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Brainstorming process

1) Locations :
Travel attractions
- mosque
- Imam mosque
- Sheikh Lotfollah mosque
- Jameh mosque
- palace
- Ali Qapu palace
- Chehelsotoon palace
- museum
- Contemporary art museum
- Isfahan natural history museum
- Isfahan music museum
- bazaar
- Iran bazaars
- square
- Imam square
- Tea house
- Bastani traditional restaurant
- Zagros restaurant
- Shahrzad restaurant
- Sofreh Khaneh Sonnati
- Toranj food complex

- Abbasi hotel
2) Historical persons :
- Mohammad Reza Shah
- Ayatollah Khomeini
Historical events :
- Safavid dynasty made Isfahan became a flourished city.
- Isfahan used to be a capital city of the old Persia during Safavid
3) Background information about Iran :
- Persia
- second largest country in the Middle East, 18th largest in the
- Sassanid dynasty made Iran become one of the leading power in
the world again after the collapsed.
- Safavid dynasty led to the establishment of Shia Islam as the
official religion of Iran.
Political system :
- Islamic republic
- Theoretic + Democracy
4) Cultural fact : - Every woman need to wear head kerchief even
Products :
- dry fruit = pistachio, almonds, dates
- saffron
- sweets = Gaz (sticky candy made from honey dew), Sohan
(saffron brittle toffee)

- trench coat and scarves

- Termeh (handwoven cloth)
- artistic gold and silver jewellery
- gemstones
- carpets
- handicrafts and momentos

Tour itinerary
First day

Bangkok - Isfahan

6.30a.m. Everyone meet at the meeting point at Suvarnabhumi

airport. There will be staffs waiting for you helping you
to check in and proceed to the boarding gate.
9.30a.m. Depart to Dubai Internation Airport
1.15p.m. (Dubai time) Arrive in Dubai. You are free to chill out in
the Flydubai lounge.
6.25p.m. Depart to Isfahan
7.50p.m. (Isfahan time) Arrive at Isfahan International Airport.
At gate 5,you will see local guide waiting for you.

Abbasi hotel

Note! Woman need to wear a head kerchief before go out of the air
plane (our staff in Thailand will give you before checking in.)

Second day

Imam mosque - Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque - Imam square

Having breakfast at the hotel.

10.00a.m. Isfahan city tour - Isfahan is an ancient city which is

around 1800 years since Sassanian Empire. Also, it
used to be a capital city of Persia from the year 1587 to
1749 which was in the era of Safavid empire. This city
used to reach the most civilize point in 16th-17th

century which made people called it as haft of the

world and currently it is a world heritage city
registered by UNESCO. The first place that we will go is
Imam mosque. It was built during the Safavid period, it
is an excellent example of Islamic architecture of Iran,
and regarded as one of the masterpieces of Persian
Architecture. It is registered as a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. Its splendor is mainly due to the beauty
of its seven-colour mosaic tiles and calligraphic
11.00a.m. Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque is a mosque for a king and
member of the royal family to pray. It is known as the
most beautiful interior design especially the dome
which locates in the centre of the hall
12.00a.m. Having lunch at Tea house

Imam square also known as Naqsh-e Jahan square is

one of UNESCOs world heritage sites. This square is
surrounded by Safavid style building.


Dinner at Bastani traditional restaurant

Third day Aliqapu palace - Contemporary art museum - Chehelsotoon

palace - Isfahan natural history museum

8.30a.m. Breakfast at hotel

10.00a.m. Ali Qapu palace was used as a residential palace. Shah
Abbas the great, ordered to construct the palace on the

site of palace and garden from the Timurid time. Qapu

means the magnificent door.The palace is about 38
meters high, the loftiest and tallest building in the 17th
century and there are 52 rooms.
11.00a.m. Contemporary art museum was built in Safavid
periods. Then, during Qajar dynasty, it was renovated
and redecorated. Today it shows various works of
Isfahan modern artists.
12.00a.m. Lunch at Zagros restaurant
2.00p.m. Chehelsotoon palace was used to be an entertainment
and a reception place for Shah Abbas II.
4.00p.m. Isfahan natural history museum has stucco work and
tile mosaic work which are very attractive quality.
5.00p.m. Dinner at Shahrzad restaurant

Forth day Jameh mosque - Iran bazaars (free time for shopping)

