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Cneyt Bademciolu
w w w . b a d 1e m c i . c o m





1.4. other political parties, their
genuine concern for wildlife
preservation is unique. It is a pity
that most of the parties do not
see the importance of saving

Aadaki sorularda, bo
yerlere uygun den seenei
1.1. He has always felt extremely
grateful to his teacher for her ---assistance in his social

A) Likely
B) Like
C) Unlike

A) value

D) Alike

B) evaluate
C) invaluable
D) valuation

1.5. As the sea was getting rougher,

the people on the shore became
restless. Because the lives of the
people on the boat were ---- .

1.2. The consumer somehow

neglected reading the ---instructions. Thats why the
damage to her dish-washer was

A) danger

A) accompany

B) endangered

B) companionship

C) dangerous

C) company

D) dangerously

D) accompanying

1.6. The dentist cautioned his patient

not to eat ice-cream any more
since a decayed tooth is always
---- to heat and cold.

1.3. Your father has a poor eyesight.

So its never advisable for him to
drive without glasses because
distances at night can be ---- .
A) deceitful

A) sensible

B) deceit

B) sensitive

C) deceived

C) sensual

D) deceiving

D) sensuous

1.9. He had always felt a strong

hatred for the war. Nevertheless,
he was ---- drafted into the army
a few years later.

1.7. He proved himself right with his

predictions. The ---- events
actually took place later on.
A) foresaw
B) foresight

A) voluntarily

C) foresee

B) involuntarily

D) foreseen

C) voluntary
D) volunteer

1.10.He comes from an aristocratic

family. But he is ---- for his
humbleness in the town.

1.8. He was undoubtedly guiltless.

Therefore, not the slightest ---could be directed against him.
A) suspicion

A) distinguishable

B) suspicious

B) distinguish

C) suspect

C) undistinguished

D) suspected

D) distinguished


Aadaki sorularda bo braklan yerleri, verilen kelime grubundan sadece bir
tanesini seerek doldurunuz. Bir kelimeyi birden fazla bo lukta kullanmaynz.
Gerekli hallerde tense deiiklii yapabilirsiniz.










2.1. It was obviously very unbecoming of him to show his ---- at his friends sincere
advice with such acid remarks.
2.2. She felt slightly relieved after receiving a ---- letter from her friends on her
recent bereavement.
2.3. Instructors are continuously in search of new methods which would motivate
children to use their playtime more ---- .
2.4. A number of ---- have led the Board to reject the plan.
2.5. The ---- of that sophisticated machine is highly questionable.
2.6. Although she had never had failures, it was ---- to us why she often had a
despairing attitude in her work.
2.7. As the frozen meat was ---- to the warm air, it thawed rapidly.
2.8. It is ---- that she arrive on time. Otherwise, if her boss notices her lateness
again, she might be dismissed.
2.9. Though his methods were all correct in maths, he still failed because his ---were wrong.
2.10. The police ---- the criminals story and decided to interrogate him again.
Aadaki sorularda, parantez iindeki kelimeleri cmlenin geliine gre, gerekli
hallerde n ve son ekler kullanarak ve/veya tense de iiklii yaparak tretiniz.

rnek soru: English is a (COMPARE) difficult language for Turks to learn.

Doru cevap:


3.1. He is such a (RESOLVE) man that nothing or nobody can make him change
his mind.


3.2. We were unable to draw any (SENSE) conclusion from his incoherent story.
3.3. She was (SUFFICE) aware of the rules to avoid any punishment.
3.4. (CRITIC) can only be helpful to him if offered in the right way and at the right
3.5. Being an overly (AMBITION) man, he caused a lot of trouble both to himself
and his family.
3.6. Much to their parents relief, the children soon got (CLIMATE) to changes in the
new town that they had just moved to.
3.7. He always has a (CONTENT) expression on his face though he continually
complains about his miserable life.
3.8. He answered back the policeman in an (ARGUE) tone, showing his readiness
to start quarrelling.
3.9. The small child was overwhelmed at the wide (VARY) of toys. She didnt know
which to choose.
3.10. He laughed (DERIDE) at my report with the intention of humiliating me.
Aadaki altrmalarda her bir drtl ya da beli grup soru zerinde yer alan
kelimeleri uygun cmleler ierisine yerletiriniz. Gerekli hallerde tense deiiklii
Altrma 4.1.




4.1.A. She was so late that she just had time to ---- into the classroom before the
teacher arrived to call the roll.
4.1.B. When the animals began to smell the smoke from the forest fire, they ---towards the safety of the river.
4.1.C. The children ---- in and out of the trees playing hide-and-seek.
4.1.D. After the match, the crowds ---- out of the stadium.
Altrma 4. 2.




