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Example: New Hire Training

Example: New Hire Training

New Hire Participant Book
2017 Edition

Aenean pretium ipsum

1234 Main Street
Orlando, FL 32819

Designed by:
Caylin Malloy
Project Team:

Table of Contents


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliquam libero erat, accumsan quis dapibus ac, malesuada vitae felis.
Aliquam viverra fermentum finibus.

Sed dictum facilisis nisl, nec dictum sem maximus ac?

Maecenas maximus orci non dapibus scelerisque?

Sed vitae ex at nisi suscipit mollis?

Nunc tincidunt vestibulum odio, vel efficitur turpis volutpat et?

Fusce tristique risus eget neque congue, non tincidunt nibh vehicula?

Password Requirements
Use this page to record the password requirements for your different systems. Do not
write your password on this page. Never write passwords down; store them in a secure
Network ID
Your user name is __________________.
Password requirements:

Your user name is __________________.
Password requirements:

Your user name is __________________.
Password requirements:

Your user name is __________________.
Password requirements:

Greetings from Lorum Ipsum, Mauris aliquet aliquam

orci non rhoncus

Dear Associate,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam viverra fermentum finibus. Aliquam libero erat, accumsan quis dapibus ac, malesuada vitae felis. Sed dictum
facilisis nisl, nec dictum sem maximus ac. Maecenas maximus orci non dapibus scelerisque.
Sed vitae ex at nisi suscipit mollis. Nunc tincidunt vestibulum odio, vel efficitur turpis volutpat et. Fusce tristique risus eget neque congue, non tincidunt nibh vehicula. Curabitur
lacus erat, tempus a massa auctor, gravida accumsan lectus. Morbi ac magna dui. Sed pretium vitae diam nec aliquam. Mauris ornare, urna id vulputate efficitur, lacus tortor sodales
nisl, sit amet ornare nunc ipsum at nulla. Ut et congue eros, vel lacinia dolor. Aenean cursus molestie condimentum. Mauris at accumsan diam.
Ut bibendum vestibulum risus quis mattis. Maecenas gravida faucibus velit. Vivamus elementum pretium enim in eleifend. Mauris id urna urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac
ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris quis velit in tellus cursus sollicitudin quis sed elit.
Vivamus sapien risus, sollicitudin quis rutrum gravida, porttitor non eros.
Etiam sed venenatis tellus. Vestibulum ac sem bibendum, mattis nibh non, laoreet eros.
Curabitur aliquet eleifend diam, vel vestibulum mauris sagittis vitae. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus aliquet purus
eu placerat accumsan. Integer varius imperdiet tempor. Donec id aliquet urna.
Lorem ipsum
Mauris aliquet aliquam orci non rhoncus

Training Expectations and Objectives

Goal Statement
Etiam nec nisi ut justo euismod consectetur ut a odio.
Training Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut eu turpis at eros dignissim venenatis eu at tellus.
Vestibulum a diam ut diam semper tempus.
Etiam ac lorem ut enim scelerisque posuere eu at nibh.
Maecenas dictum justo sit amet urna maximus, et molestie odio mattis.
Donec varius urna sed nulla imperdiet tincidunt quis sit amet enim.

Performance Expectations
Praesent sed tortor sit amet eros sollicitudin euismod. Donec bibendum lacus cursus nisi
scelerisque blandit. Sed vestibulum condimentum maximus. Sed facilisis massa orci, in dictum ante eleifend nec.

Ut bibendum vestibulum risus quis mattis. Maecenas gravida

faucibus velit. Vivamus elementum pretium enim in eleifend.
Mauris id urna urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


Ut bibendum vestibulum risus quis mattis. Maecenas gravida

faucibus velit. Vivamus elementum pretium enim in eleifend.
Mauris id urna urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibu.


Ut bibendum vestibulum risus quis mattis. Maecenas gravida

faucibus velit. Vivamus elementum pretium enim in eleifend.
Mauris id urna urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibu.