Breakfast at hotel

10.00a.m. Jameh mosque is a veritable museum of Islamic

architecture but still used as a busy place of worship.
11.00a.m. Iran bazaars is a maze of lanes, madrasehs, khans
(caravanserais), and timchehs, dome hall or arcaded
centres of a single trade (eg carpet).
5.00p.m. Dinner at Sofreh Khaneh Sonnati

Fifth day free in the morning - Isfahan music museum - Bangkok


Breakfast at the hotel


Check out from the hotel

10.00a.m. Tour guide will take you to Jahan Nama mall/Azadi

shopping mall/Chahar Bagh Madrasa (choose one)
and you will have free time until lunch time.
12.00a.m. Isfahan music museum

Go to Isfahan International Airport


Depart from Isfahan


Arrive at Dubai International Airport. There is a

lounge provided for you to relax while waiting for the
flight back to Bangkok

10.10p.m. Depart from Dubai


Arrive at Suvarnabhumi airport

Day 1
On the bus
New: Shab bekheir everyone! Naam am New.
Seen : Naam am Seen.
Mind : Naam am Mind.
Win : Naam am Win. I am an Iran food expert.
New : We first want to give you guys an official warm welcome to
Isfahan (Shahid Beheshti) International Airport, a place where Qahab-e
Shomali Rural District, in the Central District of Isfahan County, Isfahan
Province, Iran. So right now its currently around eight oclock in the
evening, guessing you guys wanna head to the hotel right now! It takes
around 1 hour to be there. Without further ado, I will take you to the bus
and hand this to Ms. Mind.
Mind : Iran capital city is Tehran. Iran money unit is rial which 1 Thai
baht equals to 982 rials. Farsi is a local language here. Also, we want
you to change the time on your watch because Iran is three hours and a
half later than Thailand.
Seen : Hello everyone! How are you guys? First of all, as you may know
that Iran is Islamic country; so all woman need to wear scarves which
we have provided for you all the time. Now, we are going to Abbasi hotel
which locates in the centre of all tourist attractions and further than that
the interior design of this hotel demonstrates the design of Irans king
too. So, it will give you a sense of luxury that you havent gained from
any place before Now, we have arrived at the hotel. While Im
checking in for you, you can relax at the lobby first Here are room

key cards. So, before you go to your room, let me inform you tomorrow
schedule. Tomorrow you will be provided breakfast at hotel restaurant as
a buffet. The restaurant will be opened from 7 to 9a.m. Then at 8.30a.m.
we will all meet here at the lobby before we go to city tour. Is there any
question or concern? okay so good night everyone see you tomorrow :)

Day 2:
8.30a.m. - Hotel lobby
Seen : So we are all here now. Lets go. Please follow me.
On the bus
Has anyone here known this city before? So, let me introduce this city to
all of you first. Isfahan is also known as a haft of the world! Isfahan
grew considerably from the early 11th through the 18th century, it
flourished particularly during the Safavid dynasty in the 16th century
when it became the capital of the old Persia. So, let me talk about
important people of Isfahan. Do you guys know any important people in
Isfahan? The first one is Mohammad Reza Shah. Iran was ruled as
monarchy for a long time and Mohammad Reza Shah was the last king
of Iran. He maintained a pro-Western foreign policy and fostered
economic development in Iran but corruption in his government, unequal
distribution of oil wealth and political turmoil resulted in his exile to Egypt
followed by the declaration of an Islamic republic in Iran. He died in
1980. After Mohammad Reza Shah had left from Iran, Ayatollah
Khomeini, supreme religious of Shia Islam, became leader of the Islamic
Republic of Iran in 1979, following many years of resistance to Shah
Pahlavi. Ayatollah Khomeini became the supreme religious leader of the

Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, using Islamic teaching or theocratic

republic rule the country. Moreover, he had an
anti mindset toward Western culture.
10a.m. - Imam mosque
Mindko: It was built in 1612 during the reign of Shah Abbas I. He moved
the capital of Savavid dynasty to Isfahan. His goal was to center
political, religious, economic, and cultural activities. The beauty of this
mosque is the 7 colored mosaic tiles and calligraphic inscriptions.
Moreover, this mosque shows Islamic architecture of Iran and also it is a
masterpiece of Persian architecture. So, UNESCO recognized this place
as a world heritage site. Above the portal there is a tile mosaic panel
showing 2 peacocks and a vase of flower. The portal is decorated with
calligraphy. Alireza Abbas I painted alphabets on the portal. Below
Alirezas work, there is another calligraphy created by Mohammad Reza
Imam I. There are 4 grand eivan mosque and 2 storey arcades
surrounding courtyard. According to the belief, the north and south
eiwans are making 45 degrees with Mecca.
11a.m. - Sheikh Lotfollah mosque
Mind : A masterpiece of world's architecture was built during the reign of
Shah Abbas the great. Sheikh Lotfollah was one of Shiite(Shia branch)
prominent, preachers and clergies who came from Jabal Amel in
Lebanon to Isfahan. The Shah Abbas supported him and the Sheikh
took up residence in Isfahan and the sheikh Lotfollah mosque was
named after him. The mosque was used as a Theological school and
also as a royal mosque. It was started to be built in 1602 and it was
completed in 1619. It is said it was used as a private mosque for the
Shah and royal family. It is a small mosque without courtyard and

