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Early in the twentieth century, aqueous humor was regarded as a stagnant
fluid.1 However, this misconception was revoked after a number of experiments
designed to investigate this were carried out, including Seidel's procedure, 2 in which
a cannula connected to a reservoir of indigo carmine dye was inserted into the
anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. The reservoir was raised, thus creating a
pressure of 15 mmHg, and the dye was seen to enter the anterior chamber and
subsequently the episcleral veins. From this, it was concluded that aqueous humor is
continuously formed and drained, and it is to a large extent from this historic work
that the modern study of aqueous humor dynamics has developed.
Other aspects of the anatomy and physiology of aqueous drainage were discovered
subsequently. Boerhaave3 first described the presence of the aqueous veins, and
Ascher4 observed a clear fluid in veins of the episclera and demonstrated by means
of external compression with a glass rod that these veins were interconnected with
veins containing blood. Goldmann5 demonstrated that these vessels contained
aqueous humor by injecting fluorescein intravenously and observing the dye enter
the anterior chamber and subsequently the aqueous veins. Ashton 6 identified an
aqueous vein in a living human eye, and postmortem examination showed that there
was a direct passage between the vessel and Schlemm's canal, using a neoprene
cast. Three physiologic processes are known to contribute to the formation and
chemical composition of the aqueous. These are diffusion, ultrafiltration (and the
related dialysis), and active secretion. The first two are passive and, therefore,
require no active cellular participation. Diffusion of solutes across cell membranes
occurs down a concentration gradient. Substances with high lipid solubility
coefficients that can easily penetrate biological membranes move readily in this way.
Ultrafiltration is the term used to describe the bulk flow of blood plasma across the
fenestrated ciliary capillary endothelia, into the ciliary stroma, which can be
increased by augmentation of the hydrostatic driving force. This process is
responsible for the formation of the reservoir of the plasma ultrafiltrate in the
stroma, from which the posterior chamber aqueous is derived, via active secretion
across the ciliary epithelium. Active secretion requires energy, normally provided via
the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The energy is used to secrete
substances against a concentration gradient.
Of these three processes, active secretion is believed to contribute the most to the
chemical composition and volume of the posterior chamber aqueous.
Diffusion arises from the fact that the molecules in a fluid are in constant, random
motion. The magnitude and rate of motion vary directly with the temperature. If the
molecules in a liquid or gas are not evenly distributed, then simply by the laws of
statistical probability the molecules will eventually reach a state of equilibrium
whereby they are redistributed equally. For example, if there is initially a cloud of
smoke particles on the right side of a closed room without air currents, more
particles will move from the right side to the left, than from left to right. This process
will continue until there is a relatively even distribution throughout the room, at
which time the number of particles going from right to left at any moment will be
equal to the number moving in the opposite direction.
A similar process occurs in single solutions and in situations in which two solutions
are separated by a membrane, as long as the membrane is permeable to at least
some of the constituents of the solution (semipermeable membrane). Most capillary

walls are permeable to water, dissolved gases, and many small molecules and ions.
In a stagnant system, substances of higher concentration on one side of a
semipermeable membrane show a net movement to the side of lower concentration
until the concentrations are equal on both sides. When equilibrium is reached,
movement across the membrane still occurs, but the number of particles going in
one direction equals the number going the other way, thus yielding
no net movement.
It should be noted that water (or another solvent) participates in this process. Net
movement of water is usually in the opposite direction of solute movement, since a
higher concentration of solute means, in effect, a lower concentration of solvent.
Fick's law describes quantitatively the net movement of a substance across a
semipermeable membrane where only diffusion is occurring:
The less permeable the membrane to the solute or solvent, the lower the
temperature, and the more viscous the fluid medium, then the longer will be the time
required for equilibration. Therefore, diffusion tends to occur more rapidly through
extracellular fluids than across cells. It should also be remembered that conditions
for diffusion are markedly altered in a dynamic system such as the ciliary processes,
in which blood is flowing rapidly, aqueous humor is constantly being formed and
carried away, and other processes occur, such as those described below.
In most biological solutions, there exists a combination of salts, sugars, proteins, and
other large molecules. Most biological membranes are permeable to water, salt, and
some small organic molecules. However, these membranes are relatively
impermeable to larger molecules, such as proteins.
If a solution of protein and salt is separated from either water or a less concentrated
salt solution by a membrane permeable to the salt and water but not to the protein,
then there will be a net movement of water to the protein side by diffusion, and a
movement of salt away from the protein side. The protein, of course, cannot move
across the membrane. This process is called dialysis (Fig. 1) and is utilized, for
example, for removing unwanted salts and other toxic substances from the blood,
using the peritoneum as the membrane (peritoneal dialysis), or by using a synthetic
membrane such as that found in a dialysis machine (artificial kidney).
Fig. 1. Dialysis. The presence of protein molecules (large circles) induces a net
movement of water (small dots) across the semipermeable membrane to the protein
side. There is also a net movement of salt molecules (broken circles) away from the
protein side. With the exception of protein, movement of all molecules occurs in both
directions, but net movement is in the direction as indicated by the solid
arrows. (Courtesy of RL Stamper, MD)

