morse: Would you close your eyes for me, just for a second?
Sarah: Er, ok?
Morse: You can open your eyes when I tell you to
Sarah closed her eyes, I very gently ran my index finger down the side of cheek.
Morse: What am I doing?
Sarah: Youre......touching me?

Morse: How do you know?

Sarah: Because I can feel it.

Morse: You should learn to trust that, Sarah. You don't trust your feelings enough.

I thought she was going to ask me to marry her right there and then...

Body Sound

Fun way to escalate kino: "Do you get a good sound?

Start drumming your hands on various parts of her body. Head is


Remark on the acoustics, playfully tease her. "Oh I don't know, your
head doesn't have a very full tone. I don't know if I could be with a
girl who's head sounds like that." Take away points, demote her to
number 3, or whatever.

Hit & Tickle

Suggest taking it to a physical level "Want to take this outside?".

Even funnier if you're already outside.

"You think you can take me? I doubt it." "I don't hit girls, but I will
tickle you until you pee your pants." (Good transition into tickling her,
wrestling on the ground, you get the idea)

Pokable & Delicious


"You seem very pokable". Poke her. If you want to do a take away,
say something like "Eh, maybe a little."

I like doing stuff like this, "Your hair seems very pullable."

"Your shoulder looks delicious." Bite her on the shoulder.

"What does your hair taste like?" Put it in your mouth. It's probably
best to do takeaways if you're escalating the kino.

Evolution Phase Shift Routine


1. Ask her what perfume she's wearing (smell her). Say: Animals get
their information about their mate by the scent

2. Pull her hair (unless she's spent lots of time on her hair)

3. Bite her arm (right at the "under elbow")

4. Have her bite your neck

5. Criticize her bite and show her how to do it

6. Kiss

Marriage & Divorce

Marry her then when she does something bad,

divorce her.

Categorize Her

When she responds to something, say: "Oh, so

you're one of THOSE...."

If she resists use "Oh, so then you are one of

those people who don't like to be categorized."

Bad Girl Revealed On Phone

While talking on the phone with a mutual acquaintance, say "Do you
want to talk to (girl's name)?" Then pretend like the person on the
phone is shit talking her. "What do you mean you don't want to talk
to that bitch?" "Well yea, she is kind of a bitch sometimes. I see your
point." This can go on for a while.

Works similarly when someone is handing you the phone. Say "Hell
no I don't want to talk to her. You know I can't stand that girl.", etc.
Make sure you say this close to the phone so the girl can hear you.

Good Girl Anyway

n "You

know, you're a cool/good/nice girl,

despite what everyone else says about

Embarrassment Contest

Have an embarrassment contest with her. This work's best if you're

both not shy, but you're even less shy.

"I bet I can embarrass you more than you can embarrass me". Go up
to random girls and say, "My friend thinks you're pretty, she's a little
shy, but she wants to meet you." Start introducing her to random
people as your wife, who's pregnant. "Want to feel the baby?".

This is pretty limitless. Get creative and crazy.

Making Her Your Item

Tell her that you will transform her into one of your items, so that you
can bring her everywhere or use her whenever you like. Then ask
her a question to let her qualify that she is worth it. (You can add
sexual connotation to it)

Ex: Im going to take you home in my little pocket and ask my

roommates if I can keep you. Wait, are you housebroken?

Playful Hostility

1. Tell her that you two would fight all the time but youll always win.

2. Tell her that she needs to be tamed (put into a cage) or spanked.

3. Wed never get along, were too similar. Id never take your shit and youd
never take mine.

Shes The Predator

1. Stop it Youre looking at me like a tiger looks at his prey.

2. Youre bad. Youre making me think impure thoughts.

3. This place is such a meat market. I hate how the girls look at me
here; like Im a piece of meat.

Lets Just Be Friends

1. Youre cool, you can help me pick up chicks.

2. Youre like my little sister. Lovable, but a little annoying.

Prison Break Role-Play


"Can you keep a secret? I'm trying to organize a prison

break. We have to first get out of this bar, then the city,
and then the country. Are you in or you out? "

(If she plays along and says she is in (IOI), you can
qualify her a bit, like hmm i don't know, how do i know i
can trust you and you don't tell the guards *pointing at
the barman* ,endless possibilities)

Bodyguard Role-Play

If she acts or talks tough, or talks about pushing/punching/kicking some

loser/ex-boyfriend who was making a play for her, say Wow, youre tough!
Im hiring you as my new BODYGUARD.