minarets, but interior and exterior ornamentations are unbelievable for

visitors. The mosque is famous for calligraphies made of tile- mosaic, for
excellent patterns and designs of tile- mosaic which has decorated
major parts of portal, corridor and the main sanctuary. Splendid blue,
yellow and cream colours of tile- mosaics are unique all over the world.
Calligraphy is written in azure blue with white back- ground. The Sheikh
Lotfollah mosque is a philosophical complex. Each part of its decoration
covers certain religious messages, in fact book must be written
regarding facts and message of the ornamentation.
On the bus
Win : Which place do you like more Imam mosque or Sheikh Lotfollah
mosque? I guess all of you might be tired now so I decide to take you to
one of the famous restaurants in Isfahan,tea house.
12a.m. - Tea house
It has a unique style of decoration, with every inch of the walls and
ceiling covered with photographs, paintings, lamps, and other intriguing
knick knacks. Many people called this restaurant cave of wonder.
On the bus
New : How is the food? Is it good? Ok next destination is Imam square
not far from here. Lets go.
2p.m. - Imam square
Seen : Imam square is a square situated at the center of Isfahan city,
Iran. Constructed between 1598 and 1629, it is now an important
historical site, and one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites.The square is
depicted on the reverse of the Iranian 20,000 rials banknote.It was Shah
Abbas the Great who made Isfahan his capital and then decreed that
the square should be extended to its present size, and lovely buildings

set around it. The length of this great square, which is actually
rectangular, is 500 meters from north to south, and its width about 150
meters from east to west. It was laid out and beautified in the reign of
Shah Abbas the Great, at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
From that time until sixty years ago the square presented a very different
aspect from the square to day. The whole area of the square within the
limits of the water channels round it was quite level, while to the north
and south stood two goal posts for the game of polo. Those two goal
posts are still in position but replanning with large pool in the center, and
lower beds round has transformed the square and given it a completely
new look. Most of the buildings round are two-storied and the alcoves
simply decorated. You are free to walk around this square and lets meet
here at 4p.m. before we go to restaurant.. Are you hungry now?
Lets have dinner. Here is Bastani traditional restaurant, Iranian
4p.m. - Bastani traditional restaurant
Win : Now, we are at the Bastani traditional restaurant. This restaurant
located in the shadow of the Masjed-e Shah. Its interior features an
internal courtyard with fountain, tiled walls and painted vaulted ceilings
with mirror inlay. I recommend the dishes such as khoresh-e beh
(stewed lamb and quince) and khoresh-e alu(stewed chicken and plum).
It is pretty good and delicious dish.
On the bus
Seen : How is the food? So, tomorrow schedule will be the same.
Breakfast will be provided at hotel restaurant. We will meet at hotel
lobby at 8.30. Good night everyone. Tomorrow we will go to many places
so keep your energy for tomorrow. See ya

Day 3:
8.30a.m. - hotel lobby
Seen : Good morning everyone. Did you guys have a well sleep last
night? This morning we are going to Ali Qapu palace and Contemporary
art museum.
10.00a.m. - Ali Qapu palace
New : The Ali Qapu palace is well-known palace all over Iran. The first
part of palace was built in 1597. It was used as a residential palace.
Shah Abbas the great, ordered to construct the palace on the site of
palace and garden from the Timurid time. Shah Abbass palace was a
four floors with a veranda.

