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Exhibition Session



Children to undertake a treasure hunt using
iPads and QR readers to piece together clues
that together assemble into a Kite design, in
addition to spelling out clues to locate the
base in which they will be working on this
On arrival children to walk into a room
crammed with kites of different shapes and
sizes suspended from the ceiling. Children to
then see the clip from Mary Poppins:
cxc before going outside/ to visit local park
and experience kite flying for themselves. Use
iPads to photograph.

Treasure Hunt

Build 1st draft kites

Present children with example of a finished
Kite product. Examine the structure of the
kite and allow the children the opportunity,
using a collection of materials to construct
their own kite.


Teacher modelling of 'My Dreams'.

Homework -Writing 1st draft of My

QR Generator

Piecing together puzzle &

deciphering clues
Observations of kite flying

Write six sentences about

what your dreams are, why
they are your dreams, and
how School 21 attributes will
help you achieve your
Be sure to include at least
three similes.
Mr Dawson: "I want to be a
great teacher because they
make children as smart as a
computer. My favourite
teachers inspired me to
always give 100%.
Dreams are as hard to reach
as the sweet jar on the top
shelf. I am going to use grit
because if I can't reach my
dreams on my first try, I will
try until I do."

Critique of 1st draft of My Dreams +

Finish building 1st draft kites

Critique Lens - Content

Have they written six

Introduce children to idea of Critique by

looking at Austin's Butterfly
Introduce rules of:
- be kind
- be helpful
- be specific
Children share their example of 'My Dream'.
Feedback given under the guide of the
Critique Lens
Homework - My Dreams - 2nd draft

Have they said what their

dream is?
Have they mentioned our
Do the similes make sense?
Do they add to the story?
What suggestions do you
have for the similes?

Symbol 1st draft Return to the finished kite product. Explore

the design and the symbolic meaning to the
illustration. Refer to the 'My Dream' drafts on
which they have been working. Explain how
symbol is representative of this text. Show
teacher first draft of symbol

Drawing Symbol 1st Draft

Critique - Symbol 1st draft

Critique under critique lens.
Look for images that can be used to help
improve images based on comments offered
by peers.
Homework - Symbol 2nd draft

Critique Lens
Does your symbol represent
your dream?
Does it fill up the whole
Does the picture look like
what it is supposed to?

Critique - Kites 1st draft

Critique Lens

Gallery Walk - children exhibit their designs,

explaining how it was built

Does the kite fly?

Critique referring to the ideas of others and

lens questions.

On A4 paper, draw a
symbolic figure that
represents your dreams.
For example, if you want to
show bravery, you might
draw a knight or a lion.

Is the kite strong enough to

stay in one piece?
Is the kite big enough to fly?

Refer to websites for ideas:

After the test flight, did the

kite make it back in one

Critique - My Dreams second draft

Start building 2nd draft kites

Critique - symbol 2nd draft

Finish building 2nd draft kites

Critique - 2nd draft kites


Dream final draft


Symbol final draft


Final Kite Building


Final Kite Building


Kite Flying Day!!

Critique lens
Are my words spelt
Have I used capital letters
and full stops?

Critique lens -

Children complete final draft

- finger spaces, written on
the line

Kites Post Project Reflection

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