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Opinion essay

Learning English is very difficult

Nowadays, people think that English language is the most mportant of the world but that
learning English is very difficult.
On the one hand, some people think that English is easy because its the easiest language to
learn or, moreover, English is spoken by many people and we must learn it. Furthermore,
other languages have got more words than English.
On the other hand, other people think that its difficult because English is very different to the
Spanish, also, we must learn the irregular verbs and, besides, English has a lot of vocabulary.
In conclusion, I think that learnng English is very difficult although English is the easiest
English is difficult!!!

En cuanto a la estructura lo he hecho bien pero me ha faltado poner unos cuantos conectores,
en la gramtica he fallado mucho sobre todo en cosas como los superlativos que ya habamos
dado y en vocabulario tambin he fallado bastante y la creatividad tampoco ha sido muy

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