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Social Justice Unit: Seventh Grade





Human Dignity (7 days)

1. Introduce the Unit-students will receive their
identification card with the scenario of their poor
person. The students will be put in their groups to read
the scenario. Explain the Journal
2. Smartboard presentation-explain bag activity-at home
project-model my bag to the class
3. Smartboard presentation
4. Poem by Mandella/story You are Special Discussion
and Journaling
5. Dignity of Work-students will create a budget for their
person (they will present at the end of the unit
6. Class time to work on budget
7. Present budgets
Subsidiarity-Equality Among Men (4 days)
1. Smartboard presentation
2. Thats not Fair smartboard presentation-statistics about
poor/activity-students will pick a color of paper and
depending on what they choose they receive a treat
based on their class statistic
3. Journal time/discussion
4. Video on Social Justice
Solidarity-(4 days)
1. Smartboard presentation-Corporal Works of Mercy
2. Smartboard presentation-Corporal Works of Mercy
3. Guest Speaker
4. Clip from Dorothy Day Video
End the Unit (3 days) (option you can present essay or
1. Presentations-individual
2. Presentations-individual
3. Present money gift

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