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Name: Beru Torekopi

Age: 15
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hero Name: Tracer
Trait: Copy Beru has a Trait that allows her to
copy another individuals Trait temporarily. In order
to activate this Trait, she had to make physical skin
contact with her opponent, or be directly hit by the
opposing Trait. When she copies a Trait, it usually
lasts for about twenty to thirty minutes, varying
randomly, even if it is the same Trait she is copying. She can then use the same Trait
that her opponent has. The drawbacks to this Trait are apparent The Trait does not
defend her from damage, and it she does not learn how to use the Trait with its
activation, meaning that she has to learn how to use the ability she has copied by
Appearance: Beru has very long, brown hair, which she allows to grow past her
shoulders. She has a medium figure and a flat chest, which aids her flexibility. She
also has very large eyes. These eyes appear to be silver, but in fact are reflective,
like mirrors. She is also very light, which helps her with aerodynamic movements.
Her visual Quirks are these eyes, and their reflective nature.
Backstory: Beru was once in a school for the gifted due to her incredibly high IQ.
Personality: Beru is a very calm individual, preferring to be alone with her thoughts
rather than engage in conversation in particular situations. She is a very intelligent
person who has many hobbies, including writing, artwork, and technological
hardware and software. With her high IQ, she is very book-smart. Along with that,
she is considered to be one of the smartest people in the known world, and in the top
percentage of people who are intelligent who doesnt have an Intelligence-Enhancing
With this intelligence, she is incredibly quick-witted, and also very quick to figure out
the Traits that she copies. She considers her intelligence to be her greatest asset,
and will use it to her advantage wherever she can. She has a sarcastic side to her
personality, and cannot stand idiocy. She also is very quick to get into a debate about
subjects that she is interested in. She is smart enough to admit fault and will
concede an argument that she feels she has been bested at. She considers people
who can defeat her in debates to be the best kind of people, and respects them.

Her name comes from the German word Berhren, which means Touch, The
Japanese word Torsu, meaning Tracing, and Kop, meaning Copy.
She is one of the smartest people in the world that does not have an
Intelligence Enhancing Trait. Specifically, she is ranked number 4 for
intelligence. In this category.

Name: Nichiyou Kakuzutsumi

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hero Name: Leaf-Storm
Trait: Leaf-Cloak - Nichiyou has twigs and leaves
for her hair, which she can grow at any rate that
she desires. She is able to use these leaves as a
sort of cloak around her body, and can make
anything that she wants with them. She can, for
example, create a sword that she can use in battle,
or as whips, which she can turn to be as hard as steel. These only work if they
remain connected to her body. They can also grow as long as she wants. She can
also shoot her leaves like a bullet. The drawbacks to this Trait mean that she can
very easily become ill. She is also very weak to fire type Traits.
Appearance: Nichiyou has leaves and twigs as opposed to hair, which are
extraordinarily long. She has green eyes that as the same gradients as grass. She
has a very large chest. Her skin tone is fair. She enjoys wearing clothing that is loose
fitting, and has a particular fondness for skirts. She has well-toned legs, but weaker,
more skinny arms.
Her visual Quirk is her leaf and twig hair.
Backstory: Nichiyou is in a family of six. Each of those family members represents
nature in some way.
Personality: Nichiyou is incredibly interested in peoples visual Quirks, and longs to
interact with people who have got obvious and interesting ones. She is incredibly
invested in the way these affect a persons appearance. She is also, by extension,
incredibly proud and happy with her own visual Quirk. In this manner, she is a very
sociable person, who enjoys interacting with a wide variety of people. Though she
will interact with people who dont have visual Quirks, or very obvious ones, she
finds the people who do to be far more visually interesting.
Along with this, she is also very energetic and finds a lot of pleasure to be had in
social interactions. Outside of these sociable traits, she is a very eager learner.
Despite this, she is not very intelligent, but makes up for this in her physical skills.
Her name translates to Cloak and Leaves in a foreign language.

Name: Kuragari Mushoku

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hero Name: Night-Shade
Trait: Intangibility Kuragari possesses the
ability to phase through solid matter and objects by
passing his atoms through the spaces between the
atoms of the object through which he is moving. By
doing this, he is completely capable of passing
through walls, floors, and even other people. The
user is incredibly skilled with this power, and can selectively make particular parts of
his body Intangible at any one time. For example, he can make his entire body
intangible, excluding the fist, which could then still be used to attack opponents. He
can remain in this state for up to sixty seconds at any one time before he has to
revert to a solid state. If he reaches this limit, he cannot use this power for sixty
seconds. However, if he stops using this power at fifty-nine seconds, the timer
Appearance: Kuragaris body is completely devoid of colour, making him totally
charcoal black in his skin colour. For some reason, this does not include his teeth or
eyes. This is due to his Trait. Light cannot reflect off of him, but instead phases right
through him, leaving him colourless. For some reason, this affects his clothing as
well. Scientific explanation had not been able to explain this. He is also bald.
His visual Quirk is believed to be his blood red teeth and eyes. This would explain
why they are unaffected by his Intangibility colourless.
Personality: Judged by his appearance, Kuragari is incredibly determined to
become a Hero, in order to prove these accusations wrong. He hates judgement
based on appearance, and as such, does not judge based on this whatsoever.
Skilled as a fighter, and to a certain degree, sadistic while in combat, he is a master
of using his surroundings as a deadly weapon. He cannot be slowed down by
anyone. Hes quite capable of using his ability to do recon missions, and is good at
using stealth in order to take out an opponent.
He is one of the only characters who has a Trait based around stealth. He can still
use it offensively.
His Hero name is based on a move from the Nintendo Franchise Pokmon.
His name means shadow and darkness in Japanese

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