You are on page 1of 10


TimeAH<med: 3 hours

Mlximum Mlrks : 300

Candidates should attempt Questions Nos. 1 and S which are compulsLLI. and any three of the remaining
questions se/ectiQ~at least one question from each Sed ion.

100 kg. if found necessa'Y.


Newton may he converled to kg using the equality/ ki/oNewton(11111)


If any data is considered insufficient. assume suitable value.






Answer any three of the folloWing

Define pressure angle for a cam follower mecharusm Explam 1ts 1mportance 1n the
deSign of cam profile
A plate cam dnves a rachal translatmg follower W!th cycl01dal mohon at 1000 rpm
fuse and return strokes are each 120 W!th two equal dwells Follower" retamed
agacnst the cam by a compress10n spnng W!th a scale of 15 N/mm Spnng 1S
compressed by 2 5 mm m assembly to prov1de an 1mhalload For anse of 10 mm and
a follower mass of 18 kg. compute the rad1al component of the cam force and the
cam shaft torque at a p om! located at 10 00 m the ascenllng stroke
(2 0)
Amachme. of mass 17 kg. 1s mounted on a spnng havmg shffness 1 N/mm A p1ston W!thm
the maclnne of mass 2 kg has a rec1procatmg mohon W!th a stroke of 75 mm and a speed of
5 00 0 rpm Assum1ng the mohon to be SHM. detenrune
amphtude ofmohon of the machme
force transm!lted to the ground
Dampmg rat1o may be taken as 0 20
(2 0)
Under wlnch conllt10n of the state of stress at a pomt m the two d1menS1ons. the
Mohr"s c1rcle W!ll be reduced to a pomt?
How much change 1n volume would a 100 mm S!de cube of steel W!ll have when 1!1S
kept at a depth of 2 km m sea water? Assume speafic gramty of sea water equal to
1 02. modulus ofelashaty equal to 2 08 GPa and P01sson"s raho equal to 0 29
(2 0)
W1th the help of a neat sketch. explam the folloWing terms
Crystallographic axes. Pnm1hves and Interfac1al angles
Compare 8CC and FCC shuctures
What 1S sohd soluhon? Explam W!th the help of neat sketches the llfferent ~G~es of
sohd soluhons
(2 0)
Explam the concept of controlling force m connechon W!th a centnfugal governor and
state 1ts 1mp ortance m detenrumng the stabd1ty of a centnfugal type governor
In a spnng loaded governor of Hartnell type. the mass of each ball!S 1 kg The length
of the verhcal arm of the bell crank ever!S 100 mm and that ofhonzontal arm!S
5 Omm The II stance of the fulcrum of each bell crank lever 1S 8 0 mm from the ax!S of
rotahon of the governor The extreme rall1 of rotahon of the balls are 75 mm and
112 5 mm The max:1mum eqU1hbnum 11eed 1S 5 per cent greater than the m1rumum


