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Weekly Reading Report #7

Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Author:_________________________________________ Pages read:____________________________
Guiding Question(s):______________________________________________________________________
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

In this chapter it starts by introducing Mike McConnell and how he got a new job as director of
national intelligence. His goal in mind when taking this job was to put cyber anything on the
President Bushs agenda. One way he did this was by using the threats of cyber attacks that
would affect important American companies, and how explaining what the U.S could gain by
using cyber offense. After getting the approval for Cyber Offense McConnell started to persuade
President Bush towards cyber defense as well he did this by using another 9/11 attack as a
scare. When McConnell started his 5 year plan it looked like it would be successful though as it
continued internal conflicts started to occur between groups working with him on this project
eventually causing his project to fail.

Embedded quotation (page #)

Without a secure defense

towards cyberattack a nation
could be in danger: those
nineteen terrorists who mounted
the 9/11 attack-if theyd been
cyber smart, McConnel said, if
theyd hacked into the servers of
one major bank in New York City
and contaminated its files, they
could have inflicted more
economic damage than theyd
done by taking down the Twin
Towers(Kaplan 174).

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

This answers/relates to my guiding because it

shows the capability that cyberwarfare has. Even
though this did not happen if it did the damage
would have been catastrophic. This also relates to
my guiding question because it shows that at this
time America is not prepared to defend against a
cyberattack. If America was attacked at this time
they would be un able to properly defend
themselves or detect the attack right away.

Unfamiliar words



Feeling of irritation or resentment from ones pride

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