Shah Abbas the second, expanded the

palace and a music hall (room) was constructed on the top of palace.
Iranian empire, in 17th century was a serious rival to Ottoman Empire.
European countries wished to create hostility between two empires.
Their plans and plots were successful. In Istanbul of 17th century there
was a palace with the same name. Some of Isfahanologists believe that
Shah Abbas the great highly respected the first Shiite Immam Ali. On the
other hand Qapu is a Turkish word means, the magnificent door.
An old door was replaced from the shrine of Immam Ali in Najaf, to
Isfahan. All people even the Shah, when they entered the palace
dismounted from horses, in order to respect Immam Ali. Shah Abbas
considered himself as a real follower of Immam Ali. A beautiful door
ornamented with gold, silver and other fine arts was made in Isfahan
and dedicated to the holy shrine of Imam Ali which is located in Najaf

On the bus
Seen : Next, we will go to contemporary art museum.
11a.m. - Contemporary art museum
Mindko : The Building used for this museum was constructed during
Safavid periods. During Qajar dynasty it was renovated and
redecorated. Today it shows various works of Isfahan modern artists. Ali
Reza Abbasi the prominent artist has worked on glorious miniature
paintings. The main reception hall and all other rooms were decorated
with fabulous plaster work, plaster carving and miniature paintings.
12a.m. - Zagros restaurant
Win : Now, we will take a break and have a lunch at Zagros restaurant. It
is on Soffeh mountain. Excellent view and very delicious food. It has
polite servants, clean bathrooms and an awesome view.
On the bus
Seen : How is the food? The next place that we are heading to is
Chehelsotoon palace.
2p.m. - Chehelsotoon palace
New : This building - now a veritable museum of Persian painting and
ceramics-was a pleasure pavilion used for the king's entertainments and
receptions. built by Shah Abbas II to be used for his entertainment and
receptions. In this palace, Shah Abbas II and his successors would
receive dignitaries and ambassadors, either on the terrace or in one of
the stately reception halls. The name, meaning "Forty Columns" in
Persian, was inspired by the twenty slender wooden columns supporting
the entrance pavilion, which, when reflected in the waters of the
fountain, are said to appear to be forty. The most startling feature of the
pavilion is the brilliantly painted interior, which in contrast to general

Islamic design features a multitude of human figures, including several

scenes of battle and audiences held by the Shah with rulers bordering
the eastern portion of the empire. There are also less historical, but even
more aesthetic compositions in the traditional miniature style which
celebrate the joy of life and love. The frescoes and paintings in Chehel
Sotoun palace are on ceramic panels, many of which have been
dispersed and are now in the possession of major museums in the
West. The Chehel Sotoun Palace is located in one of the gardens
among the 9 Iranian Gardens which are collectively registered as one of
the Irans 17 registered World Heritage Sites under the name of the
Persian Garden.
On the bus
Seen : Who like anything related to nature? The next place would be
your favourite one because it is Isfahan natural history museum.
4p.m. - Isfahan natural history museum
Mindko : The monument which has housed the museum dates back to
15th century. Stucco work and tile mosaic work in this monument are of
very attractive quality. Items shown in this old building do not match with
the structure. For those who are interested in nature, there are
interesting items to be seen.
On the bus
Seen : How is your day today? Which place do you like most so far? We
are at Shahrzad restaurant, a good place for middle eastern and persian

5p.m. - Shahrzad restaurant

Win : Welcome to Shahrzad restaurant. This restaurant is popular for
being one of the few dining places in town that pulls off the Qajar
aesthetic to a high standard. With stained-glass windows and intricate
mirror work, the restaurant is tastefully furnished, light and airy.
Shahrzad has a lively atmosphere and an agreeable selection of
traditional Iranian dishes. Try the delicious joojeh kebab, it is usually
made with skinless and boneless chicken breast.
On the bus
Seen : So, before you go to sleep let me inform you the schedule for
tomorrow trip. We will meet here at 8.30 then we will head to Jameh
mosque and Iran bazaars where you will have free time for shopping.
Good night guys.

Day 4:
8.30a.m. - Hotel lobby
Seen : Hi everyone! You seem enthusiastic today because of shopping
right? Lets go.
10a.m. - Jameh mosque
Mindko : Here is Jameh mosque. The Jameh complex is a veritable
museum of Islamic architecture but still functions as a busy place of
worship. It is the mix of about 800 years of Islamic design, At more than
20,000 square meters, it is also the biggest mosque in Iran. In the centre
of the main courtyard, which is surrounded by four contrasting iwans, is
an ablutions fountain designed to imitate the Kaaba at Mecca; The south
iwan is very elaborate, with Mongol-era stalactite mouldings, some
splendid 15th-century mosaics on the side walls, and two minarets. The

