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Games for kids


Duck, Duck, Goose -

All the players, except the first person who is It, sit in a

circle. It walks around the circle, tapping each player on the head, saying "duck" each
time until he decides to tap someone and say "goose." That person becomes the
goose and runs after It, trying to tag him beforeIt can take his seat. If It successfully
reaches the goose's seat without being tagged, the goose is the new It. If the goose
tags It, then the goose keeps his spot in the circle and Itmust either continue to
be It for another turn or sit in the middle of the circle until another Itis tagged.


Simon said - One person is designated Simon, the others are the players.
Standing in front of the group, Simon tells players what they must do. However, the
players must only obey commands that begin with the words "Simon Says." If Simon
says, "Simon says touch your nose," then players must touch their nose. But, if Simon
simply says, "jump," without first saying "Simon says," players must not jump. Those
that do jump are out.


Grizzly Bear Cintam cintecul Grizzly Bear, ursul sta cu ochii inchisi, educatorul
arata cine sa atinga ursul. Ursul se trezeste si ghiceste cine l-a atins (3 incercari).


The Egg and the spoon cite un reprezentant din echipa tine cu o lingura
un ou (mai bine fiert) si trebuie sa parcurga o distant oarecare, cine mai repede a
ajuns si nu a scapat oul a cistigat.

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