4.2.A. I can give you a ---- for this fruit cake.

4.2.B. The government must decide on a precise ---- to deal with our economic ills.
4.2.C. You should use only the best ---- when preparing food for a convalescent.
4.2.D. The doctor diagnosed food-poisoning and wrote out a ---- which I then took to
the chemist to be made up.

Altrma 4. 3.





4.3.A. Peering through the gloom, I was finally able to ---- the shape of a child
crouching in the corner.
4.3.B. I can never ---- between the twins. They are so alike.
4.3.C. Although he had left so long ago, she could still ---- his tall, fair figure as she
had last seen him.
4.3.D. The police were unable to ---- the body of the woman who was washed ashore
last night.
4.3.E. Although I had not seen her for years, I ---- her at once.
Altrma 4.4.





4.4.A. I caught a ---- of a boy beyond the trees.

4.4.B. He ---- over his shoulder to see if anyone was following him.
4.4.C. A ---- of lightning momentarily illuminated the valley below.
4.4.D. The ---- from the mountain-top was really superb.
4.4.E. Such a ---- met my eyes that I thought I would faint with horror.




1.1. He has always felt extremely grateful to his teacher for her ---assistance in his social improvement.
A) value

C) invaluable

B) evaluate

D) valuation

1.1. (Doru cevap C.)

Burada asistance kelimesinin help ile eanlaml bir isim olduunu fark
etmemiz ve bu isimden nceki boluk iin uygun bir sfat bulmamz
gerekiyor. Extremely grateful (son derece minnettar) duygular bizi olumlu
bir sfata ynlendirmeli.
A ve D: Value (deer / kymet, deer bimek) ve valuation
(deerlendirme, paha bime) kelimeleri sfat olmadna gre, A ve D
seenekleri devre d kalyor.
They have to ask an expert to value (= to evaluate) the antique
armchair before they decide to sell it.
He doesnt value my advice. (Tavsiyelerime deer vermiyor.)
Experts put/set a high valuation on the painting. Eksperler resme yksek
bir fiyat bitiler.
Value isim olarak da grev stlenebilir ve bu durumda de er / paha
anlamlarn tar:
The value of the US dollar has dropped considerably against the
Turkish lira.
B: Evaluate (yaklak eittir fiil grevinde value) bir fiil olup (bir olay
vs.) deerlendirmek / (bir eye) deer bimek anlamndadr:
How do you evaluate this grant proposal (ba teklifi)? Shall we
accept it or turn it down (reddetmek)?
C: Geriye kalyor invaluable. Bataki in- prefixi (nek), sizi hakl olarak
yanltabilir. Ancak, anlam hi de olumsuz deildir:
invaluable: ok deerli, paha biilmez
Thank you for your invaluable contribution.




1.2. The consumer somehow neglected reading the ---- instructions.

Thats why the damage to her dish-washer was inevitable.
A) accompany

C) company

B) companionship

D) accompanying

1.2. (Doru cevap D.)

consumer: tketici
somehow: her naslsa, nasl olduysa
neglect: ihmal etmek
dish-washer: bulak makinesi
thats why: bu yzden, bu sebeple, so
inevitable: kanlmaz
Inevitable sfatnn sahip olduu in- neki atlrsa, anlam olumluya dner:
evitable: kanlabilir
Ancak, evitable yaygn kullanlan bir kelime olmayp yerine avoidable
sfatn tercih ediniz:
A lot of children die each year from accidents in the home which are
A: Accompany fiilinin anlam: refakat etmek, birlikte olmak.
Warships will accompany the convoy of cargo ships. (konvoy).
B ve C: Instructions (talimat) kelimesinden nce bir sfat gelmeli.
Companionship (arkadalk, ortaklk) ve company (arkada, ortak)
kelimeleri birer isimdir.
The companionship of old friends is of great value.
A dog is a faithful (sadk) companion.
D: Soru cmlesini incelediimizde, tketicinin, her naslsa makineyle
birlikte verilen (accompanying) talimatlar okumay ihmal ettiini
One of the accompanying warships hit a mine (mayn) and was sunk




1.3. Your father has poor eyesight. So its never advisable for him to
drive without glasses, because distances at night can be ---- .
A) deceitful

C) deceived

B) deceit

D) deceiving

1.3. (Doru cevap D.) (advisable: tavsiye edilir, zt anl.= inadvisable)

