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Molag Bal is one of the most perverted daedric lords I have ever seen.

wonder people call him the King of Rape. He does not show any mercy to his
female slaves whom he tries to make his Daughters of Coldharbor.
I have not seen him before but only when he tortures his damned souls. If Bal is
truly running red rooms in the darknet then there is nothing I cannot imagine
that the daedra are willing to do.
I do know he hates SJWs with a passion. There is nothing that will piss him off
more then some Tumblr Tard who wont get off her high horse with the whole
rape drama. To be honest the more of those ilk he can get rid of the better.
I personally love sending them to Molag Bals sites to get triggered. It is so
funny to watch them then proceed to post a story about a fake panic attack
they had. Then we can call them out on their bullshit. All they do is bitch and
whine on their blogs and twitter feeds.
They are not really genuine activist but rather selfish parasites who latch onto
noble causes simply to push their own personal agendas. Extremely deceptive
and dishonest thing to do. Those ignorant nwahs are nothing but a bunch of
So it seems tat SJW Tumblr Tard is trying to start a riot in Morrowind. This whole
Slave Lives Matter movement is just a stupid dramamongering tactic on their
part to cause trouble and stir the pot.
We have already caught them trying to vandalize and take down statues that
they found offensive and racist. Thankfully the Orrdinators got to them
before any real damage was done. They are now in the Ministry of Truth or
MiniTrue as we like to call it.
As long as these cancerous swits continue to flood the outernet with their
drama and continue their riots, this will continue to get uglier for them. The
Dunmer do not like it when some Imperial nwahs decide to get on their high
horses and preach theiropnions to people who dont want to hear them.
I say we simply throw them to the daedra and let them take care of this cancer.
Quite frankly Amozabael is also sick of them spamming his bog with hate
messages and nastygrams. I suggested sacrificing them to Mehrunes Dadon or
Molag Bal. They would have quite a bit of fun dealing with them.
We both love hearing them scram in agony as we smash their limbs to pieces
upon the alter of Molag Bal with his mace. They simply cannot even handle the
slightest amount of pain. Pathetic really. I kind of feel sorry when the dremora
lash their backs with their whips.
Molag Bal is certainly amused at their pitiful screams and pathetic pleas for
mercy that he will often revive them just so they can suffer the sacrificial
process again. He will do this multiple times to make sure that they are
completely broken. He will tell them that once he gets their souls they will have
more to worry about then microaggressions.

Also there are no Safe Spaces or Trigger Warnings in Coldharbor. But there are
planty of things that are triggering. So they will be stuck in a state of eternal
triggering. Or torment whatever you want to call it. Molag Bal calls it eternal
triggering for SJWs. Which both me and Amoz find very funny indeed.
SJWs, a source of endless amusement and lulz.
I just recently decided to use the Daedric Crescent on an annoying foe. He was
not even an enemy to me. He was just some random joe nobody who I just met
and he called me some low blooded commoner unless I wished to dispute him
at the point of a sword. I insisted tat I was not but he simply told me to draw
my sword.
So I used it on him and when he laid paralyzed on the floor I told him that I
dont like being called such mean things. He agreed with me really quickly
since I could slice him open right there and he would have been completely
helpless to stop me. Me and Amoz decided it would not serve and purpose to
leave him with his entrails splayed out in the floor.
This is the second attention whore knight that I had to deal with in Cyrodiil. It is
very irritating to have to deal with these idiots who think they can talk down to
others like they own us. I mean we were both whipped one time for not
showing respect fr our betters. Those people were quickly dealt with by our
dremora lords.
Well I was on Wastebook.nerr again and there was Sanguine who happened to
me blogging on Tumblr. I honestly did not realize that he even had a Tumblr
until Molag Bal told me about it. So I looked at it and it seems that there is
quite a fan base on there.

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