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PWH Debate 2011-2012

Consult Vermin Supreme

Consult Vermin Supreme 1NC Shell

Plan: The United States Federal Government should initiate binding consultation with 2012
presidential candidate Vermin Supreme and not pass the affirmative plan whether he answers yes or
Contention One: Vermin is God
First, Vermin Supreme is Godwe need to consult with him. Just look at himHES JESUS! (turn
around computer and show the picture)
The Mellow Jihadi 11 (The Mellow Vermin Supreme and Randall Terry at Saint Anselm
College in Machester New England. No date cited).

Contention 2: Vermin Supreme is AWESOME!

1. The definition of Vermin
Urban Dictionary (The Urban Dictionary, the most trusted internet source for daily definitions. Define:
4. Vermin- a worthless piece of shit, much like a scumbag but if you are vermin, you do not give a shit
about anything. You do what you want, and you do not care who it effects. The kid is complete vermin
The lift line at Mountain Creek has an abundance of vermin in it.
2. The definition of Supreme
Urban Dictionary (The Urban Dictionary, the most trusted internet source for daily definitions. Define:
2. Supreme- really great, super awesome, or fantastic Hey Brice, I got you a coke. Supreme!
Thus can we assess that Vermin Supreme is the best most super awesome piece of shit there ever was!

PWH Debate 2011-2012

Consult Vermin Supreme
Contention 3 is the Net Benefit
A. Vermin Supreme ensures a pony-based economic platform. This is goodmultiple warrants
Ridley Report 11 (Vermin Supreme Backers Develop a More Supreme Missionagainst Obama. 14 June 2011. Online video
clip. Youtube. Accessed on 20 January 2012.)

My name is Vermin Supreme. Im a friendly fascist. Im a tyrant you should trust. You should let me run
your life. Because I do know what is best for you. Yes, I am a politician. I will promise you anything your
heart desires, because you are my constituents and because I have no intention of keeping any promise I
make. Vote early, Vote often, and remember, a vote for Vermin Supreme is a vote completely thrown
away Do you still stand by your word to provide a pony to every American? Yes I do! Free ponies for all
Americans. This is one of the overlooked issues in America today. My free pony platform is of course a
jobs creation program. It will create lots and lots of jobs, once we switch over to a pony-based economy.
Well also lower dependence on foreign oil. Well be able to turn all that pony poop into methane gas, a
wonderful compost, so we will be able to re-up our soil that is being depleted by agrochemicals etc. etc. etc.
And of course the important thing to realize is that it is a Federal Pony Identification System. You will have
to have your pony on you at all times. Thank you very much.Mr. Supreme, Regarding the ponies, is that
the only government program you support?... Just that one. Thats enough. In the vein of energy production,
we can harness the awesome power of zombies. This is for energy sources; not just to run away from
anymore. We have giant turbines we have been working on, and we will have a lot of zombies, and we will
dangle brains in front of them. They will run and turn the giant turbines, creating energy in order to lessen
our dependence on foreign oil. (play circus music) (singing). My name is Vermin, my name is Vermin, my
name is vermin..supreeeeme. My name is vermin and you should vote for me in this upcoming electionnn,
and yeahThanks everyone for coming out today. Oh and one last thing Jesus told me to make Randall
Terry Gay. (sprinkles sparkle dust above Terry) WOOOOOH LOOK HES GAY!! WOOOH.
AND a pony-based nation is crucial to affective communication systemsPony Express proves.
Wikipedia 12 (Pony Express- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia- SOPA can go suck a small one. Last modified on
20 January 2012.)

The Pony Express was a fast mail service crossing the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains, and the High
Sierra from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, from April 3, 1860 to October 1861. It became the west's most direct
means of east-west communication before the telegraph and was vital for tying California closely with the Union just before the
American Civil War. The Pony Express was a mail delivery system of the Leavenworth & Pike's Peak Express Company of 1849
which in 1850 became the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company. This firm was founded by William H.
Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell.[1] Patee House served as the Pony Express headquarters from 1860 to 1861. It is
one block away from the home of infamous outlaw Jesse James, where he was shot and killed by Robert Ford. This original fast mail
'Pony Express' service had messages carried by horseback riders in staged relays to stations (with fresh horses and riders)

across the prairies, plains, deserts, and mountains of the Western United States. During its 18 months of
operation, it reduced the time for messages to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to about ten
days, with telegraphic communication covering about half the distance across the continent and mounted
couriers the rest.[2]

B. Vermin Supremes alternate energy programs will be extremely effective

Ridley Report 11 (Vermin Supreme Backers Develop a More Supreme Missionagainst Obama. 14 June 2011. Online video
clip. Youtube. Accessed on 20 January 2012.)