A: Deceitful, -ful suffixinden (sonek) dolay sfat, ama anlam uygun
deil, nk hile ile kandran, hilekr, kandrma amac olan demek.
His deceitful ways will not go unnoticed.
Hilekr davranlar mutlaka dikkat ekecektir.
B: Deceit bir nceki sfatn isim eklidir: hile, dzenbazlk.
The companys policy towards its clients (mteri) was based on lies
and deceit.
C: Distances at night can be deceived passive yapsn soru
cmlesinde kullanamayz nk Mesafeler gece aldatlm olabilir gibi
anlamsz bir ifade kyor ortaya.
D: deceiving: yanltc, aldatc
Contracts (szleme/kontrat) signed to get a credit card can
sometimes be deceiving.
Biraz eitleme:
at first sight: ilk grte
love at first sight: ilk grte / bakta ak
to be in sight (grnrde olmak) x to be out of sight (grnrde olmamak,
grnmez olmak)
Out of sight out of mind. Gzden uzak olan gnlden de rak olur.



1.4. ---- other political parties, their genuine concern for wildlife
preservation is unique. It is a pity that most of the parties do not
see the importance of saving wildlife.
A) Likely

C) Unlike

B) Like

D) Alike

1.4. (Doru cevap C.)

genuine: hakiki, samimi, gerek
concern: kayg, endie
wildlife preservation: doal yaam koruma
unique: benzeri ya da ei bulunmayan, esiz

it is a pity that: yazk ki, ne acdr ki

A: likely: muhtemel, beklenilir (Likely ile cmle balamaz.)
Its likely to rain tomorrow. Yarn yamur yamas muhtemel / Yarn
muhtemelen yamur yaacak.
B ve C: Dier partiler gibi (like), onlarn gerek kaygs doal yaamn
korunmasdr. Ne acdr ki, partilerin byk bir ounluu doal yaamn
korunmasnn nemini kavrayamyor. cmlesi anlaml deil. Cmlenin
iki yakas arasnda bir ztlk grnyor. O halde, like yerine unlike
Dier partilerin aksine (unlike), onlarn (o partinin) gerek kaygs doal
yaamn korunmasdr. Ne acdr ki, partilerin byk bir ounluu doal
yaamn korunmasnn nemini kavrayamyor.
unlike: aksine, tam tersi(ne), -den farkl olarak
Unlike her mother and father, she was a redhead (kzl sal).
Like bir bakma, unliken olumlusu olarak dnlebilir.
Like its predecessor (kendinden nce gelen, selef), the new
government, too, soon forgot about all its promises.
D: alike: benzer (Alike ile cmle balamaz.)
Alike ve like fark:
Ahmet looks like his brother Ali.
Ahmet and his brother Ali look alike.



1.5. As the sea was getting rougher, the people on the shore became
restless. Because the lives of the people on the boat were ---- .
A) danger

C) dangerous

B) endangered

D) dangerously

1.5. (Doru cevap B.)

rough: (deniz iin) dalgal, bozuk
restless: huzursuz
A: Deniz gittike bozulduundan, kydaki insanlar huzursuzlamaya
balamlar. nk sandaldaki insanlarn hayat tehlikede imi.
Dangerdan nce in edat olsa, fazla dnmeye gerek kalmayacakt:
to be in danger: tehlikede olmak
...the lives of the people on the boat were in danger.


B: to be endangered: tehlikede olmak (aktif ya da pasif kullan labilir)

The environment in this area is endangered due to industrial pollution
The absence (yokluk) of a simple traffic sign can endanger human life.
C: dangerous: tehlikeli
Bu sfat sorudaki boluk iin uygun grrsek, hatal bir anlam ortaya
insanlarn hayat tehlikeliydi
D: dangerously: tehlikeli bir biimde
The driver of the coach (ehirleraras otobs) drove dangerously and
endargered the lives of the passengers.



1.6. The dentist cautioned his patient not to eat ice-cream any more
since a decayed tooth is always ---- to heat and cold.
A) sensible

C) sensual

B) sensitive

D) sensuous

1.6. (Doru cevap B.)

caution: uyarmak
decayed: rk/rm
B: lk bakta btn seenekler uygun gibi grnyor. nk
seeneklerin drd de sfat ve birbirine yakn anlamlar ieriyor. Ancak,
sadece scaa ve soua kar hassas anlamn veren sensitive cmleyi
Her skin (deri) is sensitive to sunlight.
A: sensible: akla uygun, makul, mantkl
He is a sensible person. He wont do anything before carefully
considering it.
Dikkatlice deerlendirmeden hibir ey yapmaz.
C: sensual: vcuda ait duyularla ilgili, dnce ya da ruha dayal
The fat man gets sensual pleasure from eating too much.
D: Sensuous, sensual sfatna gre daha gl ve olumlu bir anlam


sensuous: gzelliklere kar duyarl, bir hayli hassas ve yksek

duygulardan zevk alan zellie sahip
He derives (almak) sensuous delight (keyif, haz) when he listens to his
favourite classical CDs.