If she has pointy shoes on, add With THOSE shoes youd be leaving guys
on the floor all over the place.holding their balls and groaning in pain.

Tell her I cant pay you much, but the benefits are GREAT. (What are the
benefits?) Well, you get to spend a lot of time hanging out with ME.

If you two are going places, tell her to walk ahead of you to make sure its
safe. You can take this wherever you want to go with it, since the premise of
guarding your body can lead to all sorts of things.

And if youre dealing with a group set: You guys are TOUGH. Im making
you my bodyguards! Just like protecting the PresidentYoure my
VICTORIAS-SECRET SERVICE. You guys can run alongside my
presidential limo in high heels and skimpy lingerie.

Good Doggies Role-Play


A ROLE-PLAYING scenario thats lots of fun to do with a woman is to ask her: If you were a dog,
what kind of dog would you be and why?

After she answers, say "I like that kind of dog. I might have to buy you from the pet store.

Then say with a suspicious look on your face, while almost turning your back on her, "You don't pee
on the floor, do you?"

If she says "no" then grab her hands while pulling them in close and say, "Good, then Im taking
you home with me".

Then look in her eyes, hold her hands but start to push her just a wee bit away from you, and say
"Are you an adventurous doggie? Because if not Im going to take you to the pound".

If she says that she is, pull her even closer to you and say, "Good doggie" (you might even want to
pat her on the head at this point).

Then hug her and tell her that shes such a cute doggie. Then say to her, "You know why?" Shell
say, "why". Say "Because you remind me of Sammy." Shell ask, "Whos Sammy?" Respond by
telling her that Sammy was the only dog that you ever loved, but he had to be put down, and since
shes almost as cute as Sammy youre going to name her Number Two.

Then grab her really close as if youre going to kiss her, look in her eyes, and say: "Ew... youre
trying to kiss me and youre a dog!!!

Would You Role-Play


Closely related to role-playing is the Would You game.

Ask her how much money it would take for her to (be a
stripper, change the oil in my car, have sex with an 80
year-old man, etc). Whatever she says, try to talk her
down in price!

The real beauty of role-plays is that you can easily use

call-back humor with them. Next time you call her you
can say Hi! Its your future temporary husband or Hey
Barbie! Its Ken. This can instantly get her in the fun
state created by your prior role-play and start the
conversation off playfully.

12 Wives Role-Play

(After marrying her) We get along so well! Now you just have to
impress my 12 wives, since they won't let me marry anyone unless
the approve.

Wife No.12 is an Astronaut and has been around the world twice!

Wife No.11 is a private eye and has busted Columbian drug lords.
Wife No.10 is a fire fighter...

What have you got going on to be my new wife?

(Note: You can keep mentioning new wives each time you want to
qualify her, or disqualify yourself... "Wife No.9 is an oil tycoon and is
too picky. It won't work out between us"!

Bond Girl Role-Play




Me: You're bad....

HB: blah blah
Me: Yeah, and check out your shoes too. You know who you remind me of?
HB: Who?
Me: You know, that chick in the James Bond movies. The one who has thoseshoes... they bring her in when they want to
assassinate someone, and she does something and little spikes come out of her shoes and she KICKS the guy and he gets
poisoned to death.
HB: hahahahaha
Me: You know what we should do?
HB: What?
Me: We should run away together, and go to an island in the Caribbean, and build a mansion there with a huge manmade
HB: Oh?/Yeah!/blah
Me: Yeah, and then underneath it we'll build a big ass laser gun, and then we'll point it at x-country (sometimes they will go
nooooo, I like x-country, and you can go into a little sideline of figuring out which country you're going to point the laser gun
at. If they're foreign, and you know what country THEY come from, you might try mentioning that place first, if you're being a
bit of a jerk) and we'll tell them we will laser them unless they give us ONE BILLION DOLLARS (you can go all Dr Evil here if
you like, I don't usually).
HB: Yeah!
Me: But you know what we need, though? We need an army. So, I'll have to recruit an army of guys in uniforms, with big
futuristic guns, but you know, I also want another army.
HB: Yeah?
Me: Yeah, and YOU will be in charge of recruiting them. I want an army of, like, HOT girls in bikinis who are, like, total martial
arts experts. And when things are good, they can just lounge around the pool in bikins being hot, but when there's bad shit
going down they can take down all the invading special forces guys by leaping on them and snapping their necks with their

Mirror & Exaggerate (NV)


Mirror her then Exaggerate some part of what she's

doing that sticks out or seems even slightly unnatural.
You don't even have to say a word.