By the addition of a hydrostatic pressure on the protein side of the system, the
exchange of salt and water can be accelerated. This process is called ultrafiltration
and differs from dialysis only because the hydrostatic pressure changes the rate of
movement of ions and slightly changes their final respective concentrations. The
fluid formed by the process of dialysis is called a dialysate, and that formed by
ultrafiltration is called an ultrafiltrate. Ultrafiltration is the process that occurs across

capillary walls due to the higher pressure and higher protein concentration in the
plasma as compared with the extracellular space (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Ultrafiltration. This process is similar to dialysis, but with the addition of a
hydrostatic pressure that increases the rate of net movement of water and salt
molecules across the semipermeable membrane. The final equilibrium
concentrations on either side of the membrane are the same as in dialysis. The
hydrostatic pressure merely increases the rate at which equilibrium is
achieved. (Courtesy of RL Stamper, MD)

The salt does not distribute itself equally on both sides of the membrane. Since the
protein carries an electrical charge (generally an overall negative charge at
physiologic pH), the positive ions in solution tend to be bound to the negatively
charged residues of the protein molecules. Thus, there is an excess of cations such
as Na+ or K+ on the protein side of the membrane.
This unequal distribution is called the Gibbs-Donnan effect, and the quantitative
relationships between the various ions (at least in simple systems) is predictable (Fig.
3). In order to maintain electrical balance, the total positive charges (e.g., number of
Na+ and K+ ions) on one side must equal the total negative charges (e.g., sum of
negative protein charges, Cl- ions, and any other negative ions). Furthermore, it has
been shown that the final equilibrium concentrations of Na + and Cl- on each side of
the membrane are related according to the following equation 7,8:
Fig. 3. Gibbs-Donnan effect. Because protein molecules carry an overall electrical
charge (usually negative) at physiological pH, the distribution of ions at equilibrium
is altered slightly to reflect the tendency of the protein molecules to attract
oppositely charged and repel like-charged ions. Therefore there is a higher
concentration of cations on the protein side and a higher concentration of anions on
the nonprotein side of the system. (Courtesy of RL Stamper, MD)

Thus, if the aqueous humor were like extracellular fluid in most capillary beds of
other parts of the body, we should expect to see a protein-free aqueous solution with
ionic concentrations like those on side 2 of a Gibbs-Donnan ultrafiltrate of plasma.
The Na+ and K+ concentrations should be less than plasma, and the Cl- and HCO 3concentrations should be slightly higher. Further, the actual values of the ratios of
the concentrations of each respective ion in aqueous to plasma would conform to the
values obtained experimentally when plasma is dialysed against its own ultrafiltrate.
In addition, no organic substance should be at higher concentration than in the

plasma, since diffusion and ultrafiltration can, at most, only equalize the
concentrations of organic substances. These processes cannot promote an excess
concentration on side 2 of the membrane.
Although aqueous humor resembles a dialysate of plasma in many ways, as will be
seen, the ionic concentrations do not quite fit the Gibbs-Donnan predictions, and
some nonionic substances have higher concentrations in aqueous than in plasma
(Table 1). Such a condition can only occur in the presence of some active metabolic
TABLE ONE. Aqueous Versus Dialysate
Concentration Ratio

Concentration Ratio
































Values are for the rabbit eye. Although the chemical composition of aqueous humor
bears some similarities to a plasma dialysate, the small differences are significant.
These differences can only be accounted for theoretically by an active secretory
(Adapted from Davson H: The Aqueous Humor and the Intraocular Pressure. In:
Physiology of the Eye, 5th ed, pp 395. New York, Pergamon Press, 1990.)
Secretion implies an active process that selectively transports some substances
across the cell membrane. Since energy is consumed, substances can be moved
across a concentration gradient in a direction opposite to that which would be
expected by passive mechanisms alone. One example of this is the ability of the
thyroid gland to accumulate iodide at up to 40 times the circulating plasma
level.10 One would expect the iodide concentration in the plasma and the thyroid
gland to be similar if only diffusion and ultrafiltration were operating. Aqueous humor
exhibits increased ascorbate, lactate, and certain amino acid concentrations as
compared with plasma, as a consequence of active secretion.
Another way of testing for the presence of an active metabolic process is to apply
specific metabolic inhibitors to the ciliary body and observe the effect on aqueous
secretion. Ultrafiltration of fluid from the plasma to the posterior aqueous has been
suggested to be responsible for approximately 70% of aqueous formation. 11
However, the results of experiments where metabolic inhibitors have been used
have shown conclusively that this is not the case. For example, systemic 16 or
intravitreal injection17 of ouabain (an inhibitor of the enzyme sodium-potassium
activated adenosine triphosphatase--Na + /K+ ATPase) results in a decrease of up to
70% in aqueous formation, in a variety of species. The topical administration of
vanadate (also a Na+ /K+ATPase inhibitor) lowers aqueous secretion in rabbits 18,19 and
monkeys.20 If the greatest proportion of aqueous secretion was attributable to