1.7. He proved himself right with his predictions. The ---- events
actually took place later on.
A) foresaw

C) foresee

B) foresight

D) foreseen

1.7. (Doru cevap D.)

prediction: tahmin, ngr
prove oneself right: hakl olduu ortaya kmak, haklln kantlamak
take place: meydana gelmek, yer almak, cereyan etmek
Events isim olduu iin kendisinden nce bir sfat almas beklenir.
A ve C: foresee (nceden grmek) / foresaw / foreseen
No one foresaw that an earthquake of that magnitude (iddet, byklk)
would hit the area.
B: Foresight (nceden gr) isim olduu iin soru cmlesindeki boluu
Since he had a good foresight, he saved (kurtulmak, kurtarmak)
himself a lot of trouble.
D: foreseen: ngrlen, ngrlm
Fiillerin nc halleri (participle) ayn zamanda sfat grevi de grr
a broken window: krk pencere, a written exam: yazl snav
foreseen events: ngrlen / olaca tahmin edilen olaylar




1.8. He was undoubtedly guiltless. Therefore, not the slightest ---- could
be directed against him.
A) suspicion

C) suspect

B) suspicious

D) suspected

1.8. (Doru cevap A.)

undoubtedly: phesiz bir ekilde, tereddtsz, obviously
(Undoubtedly zarf doubt isminden tremitir.)
guiltless: susuz
slightest: en kk, en ufak, faintest
direct against: aleyhinde (su vs.) isnat etmek / iddiasnda bulunmak
A: suspicion: phe, kuku
The husbands perpetual (srekli, bitmez tkenmez) suspicion about
his wife destroyed the couples marriage (evlilik).
B: The slightest kelimesinin anlamn bilmiyor olabilirsiniz. Ancak bu
kelimenin, bir sfatn superlative derecesi olduu yapsndan belli. O
halde, suspicious (pheli, phe duyan) sfat slightest sfatnn hemen
arkasndan gelemez.
I was suspicious of him. / Ondan pheleniyordum.
C: Suspect (phe etmek) fiili yine sfatn superlative ekli ile bir arada
I suspected him. (Fiilin preposition almadna dikkat ediniz. Bu cmleyi
Trke dnerek kurmak istesek, I suspected from him hatasna
D: Suspected (pheli) kelimesi de bir sfattr ve soru cmlesindeki
boluu dolduramaz.
The suspected burglar (soyguncu) was finally caught and arrested



1.9. He had always felt a strong hatred for the war. So, he was ---drafted into the army.
A) voluntarily

C) voluntary

B) involuntarily

D) volunteer

1.9. (Doru cevap B.)

hatred: nefret (hate fiilinden tremi isim)
draft into: kaydolmak, katlmak

B: Kii savaa kar kuvvetli bir nefret duyduuna gre, orduya gnll
bir ekilde katlmas beklenemez. Drafted bir fiil olduu iin, bize,
isteksizce anlamn verecek bir zarf gerekli (Fiilleri zarflarn
niteleyebileceini unutmaynz!):
involuntarily: istemeyerek, isteksizce, gnlszce
He was involuntarily held (nezarette vs. tutulmak) against his will (rza).
C: voluntary: gnll / istee bal olarak yaplan, istemli (kas vs.)
Participation (katlm, itirak) to the conference was voluntary.
He is a voluntary social worker.
voluntary muscles
D: volunteer (isim ekli): istekli, gnll kii
We have no volunteers to do this job.
to volunteer: gnll olarak ortaya kmak, gnll olmak
Many soldiers volunteered to enlist (katlmak) in the armed forces (silahl



1.10. He comes from an aristocratic family. But he is ---- for his

humbleness in the town.
A) distinguishable

C) undistinguished

B) distinguish

D) distinguished

1.10. (Doru cevap D.)

humbleness: alakgnlllk
A: distinguishable: fark edilebilen, ayrt edilebilen, (dierleri veya bir
bakas ile karlatrlnca) deiik / farkl ynleri olduu grlen
There are distinguishable differences between the twins (ikizler).
Bu kelime iyi zelliklere iaret edebilecei gibi, kt olanlar anlatmak
iin de pekala kullanlabilir:
Black widows (karadul rmcekleri) are distinguishable from other
spiders by their very powerful poison (zehir).
D: Distinguished (iyi tannan, ayrcalkl, well-known) olumlu bir anlama
our distinguished professor
B: Distinguish (ayrt etmek) fiil olduu iin, dikkatinizi sfat ieren dier
seeneklere ynlendirmelisiniz.