Classroom Expectations
Etiam sollicitudin vitae erat aliquam congue. Donec vel porttitor tortor. Aenean pretium
ipsum a libero aliquet, ut bibendum nulla ultricies. Quisque in dolor semper, facilisis purus
vitae, pulvinar ante. Sed pellentesque dolor at bibendum sagittis.
Fusce rutrum arcu diam, lobortis aliquet sapien molestie nec. In in fermentum nunc, euismod commodo velit. Donec volutpat tellus at ornare sodales. Mauris finibus mauris id
euismod cursus. Mauris rhoncus porta lectus. In porta, tellus sit amet blandit ornare, ipsum
libero iaculis elit, a venenatis nibh nunc quis dolor.
The following are expectations of the classroom:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Ut eu turpis at eros dignissim venenatis eu at tellus.
Vestibulum a diam ut diam semper tempus.
Etiam ac lorem ut enim scelerisque posuere eu at nibh.

Praesent sed tortor sit amet eros sollicitudin euismod:

Sed vestibulum lorem quis facilisis pulvinar.

Nulla pharetra odio sit amet fringilla iaculis.
Vestibulum bibendum lorem sit amet sollicitudin semper.
Sed et nunc pretium, tempus mi quis, pretium risus.

Fusce posuere neque quam, vel lacinia nunc interdum ac. Maecenas lacus tellus, dignissim
sit amet mattis sed, pulvinar nec mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In ornare augue convallis commodo venenatis:

Aliquam fermentum sapien sed ante pharetra cursus.

Ut accumsan arcu ut quam maximus, sed finibus sapien sagittis.
Fusce in massa sagittis ligula ornare elementum.
In ut quam a ex sollicitudin porta vel id libero.


Positive Phrasing is

In the chart below, write out a more positive way of saying the phrase.

I dont know.
We cant do that.
Thats not available.
Thats against policy.
No problem.
You should have planned
This has been available for
Its not my fault.
The rules wont let me.


In space flight, attitude refers to orientation: which direction your vehicle is pointing relative to the Sun, Earth and other spacecraft. If you lose control of your attitude, two things
happen: the vehicle starts to tumble and spin, disorienting everyone on board, and it also
strays from its course, which, if youre short on time or fuel, could mean the difference
between life and death. In the Soyuz, for example, we use every cue from every available
source periscope, multiple sensors , the horizon to monitor our attitude constantly and
adjust if necessary.
You never want to lose attitude, since maintaining attitude is fundamental to success.

-Col. Chris Hadfield


Finding Inspiration

Your brand is what people say about you

when youre not in the room.
-Jeff Bezos

What do you want people to say about you? What choices are you making to help
influence your brand?

Ive learned that people will forget what you

said, people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you made them
-Maya Angelou (1928 - 2014)

What does this quote mean to you? What can you do to help people remember
how you made them feel?


No one is free from challenges. Work and life events stress us out,
people treat us unfairly, and we sometimes feel powerless.
We have tough moments, times when we become frustrated and angry with our jobs or our lives. We may have angry bosses or customers, or we might have spouses or kids who at times feel like too much
to handle. Life is uncertain, and change is constant.
When frustration settles in, we sometimes see ourselves as victims.
Perhaps you can finish these victim sentences:
My boss is a _______.
My job _______.
Worst of all, theres nothing I _______.
When in victim mode, people complete these sentences with words like jerk, stinks, and can
do. Such statements produce a self-fulfilling mentality that makes it impossible to be your
Yet some people are at their best even in the toughest times. You might know some of
them. No matter what happens, no matter the stress or challenge, even if they become
angry or get thrown off their game, they quickly recover. And before you realize what happened, they are positive, energized, and taking productive action.
This book is about helping you choose to be an everyday hero.
Everyday heroes dont let lifes challenges bring them down. Instead, they stay positive and
find a way to overcome their obstacles. Everyday heroes dont always succeed, but they
consistently act on the belief that they can do something to improve their situations and
those of the people around them.
The way you think what I call your stories can lead you to be an everyday hero. The stories you tell can make your life positive, hopeful, and empowering or bitter, miserable, and
hopeless. You can choose your response to everyday events that might disappoint, frustrate, or anger to react in a way that casts off the victim mentality and enables you to act
with a heros resolve.
People stories. Heroes choose to feel others pain and seek to understand their actions. Victims focus on their own pain and blame the people around them.
Situation stories. Heroes see the best in their lives and appreciate what they have. Victims
focus on what is wrong in their lives.
Self stories. Heroes believe they can influence their lives and choose to take action. Victims
believe nothing can be done to improve their lives.
Blumenthal, Noah. Be the Hero. Berret-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2009.