ultrafiltration, then this could not occur. In addition, Bill 11 noted that the hydrostatic
and oncotic forces that exist across the ciliary epithelium-posterior aqueous interface
would favor resorption, not secretion, of aqueous humor. The ciliary process stroma
has an oncotic pressure of approximately 14 mmHg, because of its protein content.
Since IOP in the healthy eye is maintained at approximately 15 mmHg, a capillary
hydrostatic pressure of greater than 29 mmHg would be required to drive an
ultrafiltrate. Capillary hydrostatic pressure in the ciliary stroma has been estimated
to be 25 to 33 mmHg and 27 to 28 mmHg. 2It has been calculated14 that a capillary
pressure of greater than 50 mmHg would be necessary to promote ultrafiltration as
the major mechanism for the secretion of aqueous. The values of capillary
hydrostatic pressure in the ciliary processes and a consideration of the hydrostatic
and oncotic forces involved do not favor ultrafiltration as an important mechanism
for aqueous humor secretion. Acetazolamide, and other specific inhibitors of the
enzyme carbonic anhydrase, decrease the formation of aqueous by 40% to 60%. 21
A reduction in temperature, which inhibits most active metabolic processes, also
results in a decrease in aqueous formation, to a greater extent than would be
expected if only diffusion were operating.24
Active transport systems usually exhibit a limit beyond which an increase in
substrate concentration produces no further increase in transport. When this limit is
reached, the system is said to be saturated. Thus, the fact that a transport
mechanism for a substance can be saturated provides evidence of an active system.
It has been demonstrated that by increasing the ascorbate concentration in plasma,
a level of plasma ascorbate is reached above which no further increase in aqueous
ascorbate concentration will occur.36 This provides evidence that the ascorbate
transport system in the eye is saturable.
Several membrane active transport systems have been identified in the ciliary
epithelium that are known to pump various substances against a concentration
gradient, including Na+ /K+ ATPase and amino acid membrane transporters (Fig.
4).There are also passive transport proteins specific for HCO 3- and Cl-. Membrane
bound Na+ /K+ ATPase is one important system involved in Na +and K+ transport and is
present mainly along the lateral cellular interdigitations of the nonpigmented ciliary
epithelium.16,26-32 The transmembrane Na+ /K+ transport protein is energized by the
Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis of ATP, mediated by the ATPase enzyme intimately
associated with it in the membrane. The ATP required for this process is derived
predominantly from oxidative metabolism of glucose via the Krebs' citric acid cycle.
It is most likely that Na+ is pumped across the cell membrane and Cl)- is passively
carried with it in order to maintain electrical neutrality, although the relative rate of
transport of Cl- is unclear.33 The Na+ pump induces a potential difference across the
ciliary body, ranging from 6 to 10 mV. Measurements of the potential difference
across the ciliary epithelia indicate that the aqueous is positive with respect to the
stroma. The magnitude of this potential difference is reduced after poisoning with
ouabain.34These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Na + is the primary
mover. Active transport of Cl- is probably small in comparison to that of
Na+ .35 Interspecies differences in the aqueous-plasma ratios of Cl- (e.g., high in
human, low in rabbits) might be explained by the relative proportions of Cl- actively
transported.36 Transepithelial electrical measurements in the isolated rabbit irisciliary body indicate that Na+ /K+ ATPase and HCO3- are required for active ion

Fig. 4. Diagram of possible secretory pathways in the ciliary processes. AA, ascorbic
acid; CA, carbonic anhydrase. (Adapted from Wiederholt M, Helbig H, Korbmacher C:
Ion transport across the ciliary epithelium: Lessons from cultured cells and proposed
role of the carbonic anhydrase. In: Carbonic Anhydrase, pp 232244. Basel, VerlagChemie, 1991)