His modesty (alakgnlllk) distinguishes him from his peers (akran,

yat vs.).
C: undistinguished: alelde, hibir zellii olmayan, silik
Kiinin, kasabada alak gnllnden tr tannmas, bizi
undistinguished sfatndan uzaklatryor. Soru cmlesinde,
undistinguished deil, distinguished sfatnn kullanlmas gerek.
Aristokrat bir aileden gelmesine ramen (but) alakgnll olmas ile
tannr (distinguished).
Undistinguished iin bir rnek:
He is an undistinguished writer. You get no taste reading his novels.


2.1. It was obviously very unbecoming of him to show his ---- at his
friends sincere advice with such acid remarks.


2.1. (Doru cevap resentment: kzgnlk, sitem, gcenme.)

unbecoming: yakksz
sincere: samimi
acid remarks: ineleyici szler
obviously: hi phesiz, kukusuz, aka anlalyor ki, yle grnyor
Soru cmlesinde, obviously zarfn hi phesiz, kukusuz diye almak
daha doru olacak:
Arkadann iten tavsiyelerine ierlemek ve bunu bylesine i neleyici
szlerle gstermek hi kuku yok ki, (onun adna) yakksz bir davran
resent: gcenmek
I know you resented me when I criticized you.


2.2. She felt slightly relieved after receiving a ---- letter from her friends
on her recent bereavement.


2.2. (Doru cevap consoling: teselli eden / veren, yattran.)

slightly: biraz, az bir ey
feel/be relieved: rahatlamak
bereavement: ok yakn bir akraba ya da arkada kaybetme hali, kiinin
acs olma hali

The children argued because one slice (dilim) of cake was slightly larger
than the other.
I was relieved to learn that my aunts operation had gone smoothly
(przsz, sorunsuz).


2.3. Instructors are continuously in search of new methods which

would motivate children to use their playtime more ---- .


2.3. (Doru cevap profitably: kazan ya da yarar salayacak ekilde;

instructor: eitmen
be in search of: (bir eyin) aray iinde olmak
Cmlenin zarfa ihtiya duyduu belli. nk use (kullanmak) fiiline
Nasl? sorusunu sorduumuzda, gelen cevap bir zarf olur:
Bir eyi kullanmak.
Nasl kullanmak?
Yararl bir ekilde kullanmak.


2.4. A number of ---- have led the Board to reject the plan.


2. 4. (Doru cevap considerations: dikkate alnmas gereken nokta/husus.)

the Board: ynetim kurulu
A number of (ok sayda) kelimesinden sonra oul bir isim gelmelidir.
9. sorunun doru cevab olan calculations ismi, biraz zorlayarak, bu
soruda da i grebilir. Ancak bu durumda, bir kelime sadece bir kez
kullanlabileceinden, considerations kelimesinin de 9. soruya
tanabilmesi gerekiyor. Bu kelime ise 9. soru iin kesinlikle uygun deil.


2.5. The ---- of that sophisticated machine is highly questionable.


2.5. (Doru cevap utility: usefulness, yararllk ya da eitli amalar iin

a software of maximum utility
sophisticated: karmak, incelikli
questionable: tartmal, pheli, kesin olmayan


2.6. Although she had never had failures, it was ---- to us why she
often had a despairing attitude in her work.


2.6. (Doru cevap: incomprehensible: anlalmaz.)

Incomprehensible, comprehend (anlamak) fiilinden tremi , -ible son
eki ile sfat yaps kazanm ve in- neki ile de olumsuz hale dnmtr.
Sorunun Trkesi: Hi baarszl (failure) olmamasna ramen iinde
neden byle bir umutsuz tavr (despairing attitude) takndn
anlayamadk / taknd bize anlalmaz grnd.
He made some technical explanations that are incomprehensible to
most ordinary people.
despair: umutsuzluk
to despair: umutsuzlua kaplmak
be in despair: umutsuzluk iinde olmak
Dont despair help is on the way.


