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2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 1/8
WEEK 19 from Monday 6th to Sunday 12th of May
Macro-cycle VIII, week 5 (Training week 47)
As last week, the training load will progressively be decreased. Therefore, only 3 training
sessions are scheduled with a recovery training on Monday, a clear peak in intensity now on
Wednesday, and a speed training on Friday. Depending on your own occupations, it is also
possible to do these sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, respectively.
Mon. 6th: * Recovery
The main goal is to recover at least 3 times faster as without training.
Tr. 177
Cardio-training (to be done indoor OR outdoor)
o indoor, in a fitness centre, it may consist of:
- 20 min on a bike (approximately 80 to 90 cycles per minute, so rather faster
than slower)
- 4 times 5 min rowing (between level 7 to 10, dependent on the equipment, but
again rather faster than slower), with 1 min recovery in between. Try to
increase the rowing distance each time (e.g. 1125 m for set 1, 1150 for set 2,
1175 for set 3, 1200 for set 4)
- 10 min running on a treadmill (in the target zone of 70% HRmax)
- 5 min aquajogging (swimming in a relaxed way)
o outdoor, it may consist of:
- a jogging of 35 to 45 min in the target zone of 70% Hrmax
- a 60 min bike trip
* Strength

- see strength training week 8

* Cooling down, stretching, and occasionally a jacuzzi and/or a massage

Total duration: 55 - 65 min
Tue. 7th:


Wed. 8th: * Low Int.

- 5 min run at 80% HRmax (appr. 1 km)
Tr. 178
* W.U., stretching, and mobilisation exercises (15 min)
* Speed End. Tr. - Referee Run exercise 8 min, just 1 set

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 2/8






- After a 2 to 3 min recovery and a stretching break, the pulsations

should be reduced below 120 bts/min.
* Low Int. Tr.

- 5 min run at 80% HRmax (appr. 1 km)

* High Int.

- This HI-run can easily be performed on every surface. To prevent

injuries, however, I want to stress it is better to practice on a soft
ground than on any surface that is too demanding for articulations
and tendons.
- 60 sec HI-run, 60 sec jogging,
- 45 sec HI-run, 45 sec jogging,
- 30 sec HI-run, 30 sec jogging,
- 15 sec HI-run, 15 sec jogging,
- 15 sec HI-run, 15 sec jogging,
- 30 sec HI-run, 30 sec jogging,
- 45 sec HI-run, 45 sec jogging,
- 60 sec HI-run, 60 sec jogging,
followed immediately by a second set

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 3/8
- 60 sec HI-run, 60 sec jogging,
- 45 sec HI-run, 45 sec jogging,
- 30 sec HI-run, 30 sec jogging,
- 15 sec HI-run, 15 sec jogging,
- 15 sec HI-run, 15 sec jogging,
- 30 sec HI-run, 30 sec jogging,
- 45 sec HI-run, 45 sec jogging,
- 60 sec HI-run, 60 sec jogging,
All together, this HI run takes 17 min.
- After a 2 to 3 min recovery and a stretching break, the pulsations
should be reduced below 120 bts/min.
Obviously, it is also possible to do this HI-run on a football field,
using the diagonal twin run, or the star twin run I presented before.
Specifically, referees run pair-wise, and the recovery time each time
equals the running time of the sparring-partner.
As mentioned before, it is very important that the recovery periods are determined according to
the different fitness levels. Specifically, for those who are in an outstanding physical condition, a
recovery period can be used that is 1/3 or 1/2 of the actual running time. For the intermediate
fitness levels, the recovery period should still be less than the running time. For those referees
whose fitness is not that outstanding, the recovery period should be as great or even greater than
the running time. Finally, for those referees who are building up their fitness due to illness or
injury, the recovery part can be walking in stead of jogging.
* Cooling down and stretching (10 min)
Total duration: 75 min
Thu. 9th:


Fri. 10th:
Tr. 179

* Low Int. Tr.