Histochemical studies have demonstrated a number of active enzyme systems in the

ciliary epithelia. These include nucleotide phosphatases (especially ATPase, as
mentioned previously), adenylate cyclase, and carbonic anhydrase, the enzyme
which forms HCO3- (the body's alkaline ion) from CO2 and H2O.3842 The enzyme has
been shown to be localized in both the pigmented and the nonpigmented epithelial
cells of the rabbit ciliary processes, 43,44 and monkey and human pigmented and
nonpigmented epithelial cells, 45 most prominently in the basal and lateral
membranes, but also in the cytoplasm. A variety of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors will
acetazolamide, 46 methazolamide,
dichlorphenamide,47,48 aminozolamide,49 trifluormethazolamide,50 6hydroxyethoxzolamide,51 MK-927, L-671,152 (MK-507, dorzolamide), 52,53-58 and several
biscarbonylamidothiadiazole compounds.23 The site of action of these drugs is
intraocular rather than systemic, because the unilateral injection of acetazolamide
into the carotid artery lowers the IOP of only the ipsilateral feline eye. 59 Precisely how
carbonic anhydrase helps mediate aqueous secretion has been a longstanding
debate. However, in recent years many advances in understanding of this system
have been achieved. In the past, it was suggested that acetazolamide caused
constriction of afferent iris or ciliary arteries, thereby decreasing ultrafiltration and
hence aqueous humor formation. 60,61This view is no longer held, however. For
example, Bill,62 using radiolabelled microspheres, concluded that acetazolamide had
no significant effect on the blood flow in the intraocular tissues in the rabbit eye, and
that it was unlikely that the drug had any effect on blood flow in the anterior uvea. It
has now been irrefutably demonstrated that acetazolamide exerts its ocular effects
via a reduction in aqueous secretion, mediated by a direct effect on the ciliary
epithelial cells.28 The ciliary carbonic anhydrase system is now thought to function as
described by Maren.63 Inhibition of the enzyme decreases the rate of Na + and HCO3transport into the posterior chamber by equimolar amounts, indicating a linkage of
the accession of these two solutes into the posterior chamber of dogs and

monkeys.64 Further, inhibition of carbonic anhydrase lowers the aqueous Clconcentration in primates and the HCO 3- concentration in rabbits.65,66 The mechanism
bywhich carbonic anhydrase activity is coupled to Na + and HCO3- movement into the
posterior chamber is still subject to much study. However, it is now known that the
primary reaction, which occurs within the cytosol of the nonpigmented ciliary
epithelial cells, is the proteolysis of water to yield OH- and H + ions (Fig. 5). The
hydroxide ions so formed react with CO 2 catalytically (or noncatalytically when the
enzyme is inhibited) to form HCO 3-, which is passively transported to the aqueous
humor, simultaneously with the active transport of Na+ . The protons liberated from
water pass into the blood circulation where they are buffered by proteins. The
theoretical rates of flow of HCO 3-, based on known constants and some assumptions
regarding cell volume and pH of the secretory region, are shown at the bottom
of Figure 5. The catalytic rate (i.e., when active carbonic anhydrase is present) is 7
mol/min, and the uncatalyzed is 0.07
Fig. 5. Model for HCO3- formation and its linkage to Na+ transport in the ciliary
processes. Observed rates are for monkey. Chemical rate constants (37C) taken
from the work of Maren. (Adapted with permission, from The Annual Review of
Physiology 50:695. Copyright 1988,
by Annual Reviews Inc)A

The uncatalyzed rate is found experimentally by inhibiting the enzyme in vivo by a

large dose of acetazolamide or similar compound. Such inhibition, when complete,
should yield the uncatalyzed rate of HCO 3- formation. Measurements obtained
experimentally indicate that the observed inhibited rate (Fig. 5, right, 0.024
mol/min) is not very different from the calculated uncatalyzed rate of 0.07
mol/min. Considering the assumptions aboutpH and cell volume, the difference
between the calculated and experimentally measured inhibited rates of bicarbonate
flow lies within acceptable limits of error. Inhibition of the flow of bicarbonate also
leads to an inhibition of the flow of Na + . Several hypotheses have been put forward
to explain this: (1) inhibition of carbonic anhydrase causes a decrease in HCO 3available for movement with Na+ to the aqueous side to maintain electroneutrality;
(2) a reduction in intracellular pH may inhibit Na + -K+ATPase; and (3) decreased
availability of H+ produced by the reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase
decreases H+ /Na+ exchange and reduces the availability of intracellular Na + for
transport into the intercellular channel.
A large excess of carbonic anhydrase has been found in the ciliary processes of all
species studied. This has pharmacologic implications when one hopes to reduce

aqueous secretion by inhibition of the enzyme. In order to achieve a clinically useful