2.7. As the frozen meat was ---- to the warm air, it thawed rapidly.


2.7. (Doru cevap: exposed: st ak ve korunmasz olarak braklm,

maruz kalm.)
Expose fiilinin, cmlede pasif halde kullanlmas gerekiyor.
thaw rapidly: (et vs. iin) hzla zlmek


2.8. It is ---- that she arrive on time. Otherwise, if her boss notices her
lateness again, she might be dismissed.


2.8. (Doru cevap: imperative zaruri, art, urgent, essential.)

Cmlenin yapsna dikkat ediniz: ...that she arrive... Bu yap size ilk
bakta garip gelebilir. Ancak, imperative ve benzeri kimi sfat ve fiillere
bal olarak verilen that + tam cmle yaplarnda ekimsiz kip kullanlr.
Bu yapnn anlam ...that she should arrive... gibidir.
otherwise: yoksa, or, or else
dismiss: kovmak
As the number of nuclear weapons grows rapidly, preventing war
becomes imperative.

Not: The number of ve a number of ifadelerini kartrmaynz. The

number of bir grup insan ya da nesnenin says demektir ve tekil fiil alr.
A number of ise, ok sayda demektir ve oul fiil alr.
The number of students in the class is 50.
A number of students are absent today.


2.9. Though his methods were all correct in maths, he still failed
because his ---- were wrong.


2.9. (Doru cevap: calculations: hesaplar, hesaplamalar.)

(rencinin) gidi yolu doruymu ama hesaplamalar hatal imi.
calculating ya da calculative: hesap, hesabn bilen, karn dnen
He is a calculating person. He arranges (ayarlamak) things to his


2.10. The police ---- the criminals story and decided to interrogate him again.


2.10. (Doru cevap: suspected: phelenmek.)

Polis suluyu tekrar sorgulamaya (interrogate) karar verdii iin
phelendi fiili uygun. Birinden phelenildii zaman suspect fiilinin
preposition almadan kullanlabileceini hatrlaynz.
Birinin baz durumlarndan veya bir ey yapm olmasndan dolay phe
duyulduu zaman, suspect aadaki gibi kullanlr:
She was suspected of making up (uydurmak) stories.
He was suspected of murder.


3.1. He is such a (RESOLVE) man that nothing or nobody can make

him change his mind.


3.1. (Doru cevap: resolute: kararl, determined, firm; resolve: karar

He resolved never to drink again.


change ones mind: fikrini / kararn deitirmek

be resolute in doing something: bir ey yapmaya kesin kararl olmak
He is resolute in giving up smoking.
make a resolution to do something: bir ey yapmaya karar vermek


3.2. We were unable to draw any (SENSE) conclusion from his

incoherent story.


3.2. (Doru cevap: sensible: akla yatkn (i vs.), makul dnen (kii vs.),
Sorunun Trkesi: Onun tutarsz (incoherent) hikayesinden hibir
mantkl sonuca varamadk.
We cant expect anything foolish (aptalca) done by him because he is
a sensible man.
Sensitive hassas ya da duyarl demektir:
She is very sensitive and easily offended (krlmak, incinmek) by simple,
innocent (masum) remarks.


3.3. She was (SUFFICE) aware of the rules to avoid any punishment.


3.3. (Doru cevap: sufficiently: yeterince, kafi derecede.)

Sorunun Trkesi: Kurallar, cezadan saknmasna yetecek kadar
sufficient: enough
be aware of something: bir eyin farknda olmak, bir ey konusunda
bilgili olmak
suffice: yetmek, yeterli olmak / gelmek
My score in the university entrance (giri) exam doesnt suffice to get
me into medical school.



3.4. (CRITIC) can only be helpful to him if offered in the right way and
at the right moment.


3.4. (Doru cevap: criticism: eletiri.)

criticize: eletiri yapmak.
critic: eletirmen
Trkedeki kritik (durum/zaman/dnem/dneme) sfatnn ngilizce
karl critical sfatdr:
The patients condition is critical.
Turkey is at a critical time. (Trkiye kritik bir dnemden geiyor.) (Ne
zaman gemiyor ki!)


3.5. Being an overly (AMBITION) man, he caused a lot of trouble both

to himself and his family.


3.5. (Doru cevap: ambitious: hrsl, ihtirasl.)

overly + adjective: fazlasyla + sfat, eanlam: excessively
being an overly ambitious man: ar hrsl biri olduu iin
The book is overly difficult for that level of children.
Ska kullanlan ambition kelimesi iin de bir rnek vererek bu sorunun
aklamasn tamamlayalm:
He had a strong ambition to get through university.
niversiteyi bitirme konusunda ok gl bir hrs vard.


3.6. Much to their parents relief, the children soon got (CLIMATE) to
changes in the new town that they had just moved to.


