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Going to school

Schools open tomorrow. I dont think anyone expected this day like me. The night
which should have to make place on the earth for this day was sleepless. I cant close
my eyes. One restlessness, a strange impatience steals my sleep. When dawn smiles at
window, I jump out of bed and my first thought is to know what time is it. The
pendulum clock, my dear friend guessed for me. It is ticking four sound kicks extend
that resonate through all my being. I leave with my dad over an hour to Craiova.
Everyone in the house were awakened. In the living room hot tea waiting for me.
I drink it in a hurry. My mother who prepares my luggage for three days is more
preparing something more. She is worried and sad, as if I'd go to war. She always
gives me advice how to look out the cold, bad colleagues and others.
Dad comes. My mother says to him:
-Stroe, you have to talk with the director to watch him close.
Dad nodded and left. It seems a bit bored of so many desires. He knows the school
director, they were collegues at university. This is no bad.
I get off in backyard. Outside is cold and wet. I feel a chill down my spine. Dawn is
still in. The supra world is a thick shade that melts the horizon. Hill behind the house
looks like a giant apocalyptic ready to pounce on me.
Grivei, the dog, suddenly rises like from the ground, it shakes and jumps on me. I
rebuked him, but he does not care. It runs through yard pampered. I run after him
without him catch. It barks cheerfully and it is glad to play. I would take with me to
the city, but cant. It is able to tear people there, the savage, because it dont know
many. I deviate to stable. The grey-head Ionita pulled out the carriage of the barn.
Now he is preparing the horses and he leisurely puffs from the lulea.
- Good morning, grey-head!
forefather strmo, mo, strbun
graybeard mo
ancestor strmo, strbun, ascendent, mo

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