wh1ch 1S 360 rpm Fmd 1ruhal compress10n of the spnng and mass of the sleeve
neglectmg obhqmty of the arms Also find the eqmhbnum speed correspondmg to the
rad! us of rotal!on equal to 10 0 mm
(3 0)
What 1s creep of belt m a belt dnve? Explam 1t W!th the help of a neat sketch
A leather belt 10 0 nun W!de and 10 nun th1ck 1S transnuthng power at 10 00 m/mm
The net dnvmg tenS! on 1S 1 8 l!mes the tens10n on the slack S!de If the safe
pernusS!ble stress on the belt sechon 1S 1 6 N/nun 2, calculate the max:1mum power that
can be transm!lted at th!S speed Assure the denSity of leather equal to 100 0 kg/m 3
(3 0)
A steel bolt of d1ameter 1 8 em passes coax:1ally through a copper tube of mner d1ameter 2 em
and outer d1ameter 3 em The length of the tube 1S 50 em Washers are placed at both ends of
the tube The bolt has threads at one end havmg p1tch equal to 0 24 em The nut 1S turned on
the bolt through 45 agamst the washer to hghten the assembly Determme the stress
develoyed m the bolt and the tube Assume the modulus of elast!C!Iy of steel to be 2 x 105
N/mm and modulus of el ashc1ty of copper 1S half that of steel
(2 0)
The sechon of a beam 1S square of 10 em S!de W!th one d1agonal verhcal It 1S subjected to a
transverse shear force of magmtude F Determme the problem of the layer at wh1ch the
transver shear stress 1S max1mum
(2 0)
A sohd c1rcular steel shaft 1S encased m a hollow copper shaft so as to make a compound
shaft The d1ameter of the steel shaft 1S 8 em and the outS! de d!ameter of the copper shaft 1S
11 em The compound shaft of length 2 m 1S subjected to an ax:1al torque of 8 kNm
Deternune the nuX!mum shear stress 1n steel and copper
G1ven" G ,.., 1= 2 G ''PP" = 80 kN/mm'
(2 0)
Explam the method of controllmg the gram S!Ze m a polyaystalhne matenal
(1 5)
What do you mean by 'stelhte'? What are the 1mportant propert1es possessed by tlus
matenal? Wnte down the uses of stelhte m the eng~neenng apphcahons
(1 5)
How are plast1cs broadly clasSified? What are the advantages and diSadvantages of plashc
(1 0)
What 1S tempenng of steel? How 1S 11 earned out? D1fferenl!ate between Cyarucung and
(2 0)

















Answer any three of the folloWing

What 1S 3-2-1 pnnaple oflocahon? What are the vanous degrees of freedom for a body m
space? D!Shngmsh between aJ1g and a Fmture
(2 0)
What 1S ultrasoruc maclumng? Draw a neat sketch shoWing the 1mportant parts of an
ultrasoruc machme, label the parts Wh1ch matenals are normally machmed usmg ultrasoruc
(2 0)
The store of an od engme repa1r shop has ten 1tems whose deta1ls are shownm Table below
Apply ABC analySiS to 1tems of store Does 11 sahsfy pnnaple of ABC analySiS?
(2 0)




W1th a neat sketch bnefly explam orgamzah on of d!g1tal computer

Wnte down the general structure of a log~ cal IF statement m modem FORTRAN


D1fferenhate between a funchon sub pro gramme and sub-routme




(3 0)
Denve an equahon for the average d!epressure1n open d1e forgmg of a arcular d!Sc Explam
the assumphons made m denvmg the equahon The soluhon may be found only for the
shdmg cond1h on of fuel! on

(3 0)
Four different cashngs are to be machmed on four machmes, one cashng on each maclune,
because set-up cost and l!me are too h1gh to penrut a cashng bemg worked on more than
one machme Table below shows hme of maclumng each cashng on each maclune AsSign
the Jobs on maclnnes and show that the problem 1S mulh-ophmal soluhons Obtam sequenhal


(2 0)

What 1S the d1fference between laser weldmg and plasma weldmg? Draw a neat sketch of a
plasma torch, label the vanous parts






,,,, " "',. " "
,, " ",. " "
'" "







(3 0)




'" ''










Construct ProJ eel network

F1nd the expected durahon and van ance of each achv1ty
F1nd the cnhcal path and expected proJect complehon hme
What 1S the probab1hty of complehng the proJect on or before 30 weeks?