reduction in secretion and hence IOP, more than 99% of the enzyme must be
inhibited. The sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors have been in clinical use for
glaucoma since 1955, when their action on the eye was discovered as an offshoot of
their development as diuretics.48 They have also been extremely useful in research
on aqueous humor formation, because they are highly specific, having no other
actions at concentrations below 1 M. The major compound is acetazolamide, but
many ophthalmologists use methazolamide or related compounds, which have a
greater diffusibility than acetazolamide, and which act on the eye in lower doses,
thereby achieving the desired ocular effect but having lesser action on other systems
in the body where carbonic anhydrase is present, such as the secretory epithelia of
the kidney.21
Research to find carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that are active topically has
proceeded in recent years, in order to try to further improve the specificity of these
drugs for the eye. The systemic dose of sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
required to achieve greater than 99% blockade of ciliary carbonic anhydrase leads to
undesirable side effects, even with methazolamide. 67MK-927 and L-671,152 are
examples of such compounds.53 As a rule, the topically active carbonic anhydrase
inhibitors have a very high lipid and water solubility product, as well as a high
inhibitory potency and efficacy. Sufficient concentration is achieved in the ciliary
processes via transcorneal, aqueous humor and iris absorption after instillation of a
single drop.22,68 This results in essentially as large a drop in IOP as with the
sulfonamides.52,68 L-671,152 (MK-507, dorzolamide) is close to approval for clinical
In summary, then, aqueous humor is mainly a product of active cellular secretion
requiring metabolic energy. Na+ and K+ are transported from plasma to the posterior
chamber, with HCO3-, Cl- and water following passively to maintain electrical and
osmotic balance. Other substances such as certain amino acids are also actively
transported. Some other small molecules probably appear in the aqueous via
diffusion or ultrafiltration.
The process begins with an ultrafiltrate of plasma in the extravascular spaces of the
ciliary stroma. The ciliary epithelium (probably nonpigmented) then incorporates
certain molecules and ions selectively for concentration and direct active secretion
into the posterior chamber, whilst other substances are secreted passively.
Very large molecules such as proteins are present in the aqueous in only very small
quantities, even if their respective concentrations in the plasma are raised to very
high levels. In humans, normal plasma total protein levels are 6 g/100 mL, compared
with less than 20 mg/100 mL in the aqueous, less than 0.5% that in plasma. 70,71 Thus,
a restraint in the free passage of many solutes from the blood vessels of the ciliary
stroma into the aqueous humor exists. This constitutes one component of the bloodaqueous barrier,72 the anatomical correlate of which are the tight junctions between
the interdigitating surfaces of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells.
Bill73,74 demonstrated that albumin and other proteins pass through the ciliary
capillary walls at a much faster rate than they enter the aqueous humor and
concluded that a barrier to these substances existed at a site other than the vessel
walls. The intravenous injection of horseradish peroxidase into the monkey has been
shown to lead to a rapid filling of the ciliary stroma by the enzyme. 75 The enzyme
passes through the many fenestrations present in the blood capillaries of the ciliary
body, since these have few tight junctions (similar to choroidal capillaries), and also
fills the spaces between the pigmented cells. However, it is prevented from entering
the aqueous by the tight junctions of the nonpigmented layer, between the cell
apices. Comparable results have been reported in the mouse 76,77 and in the rabbit.78,79
The blood-aqueous barrier is not absolute. Water soluble substances of medium
molecular weight such as urea, creatinine, and certain sugars may penetrate at

