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NOR: 190220093001.






June 28/06/2010


Back ground

A community with gang problem is associated with a pattern of gang crime including drug abuse

and robbery like it happens in Bandung and Cirebon. This model focus on motor gang members

ages 12 to 24. The models are concerned with policies and programs that address primarily

gang motivated crime in terms of juvenile and young adult commitment to gang violence as

reported in most literature available.

Needs assessment

The presence of a youth gang problem must be recognized before anything meaningful can be

done to address it. Identification of manifest and underlying factors contributing to the problem

is also important. Those with responsibility for addressing the problem—representatives of

criminal justice and community agencies, grassroots organizations, schools, churches, local

businesses, even gangs—should participate in describing its nature and causes and

recommending appropriate solutions. Consensus must be developed on the definition of the

youth gang problem—particularly by decision makers of key agencies, community

organizations, and government units.

Goals and objectives

Longer term comprehensive strategies, including remedial education, training, and jobs as well

as short-term suppression and outreach services for targeted youth, must be provided. A balance

should be established between strategies that focus on individual or family change and those that

emphasize system change and development or the provision of additional resources, such as the
creation of a local youth conservation corps. Long-term sustained efforts that target the most

vulnerable and hardcore youth gang members are required.

Funding priorities

While there is no clear way to determine which policies and procedures will work, we do know

something about strategies and programs that do not work. Therefore, it is incumbent on funding

agencies concerned with the reduction of gang delinquency and crime to avoid simple or isolated

programs of recreation, nondirective counseling, street work, or massive arrest and incarceration.

Based on available research, theory, and experience, community mobilization strategies and

programs should be accorded the highest funding priority.


One point in which there is disagreement is that violent TV programs and movies have become

part of lives of people in industrialized nations around the globe. By the time children reach

teenage years, they have spent more time watching television than they have spent in school.

Children learn that violence is a justifiable means of solving conflicts and acquiring wealth.

From the focus group discussion conducted, respondents pointed out that these gang stars learn

their behaviors from TV and that they struggle had to put those acts into reality. People argue

that homes, the community and the school have greater influence on children than television. But

the media can have a very significant effect on children if it goes unchecked through it programs.

Schools as stake holders

Most gang members are bored with and feel inadequate in class. Consequently, they drop of

school out as soon as possible. They develop poor learning skills and experience academic and

social failure at school from an early age. They have little identification with teachers or staff,

whom they may distrust and dislike intensely.

A special school community council should be formed to focus on the problem. A team of local

school administrators and agency personnel should create a pattern of coordinated security,

learning opportunities, and service arrangements directed to gang members and youth prone to

gangs. In communities and schools with chronic gang problems, the school should form a broad

coalition with criminal justice and community-based agencies, grassroots organizations, religious

institutions, business, and citizen communities. Hardcore gang members and youth less involved

in gangs should be identified and appropriately targeted for special remedial education, support

services, and supervision. There are at least three components to a school’s effective control or

suppression gang:

1. The development of a school gang code, with guidelines specifying an appropriate

response by teachers and staff to different kinds of gang behavior, including a mechanism

for dealing with serious gang delinquency.

2. The application of these rules and regulations within a context of positive relationships

and open communication by school personnel with parents, community agencies, and


3. A clear distinction between gang- and non gang-related activity so as not to exaggerate

the scope of the problem


As a preventive mechanism to gang phenomena there is need for a comprehensive child care and

preschool programs. Parents as stake holders in gang issues must be taught about child

development and provided with parenting, relationship through home visits by community health
experts. The program must emphasize parents training, social skills development and creating a

climate that fosters a school bonding with families as these results into less violence and reduces

on the chances of gang development in the community. Measures to address gang’s prevention

must focus on early family supports, community networking and education. However, parents

must be given strict regulations on how to take responsibility in the proper upbringing of their

children and this can be done through fining parents who fail to carry out their obligation as

responsible parents as may be desired by the community affected. There is need to identify

potentials of children when they are still young as this can form a basis in their proper up bring.

