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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16th Ave., Portland, OR 97214-5334

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 19, 2012

1st Reconciliation Class in the Church

Contemporary Music Group getting ready for 10:30am Mass

This Weeks Calendar & Mass Intentions

Next Sundays Scripture Readings: 1 Sunday of Lent (February 26) Genesis 9:815 1 Peter 3:1822 Mark 1:1215

MASS INTENTIONS____________ Monday February 20 8:00 AM Mass (Kathy Stimson) Chapel Tuesday February 21 8:00 AM Mass ( Angelo & Josephine Bocci) Chapel Wednesday February 22 ASH WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM Mass (for all people) Church 7:00 PM Service Church Thursday February 23 8:00 AM Mass (Andriana West) Chapel Friday February 24 12:10 PM Mass ( Mike Stimson) Chapel Saturday February 25 8:00 AM Mass ( Fred Spada) Chapel 4:00 PM Mass ( Rose Scafidi <B>) Church Sunday February 26 8:30 AM Mass (People of the Parish) Church 10:30 AM Mass ( Mike Stimson) Church 1:30 PM Mass Deaf Community Chapel Church cleaning, February 2026: Sue Wandtke, Nancy Salta, & Sandra Walker

This Weeks Announcements

Archbishop Catholic Appeal

Last weekend was our Parish Commitment Weekend for the 2012 Archbishops Catholic Appeal. Thank you to those who responded. If you have not yet completed your card, please prayerfully make your pledge and return it to the church office. We would like 100% participation in showing our support of Archbishop Vlazny and the Archdiocese of Portland.

French Toast Breakfast

TODAY, Sunday, Feb. 19th, in Carvlin Hall after the 8:30 and 10:30 Liturgies. Adults - $5 and children 5-12 years - $3. We look forward to seeing you there!

Operation Rice Bowl

Youre invited to participate in Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl. This Lent, our faith community will be joining millions of Catholics across the country by participating in CRS Operation Rice Bowl. Your family is invited to pick up a Rice Bowl packet in the Church foyer and join in this simple yet powerful Lenten practice. Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl invites us to pray with our families and faith communities, fast in solidarity with those who are hungry, learn about our brothers and sisters around the world, and give sacrificial contributions to help those in need. Visit for additional resources to use at home.



Join the planning for the May 27th Feast Day Mass/event to start our Centennial year, Sun Feb 19th, noon1:30pm. St. Paul Room. Can't make the meeting? There are lots of ways to volunteer! Email Sign-up sheets in back of church.

Lenten Retreat
Registration is now open for the Lenten Retreat March 23rd25th at the Shalom Prayer Center in Mt. Angel! This is a shared retreat with St. Henrys and will be co-facilitated by Fr. Michael and Connie Ostlund. Cost is $127 and includes accommodations Friday & Saturday nights and meals breakfast Saturday through breakfast Sunday. Call the parish office and reserve your space today! Registration must be paid in full by March 16th. Questions: Contact Matthew Pearl at or call 503-970-3937. Shalom!

Time for another BOOK SALE!

March 24th and 25th in Carvlin Hall. You will find the best book deals right here! We have collected some great books and are looking for more donations. You are welcome to bring your book donations after the Masses on the weekend of the 17th and 18th to Carvlin Hall.

Game Day!
Do you like to play games? Board games, cards Sunday, March 11th, 11:45am2:30pm in Carvlin Hall bring your games to share and the Parish Life Committee will provide food to build your own Tacos. Last year we had a variety of ages playing and everyone had a great time!

Help needed!
We still need 3 people at the Saturday, 4pm Vigil to be Eucharistic Ministers once a month and 2 people at the 8:30 Sunday Mass. If you do not feel that God is calling you to help at the Altar, maybe you will consider being a Welcome Minister (handing out the hymnals/bulletins and taking up collections) 6 people are needed at the 8:30 Mass. Please think about thisit is a great opportunity to help! Contact the office to sign up.


Reminder, Small Faith Groups

If you are interested in participating in one of our Small Faith Groups for Lent, please contact the office by 4pm this Tuesday (Feb. 21st) or email This is a wonderful experience of seeing how God works in our daily lives.

Health and Nutrition

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is asking parishes to partner with them on their Interfaith Food and Farms Partnership project and help them draw awareness about healthy diet and nutrition by providing useful facts and information. This weeks focus is on Vegetables & Fruit. Most people should aim for at least nine servings (4 cups) of vegetables and fruits a day (sorry, potatoes dont count!). Go for a variety of kinds and colors of produce, giving the body a mix of nutrients it needs. For more resources and information, visit!

Website: Fax 503-736-1383

Pastor Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x117 ....................... Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x111 ...................................... Associate Pastor Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x109 ............................................ Director of Adult Faith Formation Barbara Harrison, x107 ................................. Business Manager Jeanne McPherson, x103 ............................... Parish Office, Parish Secretary Mercy Rossi, x101 .... Bulletin Editor (Bulletin deadline is Tuesday Noon before target weekend) Mercy Rossi, x101 ......................................... Building & Grounds, Maintenance Edward Danila .............................................. Children & Youth Faith Formation ......................

PARISH OFFICE & STAFF: Phone 503-231-4955

Director of the NW Paulist Center for Evangelization & Reconciliation Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x117 ........................
SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00pm SUNDAY: 8:30am and 10:30am



8:00am FRIDAY: 12:10pm Reconciliation: Saturdays at 5:00pm



Pastoral Corner

February 19, 2012

The holiday seasons are getting longer! The first week of September, I saw Halloween displays in Fred Meyer, Dollar Tree and Target. By Halloween, I saw Thanksgiving decorations andif I recall correctlyI was seeing Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving. Yesterday, I saw St. Patricks decorations, and yes, on the shelf above thoseporcelain eggs were starting to appear! Obviously, we are a society who likes to prepare ahead. It seems like just yesterday we were in Advent preparing for Christmas. And now this week, we begin Lent and we are preparing for Easter, April 8th. The question is: what are you doing for Lent? Depending on who taught you, some people will give up movies, meat, TV, and the list goes on My teachers had a different approach: We were told to take on the qualities of Jesus. For instance, smile at people more often, compliment people who you normally dont say anything to, call a relative you havent talked to in a month, do a chore for someone else without saying anything about it, read to someone (younger/older) or read to your petthey love it! hold/open the door for someone, let someone else go first, sing all the hymns at Mass, say a prayer for someone who it is difficult for you to get along with, list your blessing each day of Lent, forgive someoneeven if they dont ask, introduce yourself to someone new at church, write a letter to someone who would appreciate it, attend an event at church other than Mass, donate non-perishable food items/supplies to the Food Pantry, collect baby/toddler clothes and take to Mother & Child Education Center, pass on good books to people you think would enjoy them, hug someone, take a friend to the movie, write out your favorite recipe and share it with a friend, bake cookies for a busy mother, offer to baby sit for two-three hours so parents can have out time. The list of good things to do is really endless. Improve yourself by reaching out to others in a positive wayShare the Good News by your actions.

Deo Gratias, Barbara M. Harrison

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