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The Great American Dust Bowl

1. Describe the cartoon or graphic novel. What is the theme?

Its a graphic novel about the dust bowl which was a catastrophic event.
2. When was it published?
October 8th, 2013
3. Who is the cartoonist or author? Give a little biography (minimum of 3 specific things about them)
The author is Don Brown. He is 56 years old, Lives in North Carolina, and has written 10 other novels.
4. Why did you pick this cartoon?
It seemed like an interesting novel and I liked the artwork that they used.
5. How does the cartoonist incorporate the elements and principles?
They used emphasis a lot in the novels. There is a lot of sand tone in it and the drawings that are not that
tone pop out.

The Dumbest Idea Ever

1. Describe the cartoon or graphic novel. What is the theme?

It's about a kid named jimmy who is in school
2. When was it published?
Feb 25, 2014
3. Who is the cartoonist or author? Give a little biography (minimum of 3 specific things about them)
The author is Jimmy Gownley. He is 44 years old, grew up in pennsylvania and starting writing books at a
very young age
4. Why did you pick this cartoon?
I liked the use of color in this graphic novel. It had a lot more contrast than others.
5. How does the cartoonist incorporate the elements and principles?
This graphic novel has a lot of contrast from what i saw.

The Gigantic Beard that was Evil

1. Describe the cartoon or graphic novel. What is the theme?

The Book is about a guy named dave who when he grows a beard his life changes
2. When was it published?
Oct 7, 2014
3. Who is the cartoonist or author? Give a little biography (minimum of 3 specific things about them)
The author is Stephen Collins. He was born in 1980 and grew up in london. He began writing cartoons in
4. Why did you pick this cartoon?
I picked this cartoon because it had a weird title.
5. How does the cartoonist incorporate the elements and principles?

There is contrast on the title when it is using black and white. There is also line, shape, and

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