- 10 min run at 80% HRmax (appr. 2 km)

This LI run is a good warming-up. However, dont forget to do the regular W.U.,
stretching, and mobilisation exercises, because you will do sprint-work (20 min)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 4/8
* Speed Tr.

Variations on the 60 m distance (see below)

- 20 m sprint up, 20 m walk down, 12x or 480 m in total
- 1 to 2 min recovery and stretching
- 40 m sprint up, 40 m walk down, 6x or 480 m in total
- 1 to 2 min recovery and stretching
- 60 m sprint up, 60 m walk down, 4x or 480 m in total
(2 x with a change in direction to the left, 2x to the right)
- 1 to 2 min recovery and stretching

Left turn

walking down

sprinting up

Right turn

20 m

* Low Int. Tr.

40 m

60 m

- 5 min run at 80% HRmax (appr. 1 km),

followed by cooling-down, stretching, and eventually, a massage.
Total duration: 50 min

Sat. 11th & Sun. 12th: Next day of the 2001-02 Championship.
Please send me a mail if there is anything that is not clear
Enjoy your training sessions
the remote coach

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 5/8


Muscles of upper body

LEG MOVEMENTS (abdominals)

Starting position:
Lay on your back with one leg bent and foot flat on the floor.
Stretch the other leg.
a. Move one leg for- and backwards (2 x 25)

b. Move one leg up- en down (2 x

idem with both legs

(2 x 25)

(2 x 25)

Starting position:
Lay on your back with both legs stretched
Move both legs up- and down (45 - 90).
(2 x 20)
Starting position:
Lay on your back with both legs stretched (45).
Cross both legs. (2 x 20)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 6/8

PUSH-UPS (m. pectoralis)

Starting position:
Place your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart on the floor,
maintaining a straight body posture.
Lower your torso slowly until your chest is near the floor, pause
momentarily, and push up to the starting position. (5 x 15)
push-ups with your knees on the ground to reduce the resistance
... one knee ...

... two knees ...

DIPS (m. triceps)

Slowly push body upward until arms are fully
extended. Keep wrists straight. Exhale
throughout pushing movement. Return slowly
until elbows are flexed about 90. (6 x 15)

Muscles of lower body


 8 x 15 sec both feet
(in between 15 sec rest)
 8 x 15 sec skipping
 8 x 15 sec jumping left and right leg

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 7/8

HIP ABDUCTION (m. gluteus; m. tensor fascia latae; abd. and hip flexors (stabilizers)
Starting position:
Lay on your side. Bent the knee of your bottom leg, but keep your top leg
straight. Place the hand of your top arm on the floor in front of your
abdominal and lean your hip slightly forward.
Keep your toes and knee pointed forward as you lift your top leg, exhaling.
(4 x 20)
(repeat, then change legs)

HIP ADDUCTION (hip adductors; abd and hip flexors (stabilizers)

Starting position:
Lay on your side. Bent the top leg at the knee and hip and place your foot
in front of the knee of the bottom leg.
Keep your toes and knee pointed forward as you lift your bottom leg,
exhaling. (4 x 20)
(repeat, then change legs)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

2001-2002 UEFA Top-Referees

Fitness Program
p. 8/8

Starting position:
Stand with your back to a wall. Knees 90.

a. hold that position for 15 sec (4 x)
b. stretch one leg and return (4 x 5 rep)

LUNGES (m. quadriceps)

Starting position:
Torso erect, chest out, head up, eyes straight forward, feet shoulderwith apart.
Slow, controlled step forward. Front foot points straight ahead. Front
knee over ankle. Back knee should not touch floor. Make no
movement with upper torso. Inhale on forward step.
Push off front foot to return to starting position. Exhale during pushoff. (4 x 15)
sideways (m. quadriceps; adductors)
Starting position:
Torso erect, chest out, head up, eyes straight forward, feet shoulder-with
Slow, controlled step sideways. Front foot points straight ahead.
Make no movement with upper torso. Inhale on forward step.
Push off to return to starting position. Exhale during push-off.
(4 x 15)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W. Helsen: tel +32 16 32 90 68 fax +32 16 32 91 97 gsm +32 477 425 534 mail

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