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By Tim Lambert

Ancient Korea
By 4000 BC there were stone age farmers living in Korea. By 1000 BC they had learned to use
bronze. By about 300 BC they had learned to use iron to make tools and weapons. At first Korea was
divided into tribes but eventually organised king-doms emerged. There were 3 of them, Goguryeo in the
north and Silla and Baekje in the south. According to legend Silla was founded in 57 BC by Bak
Hyeokgeose, Jumong founded Goguryeo in 37 BC and Onjo founded Baekje in 18 BC. In reality the 3
kingdoms emerged later between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD. These 3 kingdoms were heavily
influenced by Chinese civilization. By the 4th century they were highly civilized.
The three kingdoms of Korea fought for supremacy. China tried to defeat the northern kingdom of
Goguryeo twice. Both times they were defeated by General Eulji Mundeok. However the Chinese then
made an alliance with the Silla kingdom against the other two. The Baekje kingdom was defeated by 660
AD and became part of Silla. Goguryeo followed in 668. Korea was then united under the Silla.
The Silla in Korea (668-935)
Although Korea was united under one monarch it was still largely a tribal society. This was
underlined by the existence of the hwabaek. Originally they were a council of tribal leaders. Later they
were a council of nobles and they had the power to decide who succeeded to the throne.
Korean society was strictly hierarchical. Most of the populations were serfs and even the nobility
were divided into ranks. Following the Chinese example a university was formed where Confucian classics
were taught. (You had to be of noble birth to study there). There were also civil service exams following
the Chinese model. (Again only those of noble birth could take them).
Buddhism was introduced into Korea in the 4th century AD and soon many Buddhist temples were
In the late 8th century AD the Silla kingdom began to break down. There were fights over the
succession to the throne. Moreover local warlords began to break away from the government in the
capital, Gyeongju, and formed their own states. One warlord called Wang Geon formed a state called
Goryeo in 918. He defeated his rivals and in 935 became ruler of Silla.
The Goryeo in Korea (918-1392)
The Goryeo kingdom was faced with aggressive neighbors. A people called the Jurchens conquered
north China and frequently fought the Koreans. Then China fell to the Mongols. They soon turned their
attention to Korea and they invaded in 1231. The Korean royal family fled to the island of Ganghwado. The
Mongols were unable to take the island but they were able to rampage throughout mainland Korea.
However the Koreans fought back and the Mongols were never able to completely subdue Korea.
Finally in 1258 the Korean royal family surrendered. They were allowed to remain as puppet rulers.
In the 13th century the Chinese philosophy called Neo-Confucianism arrived in Korea. This was also
an age when exquisite celadon pottery was made. A man named Kim Bu-sik wrote a history of Korea
called Samguksagi, The History of the Three Kingdoms. However the Goryeo dynasty was in decline. In
1392 a General named Yi Seong-gye was ordered to lead an army against the Ming rulers of China.
Instead he turned against his own ruler. The general became the new king of Korea.
The Joseon in Korea (1392-1910)
The king moved the capital to Hanseong (Seoul) in 1394. Under the Yi rulers Confucianism was
made the official religion of Korea. Buddhism lost its influence. In 1443 king Sejong created a native
Korean alphabet.
In Korea there was a class of scholars-officials called the yangban. In order to join the civil service
or to become an army officer you had to pass certain exams in Confucian thought. In order to take the
exams you had to be the son of a yangban. So the scholar-official class were hereditary. Below the
yangban were a class of clerks and specialists like doctors and accountants. They were called the jungin
(middle-men). Below them Was the great mass of Korean society called the yangmin. They were peasants,
craftsmen and merchants. Certain trades such as butchers, tanners and entertainers were outcasts. At the
bottom of the pile were slaves.
Japan invaded Korea in 1592. They prevailed on land but at sea they were defeated by Admiral Yi
Sun-sin. The Japanese were forced to withdraw. They invaded again in 1597 but they withdrew in 1598.