* I've been doing this a lot lately with great success...

make sure it's playful.

Pushing Her Routine

Push her into things as you're walking together

Grabbing Knee Routine

Grab her knee after she says something funny

Back Turn Routine


Next time that a chick does Anything that gives you an excuse, or even something that you can
pretend to Misinterpret as bad (in fact, this is even better/funnier), and gives you an excuse:

Go aw (and turn your back on her and just stand there for 5 seconds
before turning back around. Do it in a way that's playful, or if she's making like she might leave or
says she has a BF, do it serious.

* It's one of the best techniques that we have.

* Keep doing this, until you learn to calibrate it so that they'll grab you and hug you and say no no
no no

* Every PUA should do this in a sarge, to create drama and tension.

Secret Self Routine


"I went to dinner the other night with some friends of mine, and they did this psychological profile of me that was really
fascinating. It took, like, 5 minutes and was literally life-changing."

Once she expresses interest, begin the routine.

4 Questions:

1. What's the part about yourself that you like the least? This is the part of yourself that you don't like to show other
people, your "Secret Self". * If she resists, give her example, like your friend's lack of knowledge on some topic.

2. If you could give this part of you a name, what would it be? * Resist, give example, like the destroyer.

3. What does this character look like? What's it wearing? *Ask her to imagine a figure in mind and give details.

4. This is actually a part of you that serves a purpose. So rather than trying to deny it, instead give it a constructive
and positive role to play in your life. So what job would you give to this character that would help and add to your
life? *Reframe this from something negative to something positive.

* This routine could be life-changing. Throughout our life all of us struggle with these problems that have been implanted
deep within ourselves. It's so amazing to realize that it's so simple to fix them, if we take just a moment to think about them
and learn to how to use them correctly.

* Don't get stuck on the "therapist role", change gear after you finish.

7 Essential Questions

PUA: Im going to ask you a question.

Her: Okay.
PUA: [Question]
Her: I dont know, thats really a hard question.
PUA: Take your time and think about it.

7 Questions:

1. How would you describe yourself between the age of 5 12? (Many people are still child inside)
2. What did you learn about men (or women) when you were growing up? ( Theyll relate to you)
3. What are the 3 or 4 of your early childhood memories? (Anchor the experience to you)
4. How would you describe either of your parents? ( She feel closer to the first one she talks about)
5. What kind of children did you play with when you grew up? (A personality develop through it)
6. Whats the difference between your ideal self and real self?
7. What matters the most to you in your life?



*Once they tell you things like "I wish I was more confident," or "I wish I was more intelligent," you
demonstrate those values that they wish they had (and feel like they lack.) It makes the attraction flow
toward you.

Soul-Gazing Routine

Let me show you something really interesting.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but thats really only half true. The right eye is the
window to the body and the mind ... and the left eye (pointing eyes) is the window to the soul.

So, we're going to do a little soul gazing here.

Now give me your hands, and put them on my hands. (or shoulder)

In Celt they believe in soulmates, that is, if two people are soulmates, they can discover their
soulmate sparkles in each others left eyes

So, now you relax, and as I open up my left eye, to let you in, you open your left eye, and let me
in, to see if we can find that sparkles, that special soulmate sparkle, (relax and think loving

(After you see sparkles) There! Right there! That one! Can you feel that? (Anchor)

Guy/Girl Name Routine


1.Hey, have you thought about if you were a guy, what would your name be? If I were
a girl, my name would be [Name].

*If she doesnt know her guy name, give her one.

2. Play a role-reversal game with her: Ok, from now on Im a girl named [Name], and
youre a guy named [Her Name]. And do exactly what a beautiful girl would do to a
guy to her.

The Movie Routine




You: "What is your passion in life?

