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MCT 2337

Electrical Machines
Assignment 2

Semester 1 2016-2017
Name : Mohd Fazreen Bin Mohamad Jailaini
Matric Card : 1426449
Lecturer.Sir Ali Sophian
Section : 2

a) A 460-V, 25-hp, 60Hz, four-pole, Y-connected induction motor has the following impedances
in ohms per phase referred to the stator circuit: R1 = 0.6 R2 = 0.32 X1 =1.10 X2 = 0.46

XM = 26.3 The total rotational losses are 1100 W and are assumed to be constant. The core
loss is lumped in with the rotational losses. Rotor slip is 2% at the rated voltage and rated
frequency. By using Matlab, calculate and plot the torque speed characteristics of this motor both
with the original rotor resistance, with rotor resistance = 0.5 and with rotor resistance = 0.7 .
Analyse the results in terms of the magnitude of the pull-out torque.
%Declaration of the variable
R1 = 0.6;
R2 = 0.32;
X1 = 1.10;
X2 = 0.46;
Xm = 26.3;
%Vphase,synschronous speed
vphase = 460./sqrt(3);
nsync = 1800;
wsync = 188.5;
s = (0:1:50) ./ 50;
s(1) = 0.001;
nm = (1 - s) .* nsync;



vphase .* ( Xm ./ sqrt(R1^2 + (X1 + Xm)^2));

((j.*Xm) * (R1 + j.*X1)) ./ (R1 + j.*(X1 + Xm));

%Calculation of the torque for original rotor resistance

for ii = 1:51
torque_ind1(ii) = (3.*Vth.^2.*R2 / s(ii))/(wsync.*((Rth+R2./s(ii )).^2 +
for ii = 1:51
torque_ind2(ii) = (3.*Vth.^2.*(0.5) ./ s(ii))./(wsync .*((Rth +
(0.5)./s(ii )).^2+(Xth + X2 )^2));
for ii = 1:51
torque_ind3(ii) = (3.*Vth.^2.*(0.7) ./ s(ii))./(wsync .*((Rth +
(0.7)./s(ii )).^2+(Xth + X2 ).^2));
plot(nm ,torque_ind1,'Color','k','LineWidth',2.0) ;
hold on;

plot(nm ,torque_ind2,'Color','k','LineWidth',2.0,'LineStyle','--') ;
hold on;
plot(nm ,torque_ind3,'Color','k','LineWidth',2.0,'LineStyle','-.') ;
hold on;
title ('Induction motor torque-speed characteristic','Fontweight','Bold');
xlabel('\itn_{m}','Fontweight','Bold') ;
ylabel('\tau_{ind}','Fontweight','Bold') ;

legend ('Original R_{2}','0.5 R_{2}','0.7 R_{2}') ;

grid on;
hold off;

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