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The house has big gaps in the flooring on the second floor. We
do not plan to travel onto the second floor for this reason. The
flooring is rotting away so even though there may not be a hole
in the floor but us possible for someone to fall through the weak
boarding. There are also no stairs leading up to the second floor
so we would have to climb up the side of the house to reach the
higher rooms.
There is a lot of broken glass around the house which means
there is a possibility of people cutting themselves. We will make
sure we wear thick boots and not touch anything surroundings
the windows to ensure we dont cut ourselves.
Parts of the flooring is uneven with little dips in the groundwork.
This means there is a risk of us tripping and injuring ourselves.
To avoid this happening we will walk around rather than running
and pay attention so we dont trip up.

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