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/tcb/tikznode upper=hoptionsi

This style places the upper part content into a centered TikZ node. The hoptionsi may be
given as TikZ node options. This style is especially useful for boxes with multiline texts
which are fitted to the text width.
% \usepackage{tikz}
ignore nobreak,fontupper=\Large\bfseries,
drop fuzzy shadow=yellow,tikznode upper,#1}

/tcb/tikznode lower=hoptionsi
This style places the lower part content into a centered TikZ node. The hoptionsi may be
given as TikZ node options.
% \usepackage{tikz}
colframe=black,tikznode lower={inner sep=2pt,draw=red,fill=yellow}]
Upper part.
Lower part.

Upper part.
Lower part.

Shortcut for setting /tcb/tikznode upper and /tcb/tikznode lower the same time.
/tcb/varwidth upper=hlengthi
(style, default /tcb/width P. 34 )
This style places the upper part content into a varwidth environment. This style needs
the varwidth package [1] to be loaded manually. The resulting box has a maximal width
of hlengthi. This option is only senseful for a \tcbox P. 14 .
% \usepackage{varwidth}
colback=red!10!white,varwidth upper}
\varbox{Short text.}
\varbox{This box contains is a longer text
which is broken.}


Short text.
This box contains is a longer
text which is broken.

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