north iwan has a wonderful porch and behind it (entered through a door
next to the iwan) is a prayer hall featuring a forest of pillars. Walk to the
back and you will find the exquisite Tajal-Molk Dome, widely considered
to be the finest brick dome ever built in Persia. While relatively small, it
is said to be mathematically perfect, and has survived dozens of
earthquakes with nary a blemish for more than 900 years. The west
iwan was originally built by the Seljuks but later decorated by the
Safavids and the Room of Sultan Uljeitu. Inside that building is the
winter wall building in 1448 and an exquisite stucco mihrab awash with
dense Quranic inscriptions and floral designs
11a.m. - On the bus + Iran bazaars
Seen : Well, almost four days that all of you are in Isfahan, however, you
havent visited any bazaars here. So, today we decide to bring you here,
Iran bazaars. The oldest parts of the bazaar , are more than a thousand
years old, most of what you see today was built during Shah Abbas
aggressive expansions in the early 1600s. Industries tend to congregate
in certain areas of the bazaar. Trade is busiest in the mornings. For any
of you who is interested to buy souvenirs I suggest you to buy dry fruit
such as pistachio, almonds, dates; saffron; sweets such as Gaz,
Sohaan; trench coat and scarves; Termeh; artistic gold and silver
jewellery; gemstones; carpets; handicrafts and moments. So, after this
you will have time until 4.30p.m. before we have dinner.
On the bus
Seen : Okay so we are all here now. What have you got? Anybody
bought Persian rugs? It is very famous here. After this we will have
dinner at Sofreh Khaneh Sonnati.

5p.m. - Sofreh Khaneh Sonnati

Win : Sofreh Khaneh Sonnati is Translated as traditional eating house,
It is located just along the east side of Imam Square. Thankfully, its
popularity with tourists doesnt diminish the quality of food. The
colourfully tiled walls, arches, and stained glass windows create a
wonderful atmosphere. Enjoy traditional Iranian cuisine here while sitting
on authentic takhts (carpeted and cushioned eating platforms).
On the bus
Seen : Tomorrow is the last day of this trip. So, we will give you free time
in the morning then at 11a.m. we will meet here at the lobby and we will
have lunch before going to Isfahan music museum and heading to
airport. So, see you tomorrow. Oh I forget to suggest you one thing.
Tomorrow in the morning, during your free time, for anyone who
interested shopping, you can go to

Jahan Nama mall or Azadi

shopping mall or Chahar Bagh Madrasa which are near the hotel. If you
have any questions or concerns, please dont hesitate to ask. See you

Day 5:
On the bus
Seen : Hello how is your day? Where did you guys go? Is anyone go to
the shopping mall that I recommended?
Mind : We are going to have lunch at Toranj food complex which is a
famous local restaurant. Food quality is good plus it has low price with
friendly servants.

Win : I guess you are all full now. Next place would be a must go place
for music lover? Is there any music lover here? This place is Isfahan
music museum.
12a.m. - Isfahan music museum
New: In a leafy street in Isfahans laid-back but ancient Jolfa quarter,
away from Imam Square and the bazaar for which the city is renowned,
the Isfahan Music Museum provides welcome refuge. A love letter to
Irans rich musical heritage, the small museum is much more than a
series of instruments hanging on a wall. Founded and funded by local
musicians Mehrdad Jeihooni and Shahriar Shokrani in December 2015,
it showcases more than 300 instruments from around Iran, many
unchanged from their depictions in centuries-old paintings or miniatures
on display around the citys historic sites. These instruments include the
kamancheh, thought to be the ancestor of the modern violin and the tar,
supposedly the precursor of the guitar. There is also a variety of animalskin drums, reed flutes (ney), nomadic camel bells and a majestic harp,
all in beautifully lit glass cabinets on crisp white walls, with descriptions
in English and Farsi. (Visitors are welcome to pick up and try the less
precious pieces.) After a guided tour whether for one person or a
group of 20 the visit culminates in a small, intimate performance,
where traditional love songs and Persian poetry are played by modern
masters. In the short time it has been open, the museum has received
two awards, the latest from the International Council of Museums (Icom)
for the best private museum in Iran. Even those who are not music fans
will be entranced by the energy, warmth and sheer joy Mehrdad and
Shahriar exude at the sight of visitors.

On the bus
Seen : So, you nearly need to go back to Thailand. So, we as tour
guides want to say thank you to you guys for giving us a chance to take
care of you for 5 days. Also, if there is anything we have done wrong or
make you upset, we need to apologize for that. Lastly, we hope to see
you again. Have a safe flight everyone.

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