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Recipe for a tunnel, to my grandmother Leni nor Dresdner Christstollen could call

5 pounds of flour = 2.25kg
1 pound of sugar = = 0.45kg
Without shell ground:
313 grams of sweet almonds (the recipe had originally been written for 8 studs, hence the
odd number)
125 grams of bitter almonds
0.5 pounds Citronat (according to taste - we children always got a cleat without these
somewhat bitter ingredient)
2.5 pounds of raisins (washed well and dried overnight on a kitchen towel) 1.1kg
1 bowl of a lemon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 pounds of butter (including 0.5 pound of butter) =0.225 kg
3/4 L milk
6 cubes of yeast
3 tablespoons of rum
In my mother's recipe I also note 1 teaspoon of salt, which is missing here.
All ingredients are prepared in the evening before baking and warm in the room.

In the morning stir the yeast with 2 teaspoons of sugar (and a spoon of lukewarm water) and
gently pour them into the middle of the sieved flour. Cover the bowl with a cloth and let the
yeast go for 10 minutes. Meanwhile heat the milk lukewarm warm and also the butter and the
butter lard carefully melt. Then you are around the Hefeteigle all the ingredients to the flour
and knead the dough with your hands from the middle slowly and carefully. Start with the
milk, followed by the lukewarm butter and the other ingredients, until a nice dough is
formed. Finally, add the rum and leave the dough for 1 to 2 hours with the towel covered in a
warm place. Finally, the lugs are formed, the finished loafs are allowed to go again and baked
at 150-175 C for one hour. After the baking, the lug is immediately brushed with lukewarm
melted butter and sprinkled with sugar (especially in the grooves). Finally, dust with powdered
sugar. After cooling, the studs are wrapped in aluminum foil and kept cool for a few weeks
until Christmas.

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