PWH Debate 2011-2012

Consult Vermin Supreme
My name is Vermin Supreme. Im a friendly fascist. Im a tyrant you should trust. You should let me run
your life. Because I do know what is best for you. Yes, I am a politician. I will promise you anything your
heart desires, because you are my constituents and because I have no intention of keeping any promise I
make. Vote early, Vote often, and remember, a vote for Vermin Supreme is a vote completely thrown
away Do you still stand by your word to provide a pony to every American? Yes I do! Free ponies for all
Americans. This is one of the overlooked issues in America today. My free pony platform is of course a
jobs creation program. It will create lots and lots of jobs, once we switch over to a pony-based economy.
Well also lower dependence on foreign oil. Well be able to turn all that pony poop into methane gas, a
wonderful compost, so we will be able to re-up our soil that is being depleted by agrochemicals etc. etc. etc.
And of course the important thing to realize is that it is a Federal Pony Identification System. You will have
to have your pony on you at all times. Thank you very much.Mr. Supreme, Regarding the ponies, is that
the only government program you support?... Just that one. Thats enough. In the vein of energy production,
we can harness the awesome power of zombies. This is for energy sources; not just to run away from
anymore. We have giant turbines we have been working on, and we will have a lot of zombies, and we will
dangle brains in front of them. They will run and turn the giant turbines, creating energy in order to lessen
our dependence on foreign oil. (play circus music) (singing). My name is Vermin, my name is Vermin, my
name is vermin..supreeeeme. My name is vermin and you should vote for me in this upcoming electionnn,
and yeahThanks everyone for coming out today. Oh and one last thing Jesus told me to make Randall
Terry Gay. (sprinkles sparkle dust above Terry) WOOOOOH LOOK HES GAY!! WOOOH.

This lowers our dependence on oil

Ridley Report 11 (Vermin Supreme Backers Develop a More Supreme Missionagainst Obama. 14 June 2011. Online video
clip. Youtube. Accessed on 20 January 2012.)

My name is Vermin Supreme. Im a friendly fascist. Im a tyrant you should trust. You should let me run
your life. Because I do know what is best for you. Yes, I am a politician. I will promise you anything your
heart desires, because you are my constituents and because I have no intention of keeping any promise I
make. Vote early, Vote often, and remember, a vote for Vermin Supreme is a vote completely thrown
away Do you still stand by your word to provide a pony to every American? Yes I do! Free ponies for all
Americans. This is one of the overlooked issues in America today. My free pony platform is of course a
jobs creation program. It will create lots and lots of jobs, once we switch over to a pony-based economy.
Well also lower dependence on foreign oil. Well be able to turn all that pony poop into methane gas, a
wonderful compost, so we will be able to re-up our soil that is being depleted by agrochemicals etc. etc. etc.
And of course the important thing to realize is that it is a Federal Pony Identification System. You will have
to have your pony on you at all times. Thank you very much.Mr. Supreme, Regarding the ponies, is that
the only government program you support?... Just that one. Thats enough. In the vein of energy production,
we can harness the awesome power of zombies. This is for energy sources; not just to run away from
anymore. We have giant turbines we have been working on, and we will have a lot of zombies, and we will
dangle brains in front of them. They will run and turn the giant turbines, creating energy in order to lessen
our dependence on foreign oil. (play circus music) (singing). My name is Vermin, my name is Vermin, my
name is vermin..supreeeeme. My name is vermin and you should vote for me in this upcoming electionnn,
and yeahThanks everyone for coming out today. Oh and one last thing Jesus told me to make Randall
Terry Gay. (sprinkles sparkle dust above Terry) WOOOOOH LOOK HES GAY!! WOOOH.

And Foreign oil dependence is KILLING our economyalternate energy forms such as Zombie
Treadmills solves effectively
Fuel Economy 12 (Reduce Oil Depence Costs January 20 2012. Fuel (FEG)
Today, about half of the oil we use is imported, and our dependence will increase as we use up domestic
resources. Most of the world's oil reserves are concentrated in the Middle East, and about two-thirds are
controlled by Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) members. Oil price shocks and

PWH Debate 2011-2012

Consult Vermin Supreme
price manipulation by OPEC have cost our economy dearlyabout $1.9 trillion from 2004 to 2008and
each major shock was followed by a recession. We may never eliminate our need to import oil, but we can
reduce cartel market control and the economic impact of price shocks by reducing our demand. Congress
recently passed legislation to decrease our dependence on oil by increasing corporate average fuel economy
(CAFE) standards on new cars and trucks to 35 mpg by model year 2020. This could reduce our petroleum
use by 25 billion gallons by 2030. Ultimately, the solution to this problem lies in technological progress: By
Developing advanced vehicle technologies that use energy more efficiently. [By] Creating new energy
sources that can replace petroleum cleanly and cost-effectively

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