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Title: Reading Rotations & Creations

Relevant SC Standards: …

Grade one: Meaning and context- English Language Arts

5.1 Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to demonstrate understanding of a
text; use key details to make inferences and draw conclusions in texts heard or read.

5.2 Make predictions using prior knowledge, pictures, illustrations, title, and information about author
and illustrator.

6.1 Describe the relationship between the illustrations and the characters, setting, or events.


 Start: There are two stations.

o When you open your iPad, you will see Two new apps on your home screen.
o You will also see a sign at your station. You will open the app that matches the one at
your table.
o Each table also has instructions and a worksheet with what you will be doing for the
 End: Once you have finished these two stations
o You will go back to your seats with your iPad and follow the instruction on the board.
o I will come around, check your work, and hand you the instructions for your creation
portion of the lesson.

Description: This app lesson will develop Grade 1 reading and comprehension skills
Students’ will be able to identify the title, images, and answer focus questions.

Instructional Objective:

 Students will be able to understand key components like titles, setting, and
pictures to see how they work with the actual story.
 They will also be able to answer questions that will assist them in understanding
the text.
 Combining these two ideas they will compose their own story.

Step 1 Content-Based or Skill-Based App:

 News-O-Matic, Daily Reading for Kids
o Students will pick an article from the daily news app options. They will
read and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions worksheet.

o [
kids/id578023255 ]

Step 2 Content-Based or Skill-Based App:

 Ultimate Kids Story Book Collection

o Students will First select a title they think sounds interesting. Before
reading they will draw a picture of what they think is going to happen
bases on the title of the article. After reading they will draw a new picture
depicting based on setting and event from the story and compare.

o [
collection/id657386433?l=en ]

Step 3 Creation-Based-

 Story Bird: Safari

o Students will create a story book with pictures and complete sentences.
They must make sure there setting, characters, and events make sense.
They will also need to make sure their story answers who, what, where,
when, and why.
o [ ]

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