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About Ranindranath Tagore

There is none resembling the sun in the fire called Rabi in Bengali, similarly there is
none on earth resembling our top most pride Rabi rather Rabindranath Thakur come
of the most prestigious as well as the most culture Thakur family of kolkata on 7th
may 1861 A.D Rabindranath started flourshins his poetic taient from the very
boyhood havins ho traditional schoolins. He proved his excellence in every field
literature poetry, drama song. He made us proud for bringing noble prize, blue
ribbon in world literature in 1913. But a port from it, he was patriot, and
philosopher, educationist and above all an out and out humanist, the death of this
versatile talent gave us sorrow. now, we are dreaming to find out the talent for the
future and more over for the society.

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