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Residents Assignment

Residents name: Ramneet kaur

Practice Task Name: LTW - Day 1
Faculty: Sameera Sood
PRT No.: 11

PGDLT 2016-17

Date of giving Assignment: 27th Sept.

Date of submission of Assignment:
26th Sept.16

Unit Planning Template and Guide

(Total - 140 mins.)
9:00 to 9:20 (20 Mins.)

Morning Circle

To form a circle: I will start singing LETS MAKE A CIRCLE.

Flow of the circle - Opening Verse: Good morning dear Earth
Prayer: Om mani padmeham (This is new prayer So RT will say - Say as I
Say do as I do)
Om mani padmeham
Hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah
La ilaha illallah
La ilaha illallah
Greeting song: Friends when gather together sing for the joy of singing
, , ,
Nature Rhyme - The rumble thunder shananana
Finger Rhyme: I twiddle my thumb
Whole body movement: Work while you work and play while you play
Closure rhyme: The earth is firm beneath my feet.
After morning circle I will instruct the children for next activity.

11:30 to 12:00 (30 mins.)

water/ Boondi

Expedition (language) Theme

Learning Targets: Children will be able to share their answers on the

questions based on the story. Comprehension questions
As I have already taken half story of Boondi, today will complete the same,
To begin with the lesson will show the children that cutout of Boondi and ask
them, do you remember this? Expected response Boondi, RT will say - what
boondi? Lets recap the story, (will point out a child to start, where boondi was in
the beginning of the story?
Then RT will ask them to build the story by pointing out different)
As we all have listened half of the story, can anyone share where was
Boondi in the beginning? (RT As you all are sharing I am going to
draw the same on the board, it will help us to understand) Expected
response She was in the ocean.
Where did she reach now and how? Expected response she has reached to
the sky now by evaporation or due to sun heat she has turned it into vapor.
Tch will ask that what were some of the new words which had come up in the
story,. Now that you all know what a water cycle is
(As they reach that boondi has become a part of a cloud RT will
stick the boondi on the cloud.)
After the recap of story and board work, tch will narrate the remaining story (As
children are aware that Boondi is a part of a cloud and will fall down so
PGDLT 2016-17

there is nothing new to this story however to make it interesting I will

say) techer will further ask whether boondi be happy in the end of the story or
remain the same.?
Then I will begin the story
Story all about As Boondi is the part of a cloud she met with another drop that
used to stay in Leaf home how it transpired by leaf, then they both together made
a big drop. Next would be their journey of Precipitation, (I Will draw the rain on
the board.), what boondi thinking during this process - If I fall on the road I
might land in a puddle and evaporate when the sun comes out.
If I fall on soil I may become part of the underground water table.
If I fall in a well I may be used for drinking or cooking.
If I fall into a river I could be used by the people for their use or I will have to
travel for a while before I reach the ocean, and after reaching home how she
found her family (Then take the boondi from the cloud and stick it to the
ocean, and show them now boondi has gone deep inside the ocean to
find her family)
Post narration question:
1. What was Boondi thinking while she was moving from cloud to ground?
2. What do you think is Boondi feeling now, after reaching back home? Is she
really happy now?
Writing work in journal (HW): WOW-What would make you happy if you
are a part of the water cycle?

1:00 To 1:30 (30

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PGDLT 2016-17

(Ask- ? ?
- )
- ?
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" " " ?"

Ask- ? ?
, ?
" !"

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(punctuation marks) ( , )
Resident Reflection Form
Lead Teaching Week
Semester 1


What do I feel went well in todays session/s.

MC - My Children were following me, as I introduced new prayer, and

divided prayer into 2 parts, took half today which really helped me,
from my previous MC experience it was quiet better in that manner.
Hindi children participated in discussions, Completed their
worksheet with beautiful illustration.
Expd. Language Children attentively listened the story and
participated very well in post story questions. Did their worksheet
Expd. Theme As I read aloud children were very settled, and were
attentive. Even while annotating they did it very well.
I am going to use todays learning in.

PGDLT 2016-17

My future lessons for sure. As while discussion the expedition theme,

children were very tired as it became a long chunk for them, While doing
boondi they all were completely into, even while reading theme sheet they
got into it. However when it comes to discussion, it didnt went the way it
used to be in the class, as they were not willing to do it. Children couldnt
reach to the main Idea, So my motive for tomorrow would be to take out
the main idea from them.
While doing hindi I used 2-3 English words, otherwise it went Ok as per
The hardest thing for me was
To take out the main Idea from the children.
What could I possibly change/modify/focus in the next
My Instruction and discussion part. In discussion, questions
asking and formation of questions is the area where I really need
to work very hard.
The other points that have crossed my mind while reflecting
Its a very long way to go, there are a lot to learn yet.

PGDLT 2016-17

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