(3 0)
What do you understand by the abbrev1ahon HSS TW!st dnlls are used for makmg holes m
maclnne parts, label the vanous features of a tw:!st dnll Used for makmg holes 1n m1ld sleet
What are the tools used for firushmg the holes ? Make neat sketches to 11lustrate your
(3 0)
Descnb e steps to be followed dunng "T1me Study"
In a tummg shop, a duect hme study was on a step tummg The study was conducted
by an expenenced mdustnal engmeer and one 1nexpenenced engmeer They agreed
preciSely on cycle, hme shown1n Table below, but the1r opm10n on ratmg of workers
was differed The expenenced engmeer rated the worker 10 0% and the other engmeer
rated the worker 120% They used 0 10 allowance frachon



Time!l cm..v.d


C);;e nm




Determ1ne the standard hme usmg rahng of each eng1neer






(3 0)


TimeAH<med: 3 hours

Mlximum Mlrks : 300

Candidates should attempt Questions Nos. 1 and S which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining
questions selecting at least one question from each Sed ion.








Answer any three of the followmg parts (answer to each part should not exceed 200 words)
ConSider a Camot cycle heat en11ne operahng m the outer space Heat can be reJected from tlns
engme only by thermal rachahon, wlnch 1S proportional to the rad!ator area and the fourth power of
the absolute temperature of the rad!ator (T 1) Show that for a g1ven engme work ou11u1 and 11ven
temperature of the lngher temperature reserv01r (TH), the rachator area Will be a m1rumum when the
ral!oT 1 /TH=3/4
A fhu d, con tamed m a honzontal cyhnder fitted With a fnchonless leak -pro of p!Ston, 1S conhnuously
ag1tated by means of shrrer passmg through the cyhnder cover The cylmder d!ameter 1S 0 40 m
Dunng the shmng process lashng 10 mmutes, the p!Ston slowly moves out a d!stance of 0 485 m
agamst the ahnosphere The net work done by the flmd dunng the process 1S 2 kJ The speed of the
electnc motor dnmng the shrrer1s 840 rpm Determme the torque m the shaft and the power ou11ut
of the motor
A Simple carburetor has a ventun throat d1ameter of 20 mm and the coeffiaent of flow 1S 0 8 The
d!ameter of the fuel onfice 1S 1 14 mm and the coeffiaent of fuel!S 0 65 The gasolme surface 1S 5
mm below the throat Calculate(!)
The a1r-fuel raho for a pressure drop of 0 08 bar when the nozzle hp 1S neglected,
The a1r-fuel raho when the nozzle hp 1S taken mto account,
The m1mmum veloc1ty of a1r or cnhcal a1r veloc1ty reqmred to start the fuel flow when the
nozzle hp 1S promded
Assume the denSity of a1r and fuel to be 1 20 kg/m 3 and 750 kg/m3 respechvely
ConSider a d!ffuse arcular d!sc of d1ameter D and area A, and a plane d!ffuse surface of area
A,<< A, The surface are parallel and A, 1S located at a diStance L from the centre of A,
Obtam an express10n for v1ew factor




If any data is considered insufficient, assume suitable value.

Use of psychometric charl is permitted.


The configurahon of a furnace can be approXimated as an eqmlateral In angular duct wh1ch 1S

suffiaently long that the end effects are negh11ble The hotwall!S ma1nta1ned atT 1 = 900 K
and has an effi!SS!V!Iy '" = 0 8 The cold walliS at T, = 400 K and has an em!SS!V!Iy co= 0 8
The th1rd walliS rerad!ahng zone for w!uch Q3 = 0 The accompanymg sketch 11lustrates the
configurat10n Calculate the net rad1at10n heat flux 1eavmg the hot wall





The d1agram shows a truncated comcal sechon fabncated from a matenal of thermal
conduct1mty K The c1rcular cross-sect10n of the comcal sechon has the d!ameter D =ax,


A refngerahon system operates usmg Simple saturated cycle W!th a certam refngerant The
condensmg and evap orahng temperatures for the refngerant are 35 oc and -15 oc resp echvely
Deternune the COP of the system If a hqU1d vapour heat exchanger 1S mstalled m the
system, W!th the temperature of the vapour leavmg the heat exchanger at 15 C, what W!ll be
the change m the COP?
Use the folloWing data for the refngerant used

., .,...


~! ~Jijqj;



k]ll<g-K jl<:lll<&




a-~~J.~ . .?.~.~...