3.6. (Doru cevap: acclimated: yeni evre koullarna ve iklime almak ve

uyum salamak, acclimatize, be accustomed.)
Sorunun Trkesi: ocuklarn, yeni tandklar ehirdeki iklime hemen
almalar anne babay yle rahatlatt ki...
When the DS/KPDS exams were performed only in the capital
(bakent), some candidates (adaylar) used to go there a day early to
acclimatize to the weather and high altitude (rakm).



3.7. He always has a (CONTENT) expression on his face though he

continually complains about his miserable life.


3.7. (Doru cevap: contented: memnun, mutlu, pleased, satisfied, zt anl.=

miserable: sefil, aclarla dolu
Contented soruda olumlu anlamda kullanlm. Biz, onu olumsuz
anlamyla rnekleyelim:
A discontented person is not satisfied (tatmin olmak, yetinmek) with
what he has and always asks for more.


3.8. He answered back the policeman in an (ARGUE) tone, showing

his readiness to start quarrelling.


3.8. (Doru cevap: argumentative: mnakaaya hazr, uzlamaz.)

answer back: karlk vermek, laf altnda kalmamak
readiness: (readyden gelir) hazr olma hali
quarrel: mnakaa, tartma, az dala
an intelligent (akll) but argumentative child
Argumentative sfatn, ok sk kullanlan isim haliyle (argument) bir
rnek cmlede grelim:
He won the argument since he procuded specific facts and reasons for
his discussion.
rnekte geen iki kelime iin, biz aadaki tanmlar uygun grdk.
Siz ne dersiniz?
argument: bir konu/gr zerine yaplan tartma ii/eylemi
discussion: tartma konusu olan gr


3.9. The small child was overwhelmed at the wide (VARY) of toys. She
didnt know which to choose.


3.9. (Doru cevap: variety: eit, eitlilik, eitleme.)

be overwhelmed: comak, (mutluluktan vs.) akna dnmek, hayrete
dmek, app kalmak
vary: farkl olmak, deimek, deitirmek
The weather varies in different regions.


Radovan Karadzic varied his life-style not to be recognized (tannmak).

various: eitli, birok
Various experiments carried out (= perform) to prove the theory failed.


3.10. He laughed (DERIDE) at my report with the intention of

humiliating me.


3.10. (Doru cevap: derisively: alay edercesine, alayc bir tarzla.)

derisive: alayc, mocking, ridiculing
His derisive laughter (gl) irritates me a lot.
intention: niyet
humiliate: utandrmak
You shouldnt have humiliated your wife by critisizing her in front of

Altrma 4. 1.

4.1.A. She was so late that she just had time to ---- into the classroom
before the teacher arrived to call the roll.

zm 4.1.A . (Doru cevap: dash: telala, aceleyle koturmak, race, rush.)

I have to / must dash.
Acelem var. / Acele etmeliyim.
Soruda (...she just had time...) cmlesi iindeki just zarf henz, az
evvel anlamn vermiyor. Kiinin bir yere kt ktna yetitiini anlatyor.
Bu gibi cmlelerde just; barely ya da hardly zarflar ile yer deitirebilir.
to call the roll: yoklama yapmak (snfta ya da herhangi bir grupta), to
take the roll call
The teacher assigned (grevlendirmek) me to take the roll call.
attendance book: devam / yoklama defteri



4.1.B. When the animals began to smell the smoke from the forest fire,
they ---- towards the safety of the river.

zm 4.1.B. (Doru cevap: stampeded: hayvanlarn panik halinde kamas,

The horses were frightened by the gunfire (silah patlamas / sesi) and
towards the safety of the river: emniyetli rmaa doru
Cmleleri Trkeye evirirken genellikle biraz yorum kattmza dikkat
ediniz. Safety, soru cmlesindeki anlamyla belirli bir tehlikeden uzakta
bulunan, emniyetli yer demektir.
The crew (tayfa) of the rescue (kurtarma) ship soon started to help
survivors (kazazede) to safety.


4.1.C. The children ---- in and out of the trees playing hide-and-seek.

zm 4.1.C. (Doru cevap: darted: (ani hareketler yaparak) oradan oraya hzla
koturmak, isim hali: dart.)
hide-and-seek: saklamba
The dog darted towards the door, having got his masters smell.
(Sahibinin kokusunu ald iin...)
dart a look / glance: (korkuyla / nefretle ya da benzer duygularla
kaamak) bir bak frlatmak
He darted an angry look at the boy who was with his former (eski,
nceki) girl-friend.
Soru cmlesinde in and out ifadesi aacn iine ve dna anlamn
vermek iin kullanlmam. Ayrca, dart fiili in / out edatlarndan herhangi
birini almak zorunda deildir. In and out bir yere bir girip, bir kmak
eylemini anlatyor.
Hes been in and out of prison for years.
Yllardr hapse girip kyor. / Yllar var ki, bir hapse giriyor, bir kyor.



