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Community for Christ

First United Methodist Church

Russellville, AL 35653

Newsletter January 24, 2017

Wednesday Night Schedule

Food Pantry Collection

This week (and next) we will collect
peanut butter
Supper 5:15 pm
Menu 1/25/17
Chicken Filet Patty or Beef Patty
All the fixings, buns,
Potato Salad, Green Salad
Banana Pudding, Cookies
Class 6:00 pm

Goodies for Food

The UMW is sponsoring a bake sale with all of the proceeds to benefit the Food Ministries of our Church.
This is the Annual Super Bowl Sunday Bake Sale. Please help us help others in our community. All you
need to do is bake your favorite dessert or whip up your favorite savory and bring it to the back entrance
in time for the Early Service on Sunday, February 5th. Do not forget to put your name and the name of the
item, listing the main ingredients to help out those with food allergies. Challenged by the kitchen or short
on time, consider making a donation or purchasing something from the sale. Thank you for supporting our
efforts to be obedient servants: For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat(Matthew 25:35a,

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