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Cystitis (Lower Urinary Tract Infection)

Cystitis is an infection of the lower urinary tract. Infection normally
comes about due to bacteria travelling up the urethra and
ascending into the bladder. As women possess a shorter urethra,
cystitis is much more common in women than it is in men.
Infections are mostly due to GI tract bacteria, with E. coli being the
most common causative agent (present in >80% of cases). Other
causative agents include staphylococcus species which are present
on the skin. Key risk factors include not emptying the bladder fully
when urinating, menopause and diabetes. Cases involving candida
are rare (but can occur in immunocompromised patients).

Signs & Symptoms

Typical features include:
Urinary frequency, urgency and/or feeling the urge to urinate
having previously just done so
Dysuria (Pain or discomfort when urinating)
Urine that is smelly or cloudy
Blood in urine (haematuria)
A constant ache in the lower abdomen
Urge incontinence

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