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What is Advertisement

Advertisement is a picture, short film, song, etc. which tries to persuade people
to buy a product or service.For example the English language advertisements are
the easiest to emulate is to use language that sell by providing attractive
discounts, such as "get the best deal" or "get the best discount". Meaning of get
the best deal that there is a price worth paying to get a product that consumers
are looking for.
Often to read any advertisement in the street, in magazine, in television etc. at
first when we see the advertisement, maybe we dont know the meaning of it.
But we certainly will often see the advertisement, and then we can automatically
remember the words, and then getting curious to know the meaning of that
words. Then we can find it on dictionary. So with that, we can know the words
that most uses in the public.
Example :
1.Life Is Beautiful Without Osteoporosis
Life = verb
Is = determiner
Without Osteoporosis = noun
Strong bones at a young age,help us move as we like.But osteoporosis can strike
at any age.The completely balanced,natural nutrition of ultra milk,helps prevent
osteoporosis so we can still enjoy active lives as we age.
2.Making Peace For Goodwill
Making peace = verb
For = determiner
Goodwill = noun
To cherish this day of peace,mandiri prioritas relights its commitment to
constantly eliminate any mistakes and faults,thus providing you only the finest
banking service
3.Built To Order
Built = verb
to = determiner
Order = noun
Want your products to reach target market effectively?Advertise your products
here.this special section is designed to promote any building-related products
and home accessories

4.We Strive For Your Success

We strive = verb
For = determiner
Your success = noun
One of the worlds strongest global financial groups.BNP PARIBAS the bank for a
changing world

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