Her: "I don't know.... I like traveling I guess."
You nod silently.
Her: "How about you?"
You: (Playing a little dumb) "About me what?"
Her: "What is your passion?"
You: "I dig interpersonal philosophy."
Her: "What is that?"
You: "It is the art and science of relating on a deep emotional level to another human being. For instance, I have a couple
questions that I like to ask people to find out if they are passionate and alive. I love people who love life. When I find someone
of the same mind then it is like... coming home." (You are planting the hook of curiosity and then moving past it a little so it
doesn't look so obvious.)
Her: "What questions?"
You: (Looking surprised) "Oh, ... let's see. Okay, here is a fun one. If your life story up until this point was written as a book,
an autobiography, a kiss and tell book. And then that book was made into a movie. What would that movie be rated and
why? If she says rated G, PG-13 or PG then you look kind of sad and say, "Oh I am so sorry. We got to get some adventure
for you. If she says R or above then smile give her a high five or whatever. Now of course the whole purpose of this is really
to get her to ask you what your movie would be rated.
Her: "How about you. What would your movie be rated?"
You: "NC-17 (pause for effect) because some crazy stuff happens to me. Like just last week.... No wait I shouldn't tell you
about that... I'll tell you a tamer story. "
Her: "Come on, tell me."
Look around as if you don't want anyone to overhear and then take her hand and lead her to a more intimate area of your
venue. Once there tell her your best (hopefully true) non-humorous sexual adventure story that happened to you 'last week'.

Eliciting Values Routine


"What is the experience you most enjoy doing?" or "If you had to pick one experience that makes life worth
living...what would it be?"

"What is the ideal scenario of you doing that thing? Describe it."

"So picturing it right now, how do you feel...What emotions?"

"So really then, while I was asking you this, you smiled... and yeah it's kind of because I'm being a bit funny or
weird or whatever... but also, it's because you could kind of feel that emotion right now, while we were talking about
it... can you feel it... blah blah blah"

"So really then, even though your favorite experience is dancing, your core value is fun and excitement, and the
way you feel those emotions in your body... So what's most important to you is the experience of fun and
excitement, and whatever leads you to that is most important... blah blah"

"Ok, so in four minutes we've fulfilled your quest for core value. You can die now."

In other words:

1. Favorite activity
2. Description of her favorite activity in an ideal setting
3. What emotion she gets while she pictures this
4. Show her that she experienced the emotion while picturing it
5. Show her that what she really wants is not so much the activity (although it's important) but the emotional fulfillment she gets from it.
6. Now she can die happy


The Cube 1




1) Imagine desert.
Describe what's in the desert. This can be a real desert, one in pictures, or just one of fantasy. Are there objects in
your desert? How big is it? What time of day is it? are you in the desert or just looking at it? How does it make you
2) In this desert there is a cube.
Describe the cube as best you can. How big is it? What is it made out of (if you can tell)? What color is it? What
texture? Is it hollow or solid? How far is it from your point of view? What position is it in? Also, give 5 adjectives to
describe the cube, and the "mood" it conveys, as well as the physical qualities.
3) Now in this desert, there is a ladder, as well.
Describe the ladder. What is it made out of? Where is it in relation to the cube? How big is it?
4) There is a horse in this desert, also.
Describe the horse. What kind of horse is it? What color? Where is it? What is it doing? Does it have a saddle, a
bridle, or anything? If so, what kind? How is it in relation to the Cube?
5) Somewhere in this desert is a storm.
What kind of storm is it? Where do you see it? Does it affect the Cube, Ladder, And Horse? (If so, how?)
6) And, finally, in this desert there are flowers.
Where are the flowers? Are there many? or few? What color? What kind?

The Cube 2

1. The Cube = Your Self-Image

The Ladder = Your Friends, or Social Support Structure

Cube resting on the ground => generally has a firm foothold on


Long ladder with many rungs => big social circle, has many friends,
outgoing personality, sociable

Cube far away in the distance => Feels left behind by life

Ladder made of some odd material => feels her friends are weird,
very different from normal people

Cube flying in the air or levitated => daydreamer, imaginative


Ladder with few rungs => has few close friends

Ladder in a less than good condition => believes people around her
are fucked up

Ladder far away from the cube => Does not let people get too close
to herself; keeps aloof, has a hard shell around herself

Ladder leaning against cube => Feels she does a lot of things for
her friends, supports them more than they support her, feels she
has some codependent people around her

Ladder on top of cube => Feels her friends/family are overbearing,

feels oppressed by them

Ladder much bigger than cube => feels small in her social circle\

Ladder supporting cube (like, ladder under the cube) => feels her
close associates support her in her accomplishments

Strong ladder => is surrounded by strong people, feels secure in


Burned up ladder => Feels surrounded by totally fucked up people

who are ruining themselves

Cube partly above the horizon line => ambitious

Cube below the horizon => not very ambitious

Cube resting on its edge => meta-stable life, perhaps?