varying rates, but all are slower than their transit across capillary walls. Generally,
the greater the lipid solubility coefficient of a substance, the greater its ability to
penetrate the blood-aqueous barrier and pass to the posterior aqueous chamber. 8082
In addition, regional differences of permeability in the ciliary body have been
noted. For instance, the epithelia of the anterior portions of the ciliary processes of
the rabbit are less permeable than the epithelia of the pars plana. 78
Substances such as mannitol are used clinically to reduce IOP. They function as
hyperosmotic agents, by exploitation of the fact that they penetrate the bloodaqueous barrier only poorly but are distributed widely within the extracellular spaces
of the body. Water is drawn from cells and the ocular fluids, balancing the high
osmotic pressure induced in the extracellular space via the high concentrations of
mannitol. The resulting loss of water from the eye leads to a reduction in the IOP. The
effect of hyperosmotic agents is most pronounced in eyes exhibiting pathologically
elevated IOP.83
Other examples of hyperosmotic agents include glycerin, urea, isosorbide, and
ethanol. Urea was the first substance to be used for this purpose; however, it will
slowly penetrate the blood-aqueous barrier, and hence the hyperosmotic effect of
urea on the eye is shorter lived than that of mannitol. Ethanol is not used clinically as
it penetrates the eye even more rapidly than urea and in the required doses has
undesirable effects on the sensorium.
Certain antibiotics (e.g. chloramphenicol, cephalothin, and ampicillin) are known to
penetrate the blood-aqueous barrier well, whereas others do so only poorly
(e.g., penicillin, methicillin, erythromycin, and gentamicin).
A similar barrier to the passage of solutes exists in the retinal pigment epithelium,
thus forming a blood-vitreous barrier between the vitreous and the blood capillaries
of the choroid. Blood capillaries with tight junctions in their endothelia form further
physiologic barriers (functionally similar to the blood-brain barrier) in the iris and
The blood-aqueous barrier is fragile and may bedisturbed by a variety of noxious
stimuli. A corneal abrasion, paracentesis (withdrawal of a small volume of aqueous
via a needle inserted into the anterior chamber), 8488 intraocular infection, uveal
inflammation, intraocular surgery, and certain drugs, applied topically (such as
anticholinesterase, e.g.,echothiopate,
flurophosphate [DFP], demecarium, neostigmine, or physostigmine), or delivered by
intracarotid infusion, such as hyperosmotic agents (causing separation of the ciliary
epithelial layers, opening of the blood-aqueous barrier, and severe, permanent
damage to the pigmented epithelial cells 89), are all capable of breaking down the
blood-aqueous barrier and inducing changes in the aqueous humor composition
(Table 2). Disruption of the blood-aqueous barrier has also been reported in the
contralateral eyes of patients who have had cataract extraction and lens
implantation surgery,90 and after argon laser trabeculoplasty. 91 Severe damage to the
blood-aqueous barrier occurs with cyclodestructive procedures used to treat
advanced glaucoma and is evidenced by the prolonged or chronic presence of flare
(the scattering of light upon slit-lamp examination by increased levels of protein in
the anterior chamber).
TABLE TWO. Factors Interrupting the Blood-Aqueous Barrier
Corneal abrasion
Blunt trauma
Intraocular surgery
Stroking of the iris



Nuclear radiation


Irritants (e.g., nitrogen mustard)



Corneal and intraocular infections

Intraocular inflammation
Anterior segment ischemia

Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
Nitrogen mustard
Cholinergic drugs, especially cholinesterase inhibitors
Plasma hyperosmolality

After breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier, the resultant aqueous produced is

known as secondary or plasmoid aqueous. 19,66,92 The most notable change is a
marked increase in protein concentration. In this situation, the ionic composition of
the aqueous approaches that of a simple dialysate of plasma, and substances that
are normally barred from entering the aqueous now do so with ease. The unusually
rapid rate of entry of substances such as fluorescein, Evan's blue dye, albumin, or
fibrinogen (which actually may allow the aqueous to coagulate) can be used as a
diagnostic indicator of barrier breakdown.
Many of the processes that disrupt the blood-aqueous barrier also lead to
vasodilation. Vasodilation can occur by means of an axon reflex (as may be seen
after abrasion of the cornea), a sudden drop in IOP, or inflammation. 93,94 In any case,
vasodilation may be associated with loss of some of the tight junctions in the iridial
vessels, which may help explain the breakdown of the barrier. 93
In addition, it has been suggested that plasma proteins and other constituents can
leak in a retrograde manner through Schlemm's canal, and, therefore, account for
the breakdown of the barrier after paracentesis. 95 In this study, no changes in the
permeability of the ciliary epithelium or iris to horseradish peroxidase were found
after paracentesis, contradicting previous studies and conventional views of the
mechanism of barrier breakdown.
Release of prostaglandins causes vasodilation and many other findings associated
with inflammation. Evidence points to the possible involvement of this class of
compounds with breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. 92,96-102 Prostaglandins have
been implicated in the irritative response after mechanical trauma to the eye, and
cause miosis, vasodilation, release of protein into the aqueous, and elevated IOP.
Prostaglandins applied topically to the eye in sufficiently high concentration cause
breakdown of the tight junctions of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium and increase
the protein content of the aqueous humor, the highest levels of protein being found
in the posterior chamber. 103,104 Pretreatment with inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis
such as indomethacin or aspirin will inhibit breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier,
as well as some of the other manifestations of inflammation ordinarily induced by the

aforementioned process.105109 It may well be that prostaglandin release represents a

