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Miss Barnetts

Busy Bugs
MSU Elementary
East Lansing, MI

October 2016

Newsletter #1



The Importance of Sleep

I am very excited about this upcoming

year with such amazing students. I
will be sending home a monthly
newsletter with your child to inform
you of events happening in the
classroom for the upcoming weeks.
Stay tuned!

Over the years, I have noticed that students have

been coming to my classroom more and more tired.
It is harder for them to complete their work
successfully through the school days, so I wanted to
address the topic of sleep and how important it is to
our health. Over the next few newsletters, I will
address how much sleep elementary, middle
school, high school, and college aged students
need in order to fully function and perform to
their fullest potential! Please pass this
information along via social media. Even as adults,
we need certain amounts of hours and it is essential
we are receiving it. Not getting enough sleep can
lead to drowsiness, poor decision making and lack of
motivation. Not getting proper amounts of sleep can
also lead to health issues such as weight gain.

I look forward to getting to know your

children and you as parents. Feel free
to contact me via email anytime!
Coming up in October:
October 21: Field trip to Uncle
Johns cider mill! Volunteers still
needed :)

Ways to get a good nights rest:

October 28: Halloween party at



How do you make a skeleton
You tickle its funny bone!!

Minimize noise, light, and extreme


Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule

Get regular exercise

Miss Barnetts

Busy Bugs
MSU Elementary
East Lansing, MI

November 2016
Happy November everyone!! November
is one of my absolute favorite months.
WHY?! Because we get to celebrate and
give thanks for the amazing families
that we have been so blessed with.
Thank you for such an amazing start
to the year! I am so blessed to have
such an amazing group of students.
Coming up in November:
November 11: Book drive held in
the schools gym
November 22: Class Thanksgiving!
Sign up sheet for food will be
emailed soon
November 23-25: BREAK


Whats the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
The tur-KEY!!

Newsletter #2
Amount of Sleep Needed for
Elementary Students
Elementary aged students are defined as
children 6 to12 years old.
Children need 9-12 hours of sleep a night
Go to bed at the same time and wake up
around the same time year round
o For example, if you choose to set a 9pm
bedtime, then your child should go to bed
at 9pm every night, all year long (with the
exception of holidays). Keeping in mind the
9-12 hours of sleep, your child should then
wake up between the hours of 6am-9am
every morning.

I hope this information helps you help your child to

get a better nights rest every night! If you have any
questions, please dont hesitate to ask.
Also, please share this information on social
media to help spread sleep awareness! :)

Miss Barnetts

Busy Bugs
MSU Elementary
East Lansing, MI

December 2016

Newsletter #3
Amount of Sleep Needed for
Middle & High School Students


What a super fun month for all of us! We
love to celebrate and appreciate all the
different holidays celebrated by the
students in our classroom, so join me in
making this month a warm and celebrated
holiday season. As a family, if you would
like to bring in an ethnic decoration, dish,
or anything to share with the class, I
encourage you to do so on Dec. 16 (more
details to come).

Coming up in December:
December 9: A Christmas Story play
held on the cafeterias stage
December 16: Classroom
celebration of the different holidays
celebrated in December
December 21- January 4: BREAK


What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes!!

Teens, or middle and high school students, are

between the ages of 13-17/18 years old.
Teenagers need between 8-10 hours of sleep.
Many middle & high school students have selfreported to only getting an average of 6-7 hours
of sleep a night.
Endless homework, late nights, and an
irregular sleep schedule all play a major role in
the vicious cycle of not enough sleep.

Suggested solutions include:

Ask for less workload outside of school.
Encourage teenagers to go to bed around the
same time every day.
Prioritize to the best of their ability to do what
is most important every night.
Even if you dont have middle or high school students,
please share on social media for those that do!

Miss Barnetts

Busy Bugs
MSU Elementary
East Lansing, MI

January 2017

Newsletter #4


Happy New Year!!! 2017 is going to be a
great year I can just feel it! I hope you all
had a wonderful break celebrating family
and creating many memories. Its hard to
believe that the school year is just about half
way over, but time flies when you are
having fun :)

Coming up in January:
January 9: Welcome back to school!
January 16: MLK Day honoring
those that have stood up for what is
right even when its hard
January 27: Parents Day!! More
information to come, but free your
calendars cause youre invited to our
class! ;)

Joke of the month:

What did the snowman order at Wendys?
A FROSTY! hahaha


Amount of Sleep Needed for
College Students

Traditional college aged students are between

the ages of 18-25 years old.
These young adults need between 7-9 hours of
sleep a night.
In a study conducted, college students that
slept less than 6 hours in one night achieved
lower scores compared to college students that
slept between the recommended 7-9 hours.
Many college students also have irregular sleep
schedules, which negatively impacts their daily

If you know someone, or if you have a child in college,

please share these simple facts with them to
raise awareness. Providing little details such as
these can spark ones awareness as to how much
sleep they may be getting.

Miss Barnetts

Busy Bugs
MSU Elementary
East Lansing, MI

February 2017

Newsletter #5


I love February for many reasons: 1. Its
simply a loving month, 2. We get to eat
funny, heart-shaped candy, and 3. Spring
is around the corner!!! But seriously, I find
February to be a pretty fun month in the
classroom, so join in on the fun and
encourage your children to do the same.
Thank you for such an awesome year that
we have had thus far. Lets keep up the
hard work and end the year with a BANG!

Coming up in February:
February 10: Valentines Day party!!
February 14: Valentines Day we
will appreciate this day by writing
love letters to family members
February 24: Testing in all grade
levels. Make sure your children are
well rested and eat a hardy
breakfast before coming to school.

Joke of the month:

What did the elephant say to his
I love you A TON! <3


Overview of the Importance of
Over these past 5 months, we have been talking
about the importance of sleep among many different
age levels. Sleep is very important to our health, and
it is important that we are getting the appropriate
hours of sleep depending on our age. A quick
Elementary: 9-11 hours of sleep
Middle/High School: 8-12 hours of sleep
College: 7-9 hours of sleep
Ways to help you and your children sleep better:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time
each night, even on the weekends
Only use your bed for sleeping NO
Set peaceful alarms for the morning so you
are not rudely awaken (haha, but no joke!)
I hope you have found these Topics of the Month
helpful and informative! Thanks for reading :)

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