Cube made of solid material => good sense of self-worth, wellgrounded


Cube made of gold => Thinks of herself as extremely precious

Cube made of glass or transparent cube => Considers herself


Cube full of slimy stuff => Hates herself completely

Cube hollow inside => feels hollow, unfulfilled in the extreme

The Cube 3

The Flower = Children or Pets

The Horse = Ideal Lover

Number of flowers => children she has or wants to have, or

has/wants to have around (See * below)

Strong, large horse => Wants a protective, strong man

Flowers close to cube => Feels very close to the children she
has or will have

Color of horse => Possibly the race of the lover she wants

Horse close to the cube => Wants the lover to be very close to her
emotionally and physically

Horse well separated from cube => Is reserved about opening up completely
to lovers

Horse licking/sniffing the cube => Imagines/wishes she's being doted on

Small, submissive horse => Wants a lover she can dominate

Wild horse => wants a guy who is not tamed and will not be tamed

Tethered horse => Wants to keep him very restrained/restricted

Horse stomping on the cube => Has been or feels extremely abused by

Horse destroying the flowers => Feels the lover will not be good
towards her children (single moms probably have this thing more often)

Horse messing with the ladder => Conflict between her lover and her

Horse far away or walking away => Feels abandoned

Horse separated from flowers by the cube => feels she will have to
take care of the children and manage her lover's relationship with

Weak horse => envisions being or stuck with a wimp

Flowers far away => Does not want children

Flowers blooming well => Feels positive about her children's


Flowers messed up => is surrounded by screwed up children

* Lots of flowers everywhere => Probably works with children,

or would like to; (One chick I know had this; she is a grade
school teacher)

Flowers shaking in the wind => feels children in her life have
Flowers all around/over the cube => Feels overwhelmed by
Flowers separated from cube by the ladder => feels her
friends/family (do/will/might) interfere in her relationship with
her children
Beautiful flowers (roses, poppy etc) => Finds children very

The Cube 4

The Storm = Troubles in Life

The Desert = Your Life, World View

Storm in the distance => Troubles are not overwhelming her


CACTI ~ usually difficult people, or other difficulties, but

because of the humanoid shape, mostly refers to a humans or
many as the case may be.

Storm approaching => Fears crises in future

Storm receding => Has had troubles recently but feels they are

PALM TREES ~ sources of support, shelter, and nourishment.

WATER ~ emotional nourishment, the presence of feeling or


MIRAGES ~ life's illusions. could be good, such as a good

imagination, or bad, as in being lied to, and untrusting.

DUNES ~ sensuality, especially for a woman, (notice how

DUNE and NUDE are anagrams of each other), satisfying love
life, pleasure.

MOUNTAINS ~ spirituality, snowcapped could mean that you

choose to keep a spiritual perspective in sight.

CLIFFS AND/OR GULLIES ~ dramatic events, or emotional

highs and lows

BARE DESERT ~ sign of extreme self-reliance. independence.

TIME OF DAY ~ may indicate time of life, portraying the mood,

or just to give a better background of the world.

Huge, dominant storm => Feels her life is in deep shit

Storm in the distance, passing away affecting none of the

other four
things in the scenery => Feels her life is relatively trouble-free,
has few problems around in her life.

Small storm => Feels secure about problems she will face

The Love Test 1


I have not seen this on the board yet. It could be used in order to enrich your routine arsenal. I actually enjoyed
using this and most people dig this routine. They were curious, intrigued, and fascinated about themselves. Most
people whom I have used this routine on ended up giving me a deep-down silence. It was beautiful! This routine is
focused on 3 things: personality, relationships, and their potential significant others...I would like to present you the

1. You are walking to your significant others house. There are two roads to get there. One is a straight path, which
takes you there quickly, but is very plain and boring. The other is curvy and full of wonderful sights on the way, but
takes quite a while to reach your lover's house. WHICH PATH DO YOU CHOOSE? Short or long?

2. On the way, you see two rose bushes. One is full of white roses. One is full of red roses. You decide to pick 10
roses for your boyfriend. WHAT COLOR COMBINATION DO YOU CHOOSE? (Any combination including all one
color is fine.)

3. You finally get to your significant others house. You ring the bell and the maid answers. You can ask the maid to
please get your lover, or you may go get them yourself. WHICH ACTION DO YOU TAKE? Ask the maid or do it

4. Now, you go up to your significant others room. No one is there. You can leave the roses by the windowsill, or
on the bed. WHERE DO YOU PUT THE ROSES? On the bed or by the window?