final common pathway for the action of many different kinds of trauma and irritants.
However, small doses of particular prostaglandins (especially PGF 2 and certain
congeners) applied topically to the eyes of cynomolgus monkeys and humans result
in a large increase in uveoscleral outflow, with a concomitantly large decrease in IOP,
without clinically evident ocular inflammation. 100,101,110115 PGF2 analogues thus show
promise as possible antiglaucoma drugs.
In the healthy eye, the aqueous humor has a refractive index taken to be constant at
a value of 1.336.116 Since this index of refraction is lower than that of the cornea,
there is a slight divergence of light rays as they pass the cornea-aqueous interface.
Both the viscosity and density of aqueous humor are a little higher than that of pure
water, while the osmolality is slightly higher than that of plasma. 9,117120
The volume of the human anterior chamber is approximately 200 L, while that of
the posterior chamber is approximately 60 L. This makes chemical analysis of the
aqueous quite difficult, due to the tiny volume of fluid as well as the relatively poor
accessibility of the posterior chamber. Further, it may account for the differences in
values for the concentrations of many substances obtained by different investigators.
The greatest difference between aqueous and plasma resides in the very low protein
concentration in the aqueous (Table 3), which is in the region of 0.5% that of
plasma.70,71 However, thecomposition of protein in the aqueous is also different from
that in plasma. The ratio of the levels of the lower molecular weight plasma proteins
(such as albumin and the -globulins) to the higher molecular weight proteins (such
as the -lipoproteins and the heavy immunoglobulins) is much higher in aqueous in
the normal healthy eye than in plasma. 112 However, when the blood-aqueous barrier
breaks down (as in uveitis), the composition and concentrations of protein in the
aqueous are similar to that of plasma. 71 The levels of immunoglobulin in the aqueous
have been determined, both in the normal eye and in eyes in which the barrier has
broken down.122124 In the healthy eye, immunoglobulin G (IgG) is present at a
concentration of approximately 3 mg/100 mL, 124 while IgM, IgD, and IgA are absent,
presumably because of their larger molecular structure. In eyes with uveitis, the
concentration of IgG increases, and IgM and IgA appear also. In the normal aqueous,
trace concentrations of active complement C2, C6, and C7 globulins are also
TABLE THREE. Aqueous and Serum Protein Concentration


Aqueous (g/100 Serum


(g/100 Aqueous (g/100 Serum

















(Adapted from Davson H: The Eye. In: Vegetative Physiology and Biochemistry,Vol 1,
2nd ed, New York, Academic Press, 1969; and Duke-Elder S: The Aqueous Humour.
The Physiology of the Eye and of Vision, Vol 4, pp 104200. In Duke-Elder S (ed):
System of Ophthalmology. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1968)
There are also trace quantities of several components of the fibrinolytic and
coagulation system present in the aqueous, with the exception of plasminogen and
plasminogen proactivator, which are present at more significant concentration. Only

trace quantities of the inhibitors of plasminogen activation are present in the

aqueous,126 thereby ensuring that the aqueous outflow pathways remain free of
fibrin. The aqueous humor of diseased eyes incorporates significant quantities of all
of the major components of coagulation and fibrinolysis, giving rise to formation of
intracameral clots; however, the composition of these clots is different from those
that occur in blood vessels.66
The and lens crystallins are also present in only small amounts in the aqueous
humor of healthy eyes, although the concentration of these proteins increases in
It has been calculated that in the normal healthy eye, the blood-aqueous barrier
behaves as a semiporous membrane with a pore radius of approximately 10.4 nm.
Recently, it has been proposed that anterior diffusion of proteins from the stroma of
the ciliary body and the stroma of the iris, by passing ciliary and iridial epithelial
barriers, accounts for the major fraction of protein in normal rabbit aqueous. 129
The concentration of amino acids, on the other hand, is frequently higher in the
aqueous than in the plasma. 130 In the canine eye, however, there is a lower
concentration of amino acids in the aqueous than in the plasma. 131 At least three
transport systems for amino acids have been proposed in the eye, 36 one each for the
acidic, basic, and neutral groups. A statistical study of the covariation of the
concentration of amino acids and related compounds in human aqueous suggested
the existence of six transport systems in the ciliary epithelia: three independent
mechanisms for neutral amino acids, and independent mechanisms for basic amino
acids, acidic amino acids, and urea. 132
The distribution of ions varies greatly amongst different species. For example, the
monkey has a higher concentration of H + and Cl- and a lower concentration of HCO 3as compared with plasma. On the other hand, rabbit aqueous has a lower
concentration of Cl- and H+ and a higher concentration of HCO 3- as compared with
plasma.133 Active transport of Cl- across the feline isolated ciliary epithelium has
been reported.33 Theconcentration of Na+ in the aqueous is almost the same as in the
plasma in many species.9,134 However, the osmotic pressure of aqueous is slightly
higher than that of plasma with respect to Na + , because of Gibbs-Donnan
Most species tested have very high concentrations of ascorbate and lactate in the
aqueous. Ascorbate is actively secreted into the posterior chamber, and the
secretion mechanism will only function in the presence of ATP and a Na + gradient.
The physiologic function of ascorbate remains to be elucidated; however, it is known
to be concentrated by the lens epithelium.135 Ascorbate may function as an
antioxidant, regulate the sol-gel balance of mucopolysaccharides in the trabecular
meshwork, or partially absorb ultraviolet radiation, 136 as diurnal mammals have
approximately 35 times the concentration of aqueous ascorbate than nocturnal
Lactate is produced as a result of the glycolytic degradation of glucose by both the
ciliary body and the retina.138 It diffuses into the posterior chamber but is present at
only marginally higher concentration than in the plasma at this site. However, it is
accumulated in the anterior chamber at considerably higher concentration than in
the plasma.
Glucose, urea, and nonprotein nitrogen concentrations are slightly less than in
plasma.9 Glucose is thought to diffuse into the aqueous, where its concentration is
approximately 80% that of plasma. Glucose also diffuses into the cornea. Its
concentration within the corneal endothelium is approximately half that in the
aqueous. In diabetes mellitus, the aqueous concentration of glucose is increased.
Oxygen is also present in the aqueous humor, at a tension determined to lie between
13 to 80 mmHg, depending upon the method of measurement. 139143 The tension of
oxygen in the aqueous can be decreased by topical epinephrine, possiblyas a result
of uveal vasoconstriction143 or by the wearing of polymethylmethacrylate (perspex)
contact lenses, which, by restricting the normal passage of oxygen across the