10 cum of ahnosphenc atr at 25C DBT and l2C WBT" floWing per nunute through a
duct Dty saturated steam at 100 DC 1S mJected through the duct Dty saturated steam at
100 oc 1s mJ ected mto the a1r stream W!th a rate of 1 2 kg/mm
What 1s the temperature of a1r after mmmg the steam?
What 1s the relahve hunud1ty of a1r after nuxmg the steam?
Sketch the ax:tal-flow turbme cascade Show the veloaty W!th 1ts components at enhy ex1t
md!cahng the forces exerted by the flow on blades State the express10n of 1deal hft m terms
of flow angles and show that 11 1S equal to pC, 1, where Cm 1s the mean velo c1ty and l!S the
The first aX!al-flow a1r compressor stage Without mlet gU1de vanes 1S operatmg at a speed of
15000 rpm m the ahnosphenc cond1hons ofT 0 = 288 K, Po= 101 bar The rotor mean
blade nng d!ameter 1S 0 34m and hub to hp rat1o 1S 0 5 Ahnosphenc a1r enters the stage W!lh
a veloc1ty of 150 m/s ConSider constant a:nal veloc1ty through the stage and take stage
effiaency as 0 86, mecharucal effiaency as 0 97, work done factor as 0 97, Cp = 1 005
kJ/kg/K and R = 0 287 k.Jikg/K Sketchmg the a:nal compressor stage W!th veloc1ty d1agrams
and labelhng W!th most general notahons used m prachce, determme the folloWing for
atta1nmg relahve veloc1ty rah on across rotor (de Haller number) of 0 73
Mass flow rate m kg/s
Max1mum Mach number at rotor blade at enhy
Angles made by relahve and absolute veloaty at rotor enlty and eX!! W!th ax:tal


o.66Jg 1 216.4
0.7052 ' !9~.2






2Q K








Denve an express10n for the temperature d!Stnbuhon T(X) m symbolic form assunung oned!menS! onal steady -state cond! hons Sketch the temperature d! stnbuhon
Calculate the heat rate q, through the cone m x-d1rechon




where a!S a constant and x 1S the aX!al &stance of the sechon from the apex of the cone The
temperatures at the two end faces of the comcal sechon (at diStances x 1 and x1 from the apex)
are respechvely T 1 and T, wh1le the lateral surface of the truncated cone 1S thermally


Power reqmred to dnve the compressor

Stage pressure raho

Answer any three queshons








12 PM



















(m MW)




(m MW)


Sketclung 'load curve' and 'load dural! on curve explam thm purposes Define also 'demand
factor' and 'plant-use factor
The loads for certam mdustnes are tabulated below for 24 hours Dunng load durahon and
load curve, find power reqmred for 4 0% of the hme of the day If the capac1ty of the power
plant 1S 35 MW, find the cap ac1ty factor of the power plant



The stator blades of a gas turbme are supphed W!lh gas whose stagnal!on enthalpy h 0 and
stagnal!on temperature To Va!)' W!lh radms r There 1S cyhndncal flow through the stator
blades 1S reverSible and ad1abahc
Show that, m the cross-sechonal plane at eX! I from the stator blades



If the load 1S supphed by two power plant~ one 1S achng as a base load planthavmg capaaty
of25 MW and other as peak load planthavmg capac1ty of 10 MW, find load factor, capaaty
factor and use factor for both power plants

dh 0 -r~

.. o..,za-




Hence, when the gas can be assumed to be a perfect gas and the stagnahon pressure Po 1S
constant over the annulus, show that


~0"t" z( in'a d; + ~J




A quarter-scale turbme model!S tested under a head of 108m The full-scale turbme 1S
reqmred to work under a head of 30 11 and to run at 7 14 rev/s At what speed the model must
run? If1t (model) develops 100 kW and uses 1 085 m3 of water per second at tills speed, what
power wdl be obtamed from the full-scale turbme, 1ts effic1ency bemg 3lo better than that of
model? What 1S the d1menS1onless sp ec1fi c speed of Full-scale turbme?

