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Hartutik, 2016. Model Manajemen Pelatihan Pengintegrasian Pendidikan Karakter dengan

Sistem spiral dalam Mata Pelajaran Kimia Di Kota Semarang. Disertasi.
Program studi Manajemen Kependidikan. Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas
Negeri Semarang. Promotor Prof. Dr Rusdarti, M.Si, Kopromotor Prof. Dr Totok
Sumaryanto. F, M.Pd, dan Anggota Promotor Prof. Dr Supartono, M.Si

Teaching character education is the responsibility of all teachers including chemistry

subject. Generally teachers integrate character education in teaching class just simply on
board. In this way the behavioral changes that measured students' character can not be done.
This study aims to 1) describe the factual conditions teaching character education chemistry
teacher, 2) map the integration value of the character on the syllabus chemistry with spiral
system and create a management training model for chemistry teachers to produce
innovative work, and 3) testing the model to obtain the validity. The integration with spiral
system means the integration of the character values in chemistry in steps from class X to
XII repeatedly at different depth levels. In order to facilitate observation of behavioral
changes character, implemented an agreement that one or two basic competencies are
integrated with one character value focused and applied for four to six face-to-face classes.
The scopes of the study, which are high school chemistry teachers in Semarang, are as many
as 20 teachers. The activities focus is the mapping point character in the syllabus, stages of
class 10th up to 12th class with spiral system, learning design with a single character-focused,
and produce innovation work. Valid data is collected by the test device syllabus by experts,
the implementation model of learning an item code in the form of PTK, in a Forum Group
Discussion (FGD). The data were processed descriptively. The results showed 1) Factual
condition, generally teachers design a one face-to-face learning with the integration of many
characters that change the behavior of students is less measurable, the depth of material
character is poorly controlled in its execution and the innovation in the form of PTK is
limited until proposal only, 2) Successfully mapping 18 character of the syllabus with spiral
system in stages with levels of different depths, constituting the sample lesson plan as a
result of the work innovation training and research of class action, as well as guidelines on
the integration of character education, 3) Results of testing model: Devices that have been
validated by each experts. Average score in Syllabus 4,37; RPP example 4,36; staging item
4,56 characters; manual training instructor 4,47; material integration 4,43 (maximum score
5). Thus the device is declared valid. All teachers create syllabus innovations, and examples
of learning devices. PTK activities resulted in 3 journals contained in the proceedings of the
national seminar. Consolidating management model through FGD expressed in support and
agreement. Training management model integrating character education with a spiral system
is valid. Recommendation learning one character item focused on one or two basic
competencies can form behavior changes measurably.


Segala puji dan syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Mahas Kuasa yang telah melimpahkan
Berkat dan RahmatNya

sehingga peneliti dapat menyelesaikan disertasi yang berjudul

Model Manajemen Pelatihan Pengintegrasian Pendidikan Karakter dengan Sistem spiral

dalam Mata Pelajaran Kimia Di Kota Semarang. Disertasi ini disusun sebagai salah satu
persyaratan meraih gelar Doktor Pendidikan pada Program Studi Pendidikan Manajemen
Kependidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Penelitian ini dapat diselesaiakan berkat bantuan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu
peneliti menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada
pihak-pihak yang telah membantu penyelesaian penelitian ini. Ucapan terimakasih peneliti
sampaikan pertama kali kepada para pembimbing: Prof. Dr Rusdarti (Promotor), Prof. Dr
Totok Sumaryanto. F, M.Pd (Kopromotor),

dan Prof. Dr Supartono, M.Si, (Anggota

Ucapan terima kasih peneliti sampaikan pula kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu
selama proses penyelesaian studi, diantaranya:
1. Rektor Universitas Negeri semarang atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada penulis
untuk menempuh studi di Universitas Negeri Semarang
2. Direksi Program Pascasarjana Unnes atas dukungan kelancaran yang diberikan penulis
dalam menempuh studi.

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