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Current Event

Name: Carson Akers

Date: 11/14/16
Class Period: 6th
Title of Article: New Zealand earthquake: Two dead following powerful
Date Article was published: 11/13/16
Type of News: World
Source: Internet:
Category: Science
New Zealand is no stranger to earthquakes as it is located on the Ring of
Fire, the line of frequent quakes and eruptions that circles almost all of the
Pacific Rim. On Monday, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealands
South Island and has killed at least 2 people. It was felt 120 miles away, and
a tsunami arrived about 2 hours later with a wave measured at 82 north of
Christchurh, New Zealand. Aftershocks continued throughout Monday
morning, and many schools and businesses were closed, ferries and trains
were cancelled.
Opinion of the Article:
I think its amazing that only 2 people were killed with this big earthquake. A
magnitude 7.8 earthquake is a very big tremor, and can be extremely
destructive. Im sure the cities impacted will have a lot of clean up and
repairs to do that will likely span over the next few years. In fact, I read that
Christchurch was still recovering from an earthquake in 2011 that killed 185
people and destroyed the city center.

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