Steel ball beanngs (K =50 W/m-K, a =1 3 x 10-5 m 2/s) hamng a d1ameter of 40 mm are
heated to a temperature of 650 oc and then quenched m a tank of 01l at 55 oc If the heat
transfer coeff1c1ent between the ball beanngs and the od 1S 300 W/m 2-K, detenmne
the durahon of hme the b eanngs must remam m od to reach a temperature of 20 0 C,
the total amount of heat removed from each beanng dunng tlns hme,
the mstantaneous heat transfer rate from the beanngs when they are first 1mmersed m
01l and when they reach 20 0 oc
Define Rayle1gh flow and menhon 1ts govemmg relahons Usmg them, estabhsh the
express10n for the flow m the form p + G'v = Cons!, where G 1S the mass flow rate per un1t

area Show the plot of th!S equahon on h-s and p-v planes Show also that at max:tmum
enthalpy state




For the Rayle1gh flow, estabhsh the express10n for TIT* terms of Mach number, M
Alr enters a 5 em d!ameter fnchonless duct W!lh a Mach number 2 Its stahc temperature 1S
2 50 oc and stagnat10n pressure 6 bar For 1ncreasmg Mach number to 3, find the amount of
heat to be transferred and change m stahc temperature You may use the folloWing table for
a1rhavmgy= 14
0 5289
0 3636
1 503
0 7934
0 2803
0 1765
3 424
0 6534
Why 1S the use of dust collector necessa!)' m case of thermal power plant? DiScuss the
locahon of electrostahc prec1p1tator W!th reference to sulphur content of coal and flue gas
From the folloWing data for the underfeed stoker bo1ler, find draft requued m mm of water
colunm and power requued to dnve the fan








Mean temperatures of flue gases

227 oc
passmg through duct
Plenum pressure
75 em of Hg
Ahnosphenc pressure
900 m/nun
Mean veloc1ty of flue gases m duct
Length of the duct
75 em'
Mean S!ze of the non-c1rcular duct
Number of90 bends
Number of45 bends
0 1 em of water
Loss of draft m evety 90 bend
Draft available from ch1mney
1 5 em of water
Fuel bed reSiStance for underfeed stoker
Fan effic1ency
92 5%
Motor effic1ency
Assummg that 45 bend" eqU1valent to one-half of 90 bend, reSiStance offered by nonCircular duct 1S 20% h1gher than a S!nular c1rcular duct, fnchon factor for arcular duct 1S
0 006, find draft reqU1red to be produced by fan and the fan power for flue gases TakeR=
294 35 3/kg-K
To av01d havmg add1honal mlet and outlet p1pes through the wall of the pressure vessel of
pressunsed water nuclear reactors, 11 1S usual to employ a steam - heated reheat cycle Steam 1S bled
from the bo1ler dehvety ma1n to reheat the steam leamng the h1gh-pressure turbme before 11 enters
the low-pressure turbme The data for the cycle are as follows
B01ler outlet cond1hon
Saturated steam at 6 0 bar
U' turbme mlet pressure
5 bar
Condenser pressure
0 05 bar
HP turbme 1sentrop1c effic1ency
0 80 bar
LP turbme 1Sentrop1c effiaency
0 87 bar
Reheat temperature
270 oc
The feed pump terms can be neglected, and 11 may be assumed that the bled steam leaves the reheater
at a temperature equal to that at the h1gh -pressure turbme ex1t, Deternune the dryness frachons at the
lngh- and low-pressure turb1ne ex1t and the cycle effic1ency
Also determme these quanhhes 1f no reheahng were used Comment bnefly on the result
(6 0)


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Cumulahve d!Stnbuhon funchon for the standard normal d! stnbuhon (SND)

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