4.1.D. After the match, the crowds ---- out of the stadium.

zm 4.1.D. (Doru cevap: surged: (gl bir biimde) dalgalanarak / dalga dalga
Every time a bus came, the crowd surged forward and the last arrival
(son gelen) was the first one to board (get on) the bus. (Bir turistin
stanbul anlarndan...)
The strong pressure of the water applied was enough to disperse the
surging crowd.
Sklan suyun tazyiki dalga dalga ilerleyen kalabal datmaya yetti.

Altrma 4. 2.

4.2.A. I can give you a ---- for this fruit cake.

zm 4.2.A. (Doru cevap: recipe: tarif, reete, davetiye.)

A good recipe for easily overcoming colds is to take a lot of fruits which
are known to contain the most vitamin C.
Souk algnlklarn abuk atlatmann yolu / reetesi en ok C vitamini
ihtiva ettii bilinen...
In the 70s the uncomprimising attitude of the political parties in Turkey
was a recipe for a civil war to break out.
70lerde siyasi partilerin uzlamaz, taviz vermez tutumlar bir i savaa
davetiye karmt.


4.2.B. The government must decide on a precise ---- to deal with our
economic ills.

zm 4.2.B. (Doru cevap: formula: forml, oulu: formulae ya da formulas.)

Do you know the formula for converting kilometres into miles?
The formula for Coca-Cola has been a closely guarded secret for a
...yakn koruma altnda tutulan bir sr olmutur.
precise: kesin, hassas
ill: zorluk, sorun
the usual ills of old age: yalln olaan zorluklar


Sfat olarak kullanldnda ill, sickten farkl bir anlam verir:

ill: herhangi bir hastala yakalanm olma hali
She is ill with cancer.
sick: hasta (hasta olan kiinin / nesnenin adyla birlikte kullanldnda)
to visit a sick uncle
a sick tree
to be / feel sick: midesi bulanmak
carsick / airsick / seasick: araba vs. tutmas


4.2.C. You should use only the best ---- when preparing food for a

zm 4.2.C. (Doru cevap: ingredients: muhteviyat, (yiyecek maddeleri vs. iin)

Kelime, aada rneini vereceimiz biimiyle faktr olarak karmza
Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of success.
convalescent: nekhat devresini geirmekte olan hasta
convalesce: iyilemek, ameliyat ya da hastalk sonras dinlenmek
She was given several weeks leave to convalesce.


4.2.D. The doctor diagnosed food-poisoning and wrote out a ---- which I
then took to the chemist to be made up.

zm 4.2.D. (Doru cevap: prescription: reete.)

Trke dndmzde write a prescription yeterli gibi grnyor.
Halbuki burada yazlan bir reetedir ve yazann imzasn gerektirir. Yani
bir bakma buradaki reete yazmay iir yazmak gibi dnemezsiniz.
Reete tanzim edilir (write out).
Out edat baland fiile bitmek, tamamlanmak benzeri bir anlam ykler.
rnein, write out a report, bir raporu yazp, bitirme / tamamlama anlam
She wrote out her report and submitted it to the Board.
diagnose: tehis etmek, tan koymak
make up: (burada) eitli maddeleri bir araya getirerek bir ila ya da
yiyecei hazrlamak

Altrma 4.3.

4.3.A. Peering through the gloom, I was finally able to ---- the shape of a
child crouching in the corner.

zm 4.3.A. (Doru cevap: discern: semek, zorlukla grmek, make out.)

crouch: melmek, eilmek, sinmek
peer: dikkatle bakmak
gloom: yar karanlk
Sorunun Trkesi: Yar karanlkta dikkatle baknca, nihayet, kede
melmi oturan bir ocuun siluetini seebildim.
I could dimly (bulank bir biimde, hayal meyal) discern the road block
(bariyer) in the middle of the road. (Bunu syleyen imdi hastanede!)
discerning: iyi seim yapan, seici
She has a discerning taste for music.

4.3.B. I can never ---- between the twins. They are so alike.

zm 4.3.B. (Doru cevap: distinguish: bir eyi dierinden ayrt etmek.)

Cmle ikizlerden bahsettii iin distinguish kelimesi neredeyse zorunlu
hale gelmi. Kelimenin between edat ile birlikte kullