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As we come to the end of another year within the Mothers Union we would like
to give god thanks for his blessings he has bestowed upon us. as usual our
Mothers Union meetings continues on each second Sundays of each month.
Duties:th Mothers Union devote its time to the preparation of the church for
worship we are currently at 15 members. Special attention is paid to the shut in
members regular visits are done and where there are no family to care for them
the Mothers Union looks after their surroundings. The Mothers Union also assist
needy students with money and books for school. In November 2015 we had our
fish fry where we continue to help the shut in and less fortunate< Christmas
2015 we also handed out 15 packages to the shut in and less fortunate.
Our Mothers Union continues in 2016 with visiting the shut in on a first, second
and fourth Wednesday of each moth we also have fasting on a third Wednesday
of each month.
With Gods help and Strength we will try to move forward to the next year.

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