As parents, must work with other community organisations like local governments to develop the

talents of their children other than becoming gangs in the neighborhood and causing social unrest

among community members. The most important thing is to talk openly with their children, and

be as involved in their life as possible this goes further in as knowing their friends at school and

in the neighborhood.

Gang stars as stakeholders

Youth gang members must be held accountable for their criminal acts, but they also must be

provided with opportunities to change or control this behavior. The less internal control a youth

exercises over their behavior, the more social control must be exerted to demonstrate that some

behaviors are not acceptable. For some motor gang members, secure confinement will be

necessary. For others, graduated degrees of community-based supervision, ranging from

continuous sight or electronic supervision to total self-supervision, will be appropriate. It is

important that youth understand that they will face consequences if they do not follow program

rules or reasonable expectations.


The fundamental purpose of law enforcement is protecting the community from criminal

activities. Protection is achieved through a combination of suppression and preventive activities.

The police need to address emerging and chronic motor gang problems distinctively. Police

organizational arrangements to deal with the youth gang problem should vary depending on the

scope and seriousness of the problem and available departmental resources. The role of police

department in controlling and reducing gang crime should include investigation, intelligence,

suppression, community relations, and training.

Special training is necessary for police officers assigned to deal with gang crimes. Knowledge

from diverse fields must be integrated into the law enforcement mission. General information is

required regarding such topics as the causes of gangs, their identification and nature, and the

roles police should play with each type of agency or community group in addressing the

problem. Police strategies and programs should be evaluated on a regular basis. Assessments

should use measures of law enforcement outcome, internal organization, and community



The Government in addressing this problem must look at ways of alleviating the extremes of

poverty, wealth distribution, and the empowering of people, especially along the East-West

corridor. Better training must also be given to law enforcement agencies and those involved in

education so that there can be a proactive.

The government through its local leaders should identify the existing potential in the

communities affected residents. Small businesses suck kiosks where parents are working need to

be improved or soft loans extended to them for development.


The community must mobilize community-based agencies and businesses to obtain meaningful

jobs for youth gang members. Cities like Bandung with chronic gang problems like robbery by

motor gangs should use community job development agencies or create a job resource unit

within parole that focuses on the needs of youth gang parolees. Cooperatively funded initiatives

with certain businesses or industries to train and employ gang parolees should also be


Success in the implementation of the prototype depends primarily on the effectiveness of

community mobilization.It calls for objective identification of the problem’s dimensions and the

will and commitment of the community to act. The process depends on cooperation and

collaboration of key groups and activists as well as appropriate use of gang crises by community

and agency leaders to generate pressures that can enhance awareness of and improve

responsiveness to the gang problems.

Recommendations for combating motor gang in Bandung and Cirebon

1) Involvement and encouragement of leadership, peer-counseling training programmes or

workshops in order to bring about a better understanding and vigilance within the family and

community to deal with gangs and gang activity.

2) Employment and on the job training programmes should also render psychological

training and development.

3) There should be collaboration and networking with government, law enforcement

agencies media and businesses to implement preventative measures within the community. They

can also render their services at various levels.

4) Counseling and consultation by professionals should be made available to assist

individuals who are directly or indirectly connected or affected by gangs or gang activities.

5) Support systems and pressure groups should be implemented to address the situation of

gang activity.

6) Media should sensitise the public through advertisement and other helpful programmes.

7) Financial and social support services are needed and should be provided to assist in gang

prevention, reform and intervention measures.

8) Stringent measures by the powers that be and pressure groups should be implemented to

deal with delinquent parents. Parental guidance and training support systems should be put in

place to help parents to improve their parenting role.

9) Religious denominations should have pastoral plan which should entail careful strategic

planning at all levels to be implemented to deal specifically with gang prevention, reform and

intervention measures on an ongoing basis.


From the study, poverty, illiteracy, high unemployment rate, unequal distribution of wealth,

dysfunctional families, and anti social structures were identified as factors responsible for the

occurrence of the phenomenon. The above ideas constitute some of the root causes of the. The

psychological factors such as the need for belonging, low self esteem, to name but a few, support

the view. In order to address the phenomenon of gang activities, leaders must approach these

social justice issues from a social psychological point of view.

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