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Display Cube Dimension

Percentage Used
To display, per dimension, the percentage used with regard to the number of entries
in the fact table(s), function moduleRSDEW_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS can be used.
Enter the name of the cube for input parameter I_INFOCUBE and execute the
function module.
Export parameter E_T_TABLSIZE will provide you the desired result as shown in the
attached picture.

Performance Issues in SAP BI/BW

Performance can be

Reporting Performance,
Load Performance or
General Performance.
For improving Report Performance
-Create Aggregates on Infocubes

-Use OLAP Cache for buffering the query result to reduce burden on database
-Pre-caliculated Web templates helps to distribute workload of running report to offpeak hours and can have report result set ready for very fast access to data.
-Use small amount of result data as starting point of any queries and do the drill
-Avoid reporting on ODS
-If you use exclusion in reporting (<>), the indices are not used, so avoid using the
exclusion but use inclusion.
-Use read mode "read when navigating and expanding the hierarchies"
-Use compression of infocube since the E table is optimized for queries
-Create additional indexes at manage data target - performance tab
-Run DB Statistics often
For improving Load Performance
-Check the ABAP Coding at transfer and update rules this would make performance
-Keep available of more dialog processes available and do load balance to different
-Indexes on source tables
-Use fixed lengh files if you load data from a flat files and put the files on the
application server
-Prefer to use SAP delivered standard extractors
-Use PSA and Datatarget parallel option in the infopackage load settings
-Start several infopackages parallel with different selection options
-load master data before loading transaction data
For improving General Performance
-Archieve and delete the old data
-Use line item dimensions for large data
-Use BW statistics cube to monitor the performance
-If you are not going to use ODS for reporting desable the Bex reporting flag

User Experience in Practice


This is the fourth of a six part presentation on User Experience in Practice. In this
selection, we explore the mission and approach to end-user testing of new
interfaces. Qualities that make up realistic goals and tasks will be described for
those administering the tests and those that will perform the tests.

1. Preface to User Experience

2. User Research
3. UI / Navigation
4. User Acceptance Testing
5. Branding
6. Communication


To collect feedback of users on the usability and usefulness of a solution in

order to develop ideas for improvement


Observe real end-users

1. in realistic task scenarios

2. interacting with ideas, prototypes, or released solutions

Context-centered interviewing of users

Analyze and communicate findings

Interaction Structure & WorkSets (-> Interviews)

Prototypes (Paper or HTML)

Solutions in Development

Final Solutions

Be aware of your teams goals

1. What do you want to learn?
2. What do you want the tester to learn?
3. Consider creating different scenarios for decision makers v.s. end-users

Keep task descriptions realistic

1. Process scenarios you observed at Site Visits
2. Choose important and frequent tasks
3. Generate reasonable and feasible tasks regarding

A. time constraints
B. user profile
C. issues to be resolved

1. Outline context/ scenario description
2. Why does the participant use this application to complete the specified


Task Description:

1. Avoid technical (SAP) expressions and use the end-users language

2. Place precise start and end points in the description
3. Describe user goals and activities, not step-by-step procedures - dont
give details or

Provide master solutions in a separate document

1. Include the path(s) that you want the participant to follow
2. Facilitators must be able to help testers if they get stuck

On your implementation project you are helping the customer certify their custom
(3rd party) application on SAP Web Application Server.

Get the Step-by-Step Guide for Certification of Third-Party Software

Get for your customer the eclipse plugins for the portal development kit
(They are working with ep6 sp2)

The project ended. Youd like to submit one of the content pieces you created
back to the community.

Answer # 1: The Step by Step certification guide can be found under the Web App
Server area.
Answer # 2: Eclipse Plugins can be found in the download area.
Answer #3: You can upload content to the website under the contribute area of the

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