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The definition of a man bitch, according to Urban Dictionary.

And it's also important for you to know that Mike -- my ex and the guy this stor
y is about -- didn't start out like a "bitch"...not at all. In fact, for a 20-ye
ar old dude, he was a real man...
He was tall, dark and handsome. A hockey player -- the true definition of an ath
lete. I mean, the guy literally played a sport that involved fighting on a regul
ar basis.
And on top of that, he was desired. But not in the sense of a typical jock guy - he was wanted by women because he was a badass. He was a bit of a loner. He hu
ng out with a diverse and interesting crowd -- by choice. Girls were very, VERY dr
awn to his cool I don t give a fuck demeanor.
Mike was confident. Mike was strong. Mike was sexy

Mike was a fucking boss.

Simply put: He was the true definition of a man. And that s exactly why I was so a
ttracted to him in the first place.
Where are we going ?

I would ask when he picked me up for a date.

I ve got a few things planned, you ll see, he d reply. I d say nothing in response. I trus
ted him to make the decisions -- no questions asked.
And at the end of every single date, I was always happy. Impressed. Whether he t
ook me to a semi-lame bonfire party, to go see some lame movie, or out to dinner s
omeplace even lamer like Applebee s (seriously). It didn t matter -- I was still hap
py. Why?
Mike made the plans. Mike made the decisions. Didn t matter where we went so long as
he was the man leading me on our date night journey, I was happy.
Same with when we were fucking
I lost my virginity to Mike. I didn t know what the hell I was doing in bed, and h
ow could I? After all, I had only slept with him. HE was my experience.
Come here . get on top like this, he d grab my waist and moved me into position, now gr
ind like that
he d move my hips in a consistent, circular motion.
And before long, both him and I would be cumming.
He d position me every which way possible, instructing what I should do the whole
time. From behind, on top, on our sides -- didn t matter. And even if I didn t cum,
I still was happy. Why?
Mike knew what to do. Mike made the decisions. Mike was in control. He was the m
an. And that s what made me happy.
When we got into an argument, the same rule applied.
I would yell at him over stupid choices he made in the past. Things that were me
aningless at the time, but I was young an immature and allowed trivial bullshit
to bother me.
"I can t believe you dated her ." I would snarl at him in disapproval, "she s so benea
th you. That makes MY value go down now all because of you."

"You re being childish," Mike would correct me, giving little attention to my pett
y remarks. "Yes, I dated her very briefly two years ago. But I never loved her l
ike I love you. If it's going to bother you, perhaps we should consider breaking
up. The past isn t going to change. But it d be a shame to let something we both ca
n t undo get in between our relationship now."
Damn Mike was really good at putting me in my place. He knew what to do. He knew
how to handle -- and call me on -- my bullshit. He knew I just wanted to hear hi
m say he loved me -- so he said it, in a reasonable, level-headed way.
Mike dominated our arguments. But it wasn t about being right or wrong. It was abo
ut him being the MAN -- my man. The man that could temper my emotional side. And
he was that s what made me happy.
But then one day, Mike made a really bad decision...
In a drunken stupor, he hooked up with another girl -- a so-called
To add insult to injury, I had to hear about it
me inside. I gave everything to Mike including
t, I was a great girlfriend. I couldn t believe
. Even worse, I couldn t help but feel insecure
something wrong? Am I just not good enough ?


of mine.

through the grapevine. It killed

my virginity. And for the most par
he would betray my trust like this
about myself. Was it me? Did I do

I ignored him for weeks after finding out, which drove him insane. He still love
d me. And to be honest, I still loved him.
That s probably why we somehow always made our way back into each other s lives. An
accidental run-in at a friends party led to a night of drunkenly-fueled hate/I mi
ss you sex. A butt dial turned into a full-on, 4-hour phone conversation about what
went wrong.
Slowly but surely my mentality shifted from I m better than this, he doesn't deserv
e me to he s perfect for me, I should forgive him.
We got back together. And once again, Mike was my


Except this time around, he wasn t. Things were different

When he picked me up for a date, he didn t tell me where we were going. In fact, h
e would ask ME: "So what are we doing?"
The first few times it happened, I didn t know how to reply. I would blankly stare
at him before finally muttering, "um I don t know."
He could sense that I was taken aback. He would go on to explain: "It s all about
YOU now. I just wanna make YOU happy. So what are we going to do?"
And no matter what I said, he would do it. No questions asked.
I ll admit: it was a little liberating to tell Mike what to do. For two years I ha
d taken a back seat majority of the time, trusting him to decide where we went o
n date night. But now, Mike carried the burden of guilt. He remitted his decisio
n-making privileges as payment for his sins.
Now, I was the one telling Mike what to do. And at first, it made me happy.
It even happened when we had sex .