In the 17th century Korea suffered from factionalism among its ruling class. Silhak (practical
learning). Scholars discussed the practical ways of solving Korea's problems rather than purely abstract
In the 18th century the kings clamped down on factionalism. In Korea trade and commerce
flourished. Merchants had low status in Korean society. Confucianism regarded them with suspicion since
they did not actually produce anything, unlike peasants and craftsmen.
The first contact with Europeans came in 1656 when a Dutch ship was shipwrecked off the coast of
Korea. Then in the 18th century Jesuit priests traveled to China. Koreans visiting China met them and by
the end of the 18th century some Koreans had been converted to Catholicism. The new religion slowly
spread in Korea despite waves of persecution in 1801, 1839 and 1866.
In the 1850s a new religion spread among the peasants. It was called Donghak (Eastern learning)
and it was led by Choe Je-u. The peasants were discontented in the 19th century and in 1864 there was a
rebellion. The rebellion was crushed and Choe Je-u was executed.
Europeans Arrive In Korea
During the 19th century Korea adopted an isolationist policy. The Koreans refused to trade with
Westerners. At first this policy was successful. Some French priests were killed in Korea in 1866. The
French sent a gunboat to avenge them but they were driven off by Korean shore defenses. In 1871
Koreans burned a US ship called the General Sherman which came to plunder the coast. The USA sent
ships to Korea but they too were fought off.
However Korea's policy of isolation meant she fell behind other countries in technology and
industry. After 1880 king Gojong attempted reform. In 1882 he introduced the slogan 'eastern ethics,
western technology' but his measures were unpopular and were resisted by conservative officials and by
the ordinary people. Confucianism was a very conservative religion or philosophy and made radical
change difficult.
Until 1876 Japanese merchants were only allowed to trade in Busan. In that year they forced the
Koreans to sign a treaty of trade and friendship. (King Gojong realized that Korea was too weak to fight
them). Other ports were opened to the Japanese. There were to be no tariffs on Japanese goods. The
treaty stated that Japan and Korea were independent nations. However Japan had increasing power and
influence over the Koreans.
Korea signed a similar trade treaty with the USA 1882. This was followed by treaties with Britain
and Germany the same year. In 1884 she signed a trade treaty with Russia and in 1886 with France.
In 1882 some soldiers in Imo rebelled. They burned the Japanese legation and killed the Japanese
military adviser. Korea was forced to pay compensation to the Japanese and signed a new treaty, the
Treaty of Jemulpo, which increased Japanese influence. Furthermore the Chinese used the uprising as an
excuse to station their troops on Korean territory.
In 1894 members of the Donghak religion and discontented peasants rose in rebellion. They
insisted they were loyal to the king but they demanded certain reforms. The king appealed to the Chinese
for help and they sent troops. Japan also sent troops. The king then made a truce with the rebels but the
Japanese refused to leave. China and Japan then fought a war, which Japan won easily. For centuries Korea
was a 'tributary' state of China. Chinese influence was now ended and Japan began to dominate Korea.
The Japanese installed a regent to rule and under Japanese pressure a Deliberative Council was
formed to introduce reforms. From July 1894 to December 1895 the Council swept away much of Korean
tradition. There were many Koreans who wanted some reform but the Japanese forced them to introduce
these reforms anyway. The regent resigned in October 1894 but the king made no attempt to stop the
The old rigid division of Korean society into classes was abolished. In the past the Yangban, the
scholar-official class, were not allowed to be involved in trade. Now they were free to engage in business.
The old civil service exams based on Confucian thought was abolished. New exams were introduced based
on modern subjects. A new curriculum was introduced for schools with modern subjects. Slavery was
abolished. Widows were now allowed to remarry and child marriage was abolished.
While all this was being done the Donghak started a second rebellion. They were crushed by the
Japanese and the movement was destroyed. Their leader was captured and executed in 1895. Some
further reforms were undertaken in the years 1895-1910. The first modern textile mill in Korea was built in
1897 and the first railway, from Seoul to Incheon, was built in 1901. However Korea remained an
overwhelmingly agricultural nation.
By 1900 there were many Protestant missionaries in Korea. By 1910 there was a small but rapidly
growing number of converts.
Increasingly Korea fell under Japanese domination. In Korea was made a Japanese 'protectorate'
which meant that Japan now controlled Korean foreign policy and its relations with other countries. Then in
1907 Korea was forced to accept limited Japanese control of its internal affairs and the Korean army were