5. Later, its time for bed. You and your lover go to sleep, in separate rooms. You wake up in the morning, and go to
your significant others room to check up on them. You enter the room: ARE THEY AWAKE OR SLEEPING?

6. It's time to go home now, and you start to head back. You can take either road home now: The plain, boring one
that gets you home fast; or the curvy, sight-filled road that you can just casually take your time with. WHICH ROAD
DO YOU CHOOSE? Short or long?

The Love Test 2



1. Which road do you choose to take to your love's house?

The roads represent your attitude towards falling in love. If you chose the short one, you fall in love quickly and easily. If you
chose the long one, you take your time and do not fall in love easily.

2. What combination of roses do you choose to give your love?

The number of red roses represent how much you expect to give in a relationship. The number of white roses represent how
much you expect to receive in a relationship. Therefore, if a person chose all red with one white, they give 90% in the
relationship but expects to receive only 10% back.

3. Do you ask the maid to get your love, or do you do it yourself?

This question shows your attitude in handling relationship problems. If you asked the maid to get your loved one, then you
may beat around the bush, maybe asking a third party to intervene. Avoidance of problems runs high. If you went and got
your lover yourself, then you are pretty direct. If there is a problem, you confront it and deal with it. You want to work it out
right away.

4. Where do you put the roses? On the windowsill or on the bed?

The placement of the roses indicates how often you'd like to see your significant other. Placing the roses on the bed means
you need lots of reassurance in the relationship, and you'd want to see your lover every day, if possible. Placing the roses by
the window show that you don't expect or need to see your lover that often; seeing them just once in a while is OK.

5. Do you find your love asleep or awake?

If you found your significant other asleep you accept your loved one the way they are. If you found them awake, you expect
them to change for you.

6. Which road do you choose to go home?

The short and long roads now represent how long you stay in love. If you chose the short one, you fall out of love easily. If
you chose the long one, you tend to stay in love for a long time.

The Bus Stop


Imagine that you're driving on a stormy day, and when you stop at the traffic
light, you see three people waiting at the bus stop: an elderly woman, your
best friend, and the love of your life. Your car has enough space to carry one
more person. What would you do?

a. I would continue alone. - Either she's a very self-centered, or indecisive.

b. I'd carry the love of my life. - She's passionate, dreamy, and impulsive.

c. I'd carry my best friend. - She's insecure, loyal, shy.

d. I'd carry the elderly woman. - She has a very high moral, is serious,
religious, and a "good girl".

e. I'd let my friend to drive the woman and himself, and I would wait for the
bus with my love. - (The correct answer!) She's smart and witty, lacks of
certain social abilities, and doesn't enjoy life, as they deserve. (You could
help.) ;)

The Inside of Your Palm


When you are talking someone and you have become comfortable
with each other say:

I can tell what kind of lover you are by looking on the inside of your

After you have done this for 10 seconds or so, say the following
statement with a calm and steady voice:

At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times

you are introverted. You reserve the disclosure of your true feelings
for those who are close to you, those whom you can trust with the
full intensity of your emotions. Once involved with a lover, your
physical passions are very strong. You are likely to be most
comfortable with a familiar lover who knows your habits and desires
very well. In order to enjoy love most fully, your partner must be
completely aware of your likes and dislikes.

The Strawberry Field Test


This is a game to find out some things about how chicks see sex. It is very
popular in Japan & is a good state transitioner

Hey, lets play a game!

Imagine you are alone in a field, and see a strawberry field in front of you
with tasty strawberries.

There is a fence/gate around the field. How high is it?

(= how easy is this girl/guy to take sex)


How you are in the strawberry field, how many strawberries do you take?
(=how many BFs/GFs that person wants)
Ok, after you have finished enjoying the strawberries, how do you feel about
the farmer, who's field you took them from?
(=how you feel to that person after fucking them)

4 Magic Questions

1. Visualize yourself in a white room. Youre in a bed and everything

is white. How do you feel?

2. What is your favorite animal? What qualities do you see it as


3. What is your favorite color? How does it make you feel when you
think about it?

4. Imagine yourself on a beach. Nobody is around and the ocean is

right in front of you. What do you do?