Be the Hero Discussion Notes

People Stories

Tell me about someone you have worked

with who frustrated you.

What did they do?

What might have caused them to act the

way they did?

How did you respond?

Situation Stories

Tell me about a job you really loved.

Tell me about a job you had you really

didnt like.


What were the worst aspects of the job?

What were the best aspects of the job?

Self Stories

Tell me about a time when you faced what

seemed like an insurmountable obstacle.

What did you do to overcome this


Other Notes


Understanding Meaning
For the following phrases, please write down the meaning you interpret from it. For example, someone arriving just in time for a movie might be 5 minutes prior to the start, or 10
minutes after the previews have started.
1. Ill get back to you in a bit.

2. The material is outdated.

3. Ill send you an email in a few.

4. Can you hold for a second?

5. Ive waited for ages!

6. Your project is not high priority

7. This has been going on for some time.

8. He frequently stops at my desk to chat.


Responding vs. Acknowledging

What is responding?

What is acknowledging?

Lets look at an example:



Customer: Weve been looking forward to this

vacation for a long time. Its my sons birthday.

Customer: Weve been looking forward to this

vacation for a long time. Its my sons birthday.

Employee: Oh, ok.

Employee: Thats fantastic! Thats nice of you to

give him such a great birthday present. How old
will he be?

Using what youve learned, write out some acknowledgment statements for the
statements below:

Donec tempus lectus et enim congue rutrum.

Aliquam fermentum sapien sed ante pharetra
Ut accumsan arcu ut quam maximus, sed finibus sapien sagittis.
Maecenas eu massa et tellus vestibulum congue
sit amet quis purus.
Etiam mollis nibh eu egestas bibendum.
Donec molestie est non malesuada sagittis.


The Art of Conversation

The below list was adapted from Forbes Magazine (13 Simple Ways You Can Have More
Meaningful Conversations, August 18, 2013).
1. Dont get too excited about your next thought.

2. Ask good questions to show youre engaged.

3. Do your homework without being creepy.

4. Try to genuinely relate.

5. Dont waste peoples time.

6. Let people sell themselves.

7. Ask how you can add value.

8. Do what you can to help.


9. Reach out in meaningful ways.

10. Decrease personal barriers.

11. Listen and remember key points.

12. Hold back on sharing how awesome you are.

13. Recognize other people.


The Art of Conversation

Empathy is:

Empathy comes from acknowledging

three things:

Write an empathy statement for the following scenarios, using the format above:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Aliquam at faucibus sapien, id laoreet dui.
Donec feugiat placerat nisi, ut mollis felis lacinia
Donec urna velit, gravida non malesuada eget,
hendrerit et eros.

Reassurance is:

Write an empathy statement for the following scenarios:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Aliquam at faucibus sapien, id laoreet dui.
Donec feugiat placerat nisi, ut mollis felis lacinia
Donec urna velit, gravida non malesuada eget,
hendrerit et eros.


Hometown Visit
Etiam vulputate bibendum ipsum, id lacinia est dapibus eu:
IPraesent consequat sagittis ante nec finibus:
Suspendisse potenti:

Maecenas venenatis libero non libero blandit convallis:

Nunc a nulla quam
Duis ornare enim finibus magna tristique:

Use this page to play tic-tac-toe during the activity!


Movie and Restaurants

What did you learn about your Activity Partners
movie tastes?

Which movie did you recommend?

Did they agree?

What did you learn about their restaurant preferences?

Which restaurant did you recommend?

Did they agree?


Emotional States
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ______________ elit?

Nam blandit dolor ut sapien pharetra ______________ nec quis felis?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ______________ elit?

Nam blandit dolor ut sapien pharetra ______________ nec quis felis?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ______________ elit?

Nam blandit dolor ut sapien pharetra ______________ nec quis felis?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ______________ elit?

Nam blandit dolor ut sapien pharetra ______________ nec quis felis?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ______________ elit?

Nam blandit dolor ut sapien pharetra ______________ nec quis felis?


Building Birds

Eastern Bluebird
Missouri State Bird

Northern Mockingbird
Florida State Bird

American Goldfinch
Washington State Bird

Communication is key. Working together, build the bird below! Youre building your states
bird, so follow the colors for the birds pictured above!


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