Mike quickly made his pleasure of little importance. It was all about me getting
mine. Rather than moving me around into different positions that suited the bot
h of us, he would sit me on top and ask me over and over again, "did you cum?" W
e wouldn t stop until I did even if he didn t.
No more directions, instructions, or positioning. I was in total control -- anot
her form of 'payment' Mike 'bequeathed' unto me for committing that one deadly s
in. It was all about me when we had sex and yeah, at first, it made me really happ
But not NEARLY as happy as I was after winning arguments with Mike. The petty bul
lshit I used to bring up that would get shut down by his reason and logic? That w
as all fair game now.
"I can t believe you cheated on me with HER Mike. I can t fucking believe it. You re di
sgusting. You re a pig. I was a virgin, how could you betray ME like that ???? I TRU
STED you. You took advantage of me .you re sick I HATE YOU..."
I would scream, yell, cry, and even sometimes -- slap and kick. Things quickly e
scalated and got physical.
Except this time, my irrational talking points were followed by his apologies. Mik
e would even go so far as to beg for my forgiveness and approval. Rather than ca
lm my nerves, Mike played into my emotions.
"I know, I m an asshole
he would begin tearing up, I fucked up and I ll never forgive m
yself for it, please please please Jenn please forgive me. I love you. I don t wan
t to lose you. I ll text her right now saying to fuck off and that I hate her. Ser
iously watch."
Mike would proceed to do unimaginable things in order to appease me and suppress
my anger. And at first, it made me incredibly happy. This THIS was retribution.
But that happiness soon faded. After a few months of always getting my way, havi
ng one-sided sex, and always winning an argument, I was sick of it. Mike was har
dly even a man anymore something had happened.
The process of Bitchification.
Mike lost his manhood -- the one thing that I loved most about him. He lost his
control, domination and power. He stopped wearing the pants, in fact, he gladly
took them right off -- and handed them over to me. A gesture that was motivated
by his guilt for cheating.
Every time I decided where we went on a date or what we were going to do without
his input, Mike was bitchified.
Every time we had sex that was based solely on my pleasure, Mike was bitchified.
And in every dumb argument I brought up -- and won -- without logic, pushback, o
r reason from his end, Mike was bitchified.
Through the process of Bitchification, Mike turned into one thing: my bitch. No
input... no pleasure... no respect.
And yeah, sure...for a chick seeking revenge, having a man as her bitch does fee
l good for a while. It s the ultimate payback. But a straight woman isn t meant to b
e both woman AND the man in a relationship... which is exactly what I had become

After I grew up and stopped being a vengeful little girl, I realized that Mike a
nd I would never work. I would never respect him like I used to as a man. I woul
d never treat him the way he deserved to be treated as a man. This wasn t a health
y 50/50 relationship. It was 100% mine now. In my eyes, Mike was no longer a man - and he would never be.
And that s the thing about Bitchification: Once you re a bitch, you ll NEVER go back t
o being respected by the person who bitchified you. It s permanent. Bitchification
cannot be undone.
But not all men get bitchified in the first place
Those are the guys who know when it s time to man up and call it quits with the wo
man they once loved. They know when they re being mistreated. They know just how v
aluable they are as a man -- especially to the right woman. And they'll only sti
ck around if she is respectful.
These men stay well, men.
Which is why I urge you, and every other man out there, to do one thing:
Respect your manhood. Never let anyone -- woman OR man -- take that away from yo
Do this, and you ll never be bitchified. You ll never go through the process of Bitc
You ll never become someone s bitch.
After all, if you want to be respected by must first have respect f
or yourself.

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