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CHICKENPOX (Varicella)

Date: 12/13/16
Dear Parents and Guardians of Cedar Ridge Students,
This letter is to notify you that there has been a case of chickenpox reported at Cedar Ridge High
Chickenpox is spread from person to person by direct skin contact or through the air from an infected
persons coughing or sneezing. It may cause a rash (fluid-filled blisters, with a crusty, red border),
severe itching, tiredness, and fever. The symptoms usually occur 14-21 days after exposure. Most
people recover without any problems and can return to school within one week.

Students with chickenpox may not attend school for 7 days after onset of the rash. Also, until
all blisters have crusted over, and no new blisters appear within a 24-hour period.

Students who have received the chickenpox vaccine can still get chickenpox and may develop
a milder form of the illness.

Students must be checked by the school nurse before returning to school.

If you suspect your child or anyone in your household has been exposed to or has chickenpox,
contact your regular health care provider to discuss the symptoms and to see if anyone in the home
needs to be vaccinated.
If you or anyone in your household has a weakened immune system or is pregnant and has never
had chickenpox or the vaccine, talk with your doctor immediately.
Cedar Ridge is working with the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD)
to identify additional cases and prevent the spread of chickenpox at the school. Please
notify the school nurse if your child is diagnosed with chickenpox.
If you have any further questions or concerns, you can contact Han Milare,RN or Aurora Camina, LVN
at 512-704-0121, 512-704-0123.
Han Milare,RN
Aurora Camina, LVN
Cedar Ridge High School- School Nurses

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