1. This is how they view death and dying.

2. This is how their friends view them.
3. This is how they view themselves.
4. This is how they view sex.


Jealous Boyfriend (Destroying Tactic)


(Every time when I'm talking to a girl. Another guy waves to her, or
comes over to give her a hug, or comes over to chat with her briefly.
I would say to the girl...)

Hey is that your jealous boyfriend?"

Good, 'cause last week I was at this bar, a
jealous boyfriend saw his girlfriend talking to me
and tried to start a fight with me..."

Boyfriend Destroyer (Destroying Tactic)


"I'm going to ask you some questions, and I don't want you to answer with words. I want you to
answer with your hand. I'm going to ask you about some things like your job. If something is close
to your heart, hold your hand close to your heart. If it's far away, hold your hand far away. If it's in
between, hold your hand there.

"Now, how close is your job to your heart?

"Think about something you're really passionate about, like a hobby. Do you have it? How close is
that to your heart?

"How close is your boyfriend to your heart?

"How close is your family to your heart?

"Now, if I was to offer you another job that was right there [he moves her hand near her face,
closer than her original job], would you take it?"

She answers yes.

"And if a some guy came along [Chris is waving his hands toward me] who was right there [he
moves her hand so it's touching her nose], would you take him?"


Cute Couple (Destroying Tactic)


When I see a guy and a girl talking, I often walk over and
say "You are such a cute couple!" to make the girl deny
they are together and follow up with "But you are so cute
together, he is the perfect guy for you, look he is even
well dressed/good looking/fit/tanned" and keep at it until
she starts moving away from the poor guy in denial.

Whole Room Destroyer (Destroying Tactic)


Once you're in a set and they are loving you most, you
tell them:

"Listen, I'll tell you what. I will introduce you to any other
guy in the room. (Gesture around the room so that they
look.) Pick anyone out, and I will personally walk up and
introduce you to him. And I will guarantee you that not
one of them is as interesting as us/me."

Make sure they look around and see all the boring AFCs.

Time Availability Routine


Now its time to find out when she is free. Ask her what are you doing
Monday night? What are you doing Tuesday? Wait until youve found out
when she is free before you tell her what youre doing.

Dont tell her about a great thing thats happening Tuesday, and THEN ask
her what shes doing Tuesday (If shes busy on Tuesday, youve wasted
your time.) So, find out when shes free first.

Lance uses a fun routine for this:

You: What are you doing Friday?
Her: Nothing
You: Oh *pause and wait for her to speak*
Her: what are you doing Friday?
You: Im busy.
Her: Doing what?
You: Ive got a date with you.


Last Minute Resistance


1. Don't push for sex right away. Spend at least seven hours with her or
talking to her (all at once or over the course of several days) before having

2. If she says "We shouldn't be doing this", don't argue with her. Agree with
her, but continue keeping her turned on

3. If she still says she's uncomfortable, say "I understand". Don't pout, be
angry, or act wounded. Then turn on the light, turn off the music, blow out
the candle, and check your email or watch infant brain surgery on The
Learning Channel. She will feel your absence and want your attention again

4. Let her know that you won't leave her before you get to the bedroom. I'll
tell her that she's hijacked my brain or that I had a dream about her. If she
goes to the bathroom, I'll tell her when she returns "I felt your absence and
was really happy when you got back. What did you do to me?"

The Sad Story


Let me tell you a story, it's called "Meeting the 100% Perfect Girl Once an Afternoon in Montreal". It begins with "Once upon a time", an it ends with
"A sad story, isn't it?".

Once upon a time, there was a guy, he was walking down a quite street, and he was going to mail a letter. It was a spring afternoon, and he was
not doing anything but to mail the letter. From the other direction there came a woman, and she was going to do her laundry, again, she was not
going to the club, or the bar, or anything special, she was just doing her laundry. And they passed each other.

As they passed each other, the man looked at her, and thought to himself: "You know what, that is the 100% perfect girl for me. But I was just
going down here, not doing anything, what is the chance of me meeting the 100% perfect girl for me?" And the girl looked at the guy and thought to
herself: "You know what, that is the 100% perfect guy for me. And this is amazing."

