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Vincent GRUBER


Advertisers influence our choices in our everyday lives. Do you agree with this
statement? Give examples

These days, advertising is everywhere. Advertising can be seen in many ways such as:
newspapers, radio, television and billboards along the roadside, so it is ubiquitous and
virtually unavoidable for the average consumer.

Firstly, the essential objective of the advertisement is to convince the consumer that he or
she would have a better life if he or she used the advertised product. Of course, they also tell
us that the only way to achieve beauty, intelligence or other value is by using their product.
For example, with the "Give your hair a boost" ad, it's obviously relying on the woman with
beautiful hair to fill out the entire ad and make you wonder if your hair is good enough. The
text of the ad is minimal and the one in it is very weak to defend the superiority of this
product. The advertiser's main hope is that when you go to buy personal hygiene products,
you will remember the beauty of the woman and the health of her hair.

Secondly, advertising affects people's daily routine, for example, if there is a sport that gets a
lot of media attention and is gaining popularity with your friends and society, you will
probably want to play sports and be cool with all your friends, so you will have fun with your
friends and be healthier because of the exercise you do.

Finally, our spoken language is affected by the sight of advertising. For example, the
language used in an advertisement is often influenced by new generations with new words
that may not have existed ten years ago. This example is also evidence of the development
of culture.

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