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Read the text. Then correct the sentences below.

High Tech High

High Tech High is an unusual school in California, USA. There aren't any
blackboards or any desks, but there are many computers in the school. There is a
big computer screen in each classroom. On this big screen, teachers explain things
and the students can show their work to the rest of the class, so they dont need a
Students at High Tech High can learn all the usual school subjects, but they choose
and plan their own projects with the help of their teachers. For example, a student
can learn science, art and technology by building a robot. Students can work for
hours on one project. They can work alone or in a group. Students can also go out
of the school to learn more for their project. Some students visit computer
companies to learn from computer experts.
The tests at High Tech High are different, too. The students must present their
projects to a group of teachers, experts and parents.
Students love learning this way. They dont get bored. They work very hard, but they
enjoy their schoolwork.

1. High Tech High is in the USA.

2. Students sit at desks.
3. All students must learn to build a robot.
4. Students can do projects together.

Answer the questions.

1. Why arent there any blackboards?
2. What do students learn by building a robot?
3. Must students always work in class? Explain.

Read the text and answer the questions below.

Marys Restaurant
Mary has got a small restaurant near the market. She enjoys going to the market to
get food for the restaurant. The market has got fresh food: fruit and vegetables,
meat, fish and bread. Marys brother, Andy, works in Marys restaurant. Andy likes to
make salads and soups with the fresh food from the market. Mary tries to make the
food look attractive.
The restaurant is open from 11.00 am. Mary and Andy always wear white shirts and
black trousers for work. Mary has got a small red hat. Her long hair is under the hat.
On Sunday, Mary and Andy rest. The restaurant isnt open.
Mary and Andy work very hard, but they like what they do. The restaurant is very
popular because the food is fresh, attractive and delicious!

1. Where is the restaurant?

2. Who works in the restaurant?
3. What clothes has Andy got for work?
4. On what days and from what time is the restaurant open?
5. Why is the restaurant popular?

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