By some trick of fate, or some one in a million odds, they just didn't know, but they stopped and spoke to each other. So they started talking, and
they realized they clicked on every level. Like it was just fate, they just walked down the street, and they lost track of time. Everything they had in
common, and everything they didn't have in common, they just complement each other perfectly. They sat down on a bench and they started
talking, and they said: "This is too weird, what is the chance of actually meeting your 100% perfect person randomly? This is crazy, so let's make
sure this is for real. What we are going to do right now is that we are going to separate. We are not going to talk to each other and we are not going
to exchange phone number or anything, but if we run into each other again, then we know that it is really meant to be, and we will marry on this

And then they separated, and a day passed, a week passed, 6 months passed, a year passed, 5 years passed, 10 year passed, and they didn't
see each other again. And obviously they started dating people, and they found 65% perfect love, they found 70% perfect love, they even found as
much as 80% perfect love, but they never found a 100% perfect love again.

It was fine, they married, they had family, and they became grandparents separately with their own husband and wife, and it was all fine. And in
one season, it was a very cold winter in Montreal, influenza was going around and everybody got sick. They lived separately in their own homes
and they got really really sick, their spouses were getting it by now. They got very very sick, and they pulled through.

One day they were walking down the same quite street, he was 82 and he was going to mail a letter, she was 77 and she was going to do her
laundry, carrying her laundry on her shoulder. They passed each other and he looked at her, he thought to himself: "I recognize her from
somewhere but I don't remember where." She looked at him and thought: "That guy looked so familiar, but I just don't know who he is." They kept
walking, and they passed each other.

The thing is, they were really meant to be together, they would have been the 100% perfect persons for one another, but the fate, what is the
chance that the fate only bring them together once? Like the chance of the lottery won. They tested fate and they separated, and they only had one

Appendix 1 Indicators of Interest


She asks you, without prompting, what your name is,

what you do for work, shortly after meeting you

She changes her opinion on a song or movie based on

your own opinion of it

You lean back and she leans toward you

You take her hand and she squeezes it

She says, "I'm not sleeping with you" before you've

asked her to

Appendix - 2 Fun Fact Conversation Opener/Fixer


1. The average woman consumes eight pounds of lipstick in her


2. Chewing gum while chopping onions will prevent you from crying

3. No word in the English language rhymes with month

4. Mosquitoes are attracted to people who just ate bananas

5. Fish can drown

6. The only bird that can swim but not fly is a penguin

Appendix 3 Never Give A Straight Answer

The general rule is to make a joke response once, maybe twice. But
if you don't answer the question on her third try, then you sound like
a weirdo hiding something.

She: How old are you?

You: I'm 72, but I look younger because I don't smoke

She: What do you do for work?

You: I'm a professional hopscotch player. Seriously. Does anyone

have some chalk?

She: What's your sign?

You: No parking any time

Appendix 4 Rules Of Approaching Groups


1. Approach indirectly. When you begin speaking, talk over your shoulder. Do not face directly or lean in. This will make them
uncomfortable. As they become more comfortable with you, then you may turn in and join the group

2. Do not hit on the woman you are interested in right away. Win over her friends first. Even ignore her, if you must - this will
only pique her interest

3. Enter with an energy level equal to or slightly above that of the group you're approaching. Everyone's out to have fun. If
you are able to make them have a little more fun than they're currently having, they'll accept you

4. Use a neutral entertaining opener. To start a conversation, ask a question that will pique the attention of most people.
According to Mystery, two subjects fascinate everybody: relationships and the unknown. So ask, for example: "Where would
you take someone on a blind date?"

5. Root the opener. If you don't let the group know why you're asking then they are going to think you're taking a survey. So
add a story: "I'm asking because my friend over there just moved to Los Angeles, and his boss has set him up with his
daughter. It's kind of a lose-lose proposition.

6. Offer a time constraint. As soon as you approach, the first thing the group worries is, "How long does this guy plan on
staying here?". Until you win them over with your humor, personality, or special skills, you must short-circuit that fear by
telling them, "I can only stay for a second, because my friends are waiting over there."

7. Demonstrate active disinterest in the woman you are actually interested in. If she does something silly, tell her friends:
"You can dress her up, but you can't take her anywhere!". This will make her friends feel safe with you and make her wonder
how you could possibly be unaffected by her charms. Note: this should not be an insult, but more of a tease, like one might
do to a little sister.

8. Demonstrate value. Now that you have approached and talked to the group, the next step is to make it so they don't want
you to leave This is where any skill you know - or can learn - will come in handy, whether it be magic, hand-writing analysis,
palm-reading, psychological personality tests, or teaching her something about herself. You'll know you've done it correctly, if
you pretend as if you are going to leave afterward and they drag you back to talk more

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