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DAY : _________________

NAME : _________________________________:

DATE : ____________
CLASS : ___________

Write T for TRUE and F for FALSE

1. We must stand at attention during assembly.
2.We must push when boarding the bus.
3.We must sing proundly our National Anthem.
4. We must not push when boarding the bus.
5. We must not clean the blackboard.
6. We must write on the desks.
7. We must throw the rubbish into the dustbin.
8. We must eat and drink in the classroom.
9. We must queue up when boarding the bus.
10. We must not keep quiet during assembly.



DAY : _________________
NAME : _________________________________:

DATE : ____________
CLASS : ___________

Write must or must not.

We __________ queue up when

We __________ throw the

boarding the bus.

rubbish on the ground.

We __________ stand at

We __________ throw the

attention during assembly.

rubbish into the dustbin.

We __________ clean the

We __________ eat and drink in

blackboard after use it.

the classroom.



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