disbanded. A Japanese official was sent to run things. He was assassinated in 1909. That gave the
Japanese an excuse to annex Korea which they did in 1910.
The Colonial Period in Korea (1910-1945)
The Japanese turned Korea into a colony to supply Japan with food. However they also built bridges,
railways and roads. The Japanese also built many factories in Korea. The urban population grew rapidly
although Korea remained predominantly agricultural. Nevertheless Japanese rule was repressive. In 1919
many Koreans took part in peaceful demonstrations for independence. The Japanese responded by
arresting and executing thousands of people.
Afterwards they made some small reforms. The Koreans were allowed to print newspapers and hold
meetings. They were also granted religious freedom and more respect was shown to Korean customs.
However all these reforms were superficial and in the 1930s the Japanese tried to assimilate the
Koreans by persuading them to adopt Japanese names. From 1938 education was only in Japanese.
Schoolchildren were forbidden to speak Korean. The Japanese also tried to persuade the Koreans to adopt
Shinto (the Japanese national religion) without much success. During World War II many Koreans either
volunteered or were forced to work in Japan. However Japanese attempts to turn Korea into part of Japan
were ended in 1945 when they surrendered to the allies.
The Korean War
Even before the war ended Russia and the USA had agreed that after the war Korea would be
divided into two zones, Russian and American. In August 1945 Russian troops entered the north. In
September, after the Japanese surrender, American troops landed in the south. Korea was divided in two
along an imaginary line, the 38th parallel. It was originally intended that the two zones would eventually
be united into one. Of course that did not happen. With the onset of the cold war the divide between them
hardened. The Russians installed a communist government in the north and in the south a government
was elected in 1948. Korea became two countries, one Communist, and one Democratic.
The North Korean army invaded the south on 25 June 1950. They quickly drove south and captured
Seoul. The UN Security Council invited members to help the south. US troops arrived on 30 June but they
were forced to withdraw into the area around Busan. The first British troops arrived in Korea on 14
September to reinforce them. On 15 September other US troops landed at Incheon 150 miles north of
Busan. The soldiers in the Busan area broke out and pushed north and linked up with the troops in Incheon
on 26 September. On the same day allied troops liberated Seoul. United Nations troops then pushed the
communists back over the 38th parallel and by 24 November they controlled about 2/3 of North Korea.
However the Chinese then intervened. Strengthened by Chinese 180,000 troops the communists
then counter-attacked and drove the allies south. By the end of 1950 the allies were back at the 38th
parallel. The communists attacked again on 1 January 1951. The allies counter-attacked on 25 January and
on 14 March they again liberated Seoul. Several communist offensives followed but all of them were
repulsed. The war ended in a stalemate and on 27 July 1953 a cease-fire was signed. The 38th parallel
was once again the border between the two countries.
South Korea Since 1945
Democracy did not flourish in South Korea in the 1950s. The president, Syngman Rhee used a
national security law of 1949 to close newspapers and imprison critics. However his administration was
corrupt and by 1960 it was facing growing economic problems. In 1960 riots by students forced Rhee to
resign. Faced with inflation, unemployment and continuing riots the army staged a coup in 1961. General
Park Chung-hee became ruler.
The South Korean Economic Miracle
At first the general declared martial law but in 1963 he held presidential elections and won.
Nevertheless his rule was repressive. He won a second election in 1967. The General won a third election
in 1971 by only by a small margin. Afterwards he drew up a new constitution which gave him more power.
He was assassinated in October 1979.
Despite repressive rule South Korea's economy began to grow rapidly from the mid 1960s and by
the 1990s the country had undergone an economic miracle. It was transformed from a poor, relatively
undeveloped country into a thriving and rich economy. The state played a large part in the transformation.
In the 1960s General Park built roads and bridges and expanded education. A series of 5 year plans were
drawn up and the government took a central role in running the economy. Industry became dominated by
large corporations called Chaebol.

After the assassination of General Park in 1979 the army again stepped in to restore order. General
Chun Doo-hwan took power in May 1980. He declared martial law and arrested his opponents.
Demonstrations against him were held in the city of Gwangju. They were led by students. The army
crushed the protests by force, killing hundreds of people.
In the 1980s the Korean economy continued to grow and the country climbed out of poverty. South
Korea became an affluent society. In 1988 the Olympics were held in Seoul which brought South Korea into
the international limelight. However from the mid 1980s there was increasing unrest in South Korea led by
students unhappy with the regime. In 1987 Christian leaders spoke out against the regime and many
people held mass demonstrations. General Chun agreed to step down and democratic elections were held.
In 1988 General Roh Tae-woo was elected president.
By the 1990s South Korea had become a fairly rich nation and its people had quite a high standard
of living. It was also a democratic country. In the 1990s the government began to deregulate industry.
At the beginning of the 21st century Korea is a prosperous and thriving nation. In 2008 a woman
named Yi So Yeon became the first Korean to travel in space, which was another milestone in the countries
development. Then in 2013 Park Geun Hye became the first woman president of South Korea.
North Korea Since 1945
In stark contrast is North Korea. After Russian troops occupied the north a communist government
was installed. Kim Il Sung was made ruler. Like many dictators he created a 'cult of personality' by
erecting statues of himself everywhere. Schoolchildren were taught to see him as the fount of all wisdom.
In fact he created a very repressive regime. Religious belief was outlawed and the people strictly
controlled. Today North Korea is the last Stalinist regime in the world. With a great deal of Russian aid
North Korea was transformed from a poor agricultural country into an industrial one.
However in the mid 1970s the economy began to stagnate and North Korea was overtaken by the
south. Furthermore North Korea was harmed by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Kim Il Sung died in 1994
but was succeeded by his son. In effect the Communists have created a new dynasty. Kim Jong-Il. He died
in 2011 and he was followed by his son Kim Jong Un.
In the late 1990s a severe famine occurred in North Korea. There were unusually heavy rain and
floods in 1995-96, followed by a drought in 1997 and typhoon damage in 1997. Malnutrition became
common especially among children. How many people died in the famine is not known as information is
very hard to come by but some estimates put it at one million. The food shortages dragged on through the
However North Korea remains a very repressive and very isolated regime. In the 1990s South Korea
made some attempt to normalize relations with the north but Korea remains a deeply divided nation.
In 2013 the people of North Korea still face terrible hardship and even starvation as well as brutal
political oppression.
Today the population of North Korea is 22 million while the population of South Korea is 48 million.


Clothing of Korea

Traditional House of Korea

Cuisine of Korea

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