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LET Tra TOT jaa ‘Affar leaving school, | had a gap year working in ‘Arica betore | did my medical degree, m now o Junior Doctor in raining at a lecal hospital, here the work is demanding bul very rewarding with las of advice ‘and suppart from senior colleagues. Before | staried here Id expected fo have te work very leng haut, but nowadays there's © maximum of 48 hours per week for docters. There is of course shit work, but the days cf junior doctors hoving to live in and be en cal all night are, | wos hoppy fo find, long gone? Theres aso co clearly leiddown soley suc inthis profession, ‘ond thal makes it easier fo thik ahead = for instance, i you'e inlending fo take out a loan for house purchase, you know roughly what you'll be able to afford. Stefan ma Trainee Finencial Advisor wih o leading Financial Seviees fim, I came here offer | graduated in Economics tend tock to the werk steightowey. Once: ve ished ity training I'l be working with on established team cf specialist advisors. Tha! will mean roking on a lot of cedded resporsibiliies such as bulding lasing business relotionshigs with dlienls, but 'm sure I manage. And c’ltheugh the basic salary ts possibly cite below ‘overage, from next year there will clo be o few: ‘tas such as fully paid holidays in Miami and «cor allowance, 0: well as @ company lunch every month ct one of he best restaurnis in town. Hf, ke me, youre highly motivated, n his fim your career can really take off Arantxa | gradvoted las yecr and shortly aferworde | was ‘oken on here as a Graduete Engineer. Unlike some of my colleagues I didn't have any work experience ond the lasks | was given were quite varied, so there was « tremendous amount fo toke in allct once. Ard in those early days | had litle rouble meeting deadlines, though a | gained experience | quickly get over thal. From nex! auuma Il become a buyer forthe firm, purchesing imported goods and equipment, which means I'l contol « fil large budgel. Tho’s going to be guile @ challange. At present im kaan to remain here ot this Branch, though thot mey be olfected # he sumouss that c ‘major corporation is corsidering taking the firm over fur out tobe ive Dy achow | Would like to hove studied Law ot university but | didnt hove. the grades, 0 wen! saighl from school info a kaw fim, | pert two years there, ond then took up my cutten postin local Government as ¢ Ticinee legal Assistant, Is interesting swe, with lots of variety within the field oF pionring law. | have pasticula: responsibil for public anspor, for instance giving legal advice on any new schemes or proposed! changes in he bus, tom or subuiban rail networks, That means doing a lol of research, so © basic requtemen of the ja is he abiliy to werk on one's own, rather than as pat ofc gicup. The salary hete is reascnable, othough in the present economic climate, with such huge cuts to public sperding, thot may not be the cose for much longer. Sil, | {eal ils © wotlmhile job, and fail secure, loo You are going to read an article in which four people talk about thei jr careers. For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-D) The people may be chosen more than once. Which person did not go to university? al has heerd the company might be bought by a a bigger organisation? was pleasantly surprised by the working conditions? ‘says that enthusiasm and determination will bring greet success for the employae? feund it difficult at first to complete work on time? is confident: they will be able to carry out their extra duties? ‘says the way they are paid makes financial planning simpler? liked their job es soon as they started it? had to understand a lot of new things very quickly? is unsure exactly have much they will earn in the future? Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs. Use the correct form of take and a suitable adverb particle, 1. Now that exports have increased, the firm is going to 5 100 more staff 2 At first | didn’t really thenewboss,butlquite 6 like her now. 3. When our company was... by much bigger firm, 7. some people lost thei obs Simon has. far too much work, He looks exhausted all he time Sales of cur new product have really began advertising it on TY. We would like you to... Manager from next month, Ifyou drive 2 car, you must. you have an accident. So much was new on my first day at work that it was hard to everything since we the position of Assistant _— insurance in case

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