corneal epithelium, cause corneal hypoxia and thus an increase in movement of

oxygen from the aqueous, across the corneal endothelium. 143
Berzelius144 first demonstrated the presence of lipids in bovine aqueous. Since then,
sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl choline, and lysophosphatidyl choline have all been
shown to be present in the aqueous, 145 although at a concentration of less than 1
mg/100 mL, as lipids are largely barred from entry to the aqueous by the bloodaqueous barrier.146
corticosteroids, 147monoamine
metabolites, Cr ions, vitamin B12, sialic acid, and hyaluronic acid152 have all
been found to exist in the aqueous of a number of different species. The role of these
compounds within the aqueous is not understood.
As the aqueous flows from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber, changes
occur. Nutrients diffuse into the lens, iris, and vitreous. 153 Diffusion from the posterior
aqueous into the vitreous is a major contributor to the existence of concentration
gradients of low molecular weight substances in the vitreous. 154 Waste products, such
as lactate diffuse from the lens, iris, and corneal endothelium into the aqueous.
Some exchanges of small molecules occur across the iridial vessels. Predictably, the
chemical compositions of posterior chamber aqueous and anterior chamber aqueous
are different.9 To complicate the matter further, some substances appear to be
actively transported out of the eye. Para-aminohippurate (PAH), Diodrast, and
penicillin are examples of large anions that are actively transported out of the eye.
The system appears to be similar to that occurring in the renal tubules. This active
transport system can be saturated and can also be inhibited by low temperatures
and probenecid.9 The nonpigmented ciliary epithelium has been implicated as the
site of this active transport system within the anterior eye. Another independent
transport system actively excretes injected iodide from the aqueous. This latter
system resembles iodide transport mechanisms in the thyroid and salivary
glands.155 The significance to the normal physiology of the eye of these outwarddirected transport systems has not been established. With the discovery that
prostaglandins may be actively transported out of the eye, 156,157 some have
suggested that such mechanisms may be useful to rid the eye of biologically active
substances no longer needed, or which may even be detrimental. 24 Their removal
from the eye to the blood facilitates their excretion via the hepatic route. There are
other outwardly directed ion-uptake mechanisms present in the eye. The anterior
uvea of the rabbit eye, for example, accumulates the anions cholate, glycocholate,
deoxycholate, chenodeoxycholate, iodipamide, and o-iodohippurate. 158,159 Atleast one
inwardly directed anion pump mechanism also operates--ascorbate is accumulated in
the anterior chamber and lens, its concentration in the aqueous humor being about
20 times that in plasma.135 This may help protect the anterior ocular structures from
oxidative damage. Brny,160 making analogy to the ion pump located at the renal
peritubular cell border adjacent to the blood, which pumps simple cations from the
blood to the kidney tubule, investigated whether there are any inwardly directed
cation pump mechanisms from blood to aqueous. He concluded, however, that such
mechanisms probably do not exist, at least within the rabbit eye. But outwardly
directed cationic pump mechanisms have been reported. For example, iris-ciliary
emepronium,161 although a later report162questioned whether any other cations are
actively eliminated from the eye.
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