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Informative Speech Outline

Specific Goal: My audience will learn the benefits of hunting for food rather than buying it at the grocery
Application: The audience will be able to use this information in everyday by knowing what to look for when
having to buy meat and how to get meat off the mountain instead.
Ethos: Primary I have over 20 years of hunting experience and am majoring in Human Anatomy.
Secondary Ethos: I will cite 3 references out loud in my speech.
Pathos: Sharing the additives in our meat that are harmful to the human body along with the severe price
Logos: I will use information from The Department of Agriculture along with State Division of Wildlife
Resources to show facts.
Audience Assessment: My audience likely knows the price of meat in a store as well as some knowledge of
what that meat contains.
Adaptation to Audience: Ill break the scientific terms down into everyday knowledge as well as use side by
side graphs comparing hunted meat to store bought meat.
Pattern of Organization: Topical, with cause and effect

Hook: My intestinal tract started to dissipate because of what I ate.


Thesis: Knowing whats in your food may change your mind on what you eat.
A..Preview: There are 24 approved additives by the USDA
B.. Explain what the worst additives are
C. Explain the difference in harvested meat through lawful and legal hunts
D: Explain cost difference

Transition: Why isnt beef just beef?


Since 1958 our beef has been regulated (USDA, March 2015)
a. Additives were applied to change or adapt the beef
b. Most additives are claimed as harmless

Transition Now that we know what is in our food, shouldnt we try to improve what we eat for a
longer and happier life?

Meat harvested during a wildlife hunt is 100% organic

a. It goes from being alive into your freezer

b. No additives, unless you decide to add them

c. Healthiest form of meat available
Transition: Hunting is not easy, is it worth all the effort and the buying of equipment so you can
harvest an animal?

The cost of wild game is vastly less expensive.

a. The average pound of beef will cost $5.99 (Dons Meat, Nov 2016)
i. The average Amerian will eat 56.3 pounds of beef each year totaling $ 337.24
(National Chicken Council, Nov 2016)
b. The average cost of wild game if you hunt it yourself is $0.22
i. Off an average elk, you can get 250 pounds. Supplying for 4 people a year.
c. Averaging all the costs of ammo and firearm within your first year you are all ready ahead.


Now that we know a little more about what we eat, isnt it time to change for the better?
A. You can avoid harmful additives
B. You can enjoy a healthier lifestyle
C. You can save a ton of money


We only have one body, shouldnt we give it the best we can?


(2014, March 24). Retrieved November 20, 2016, from

(n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2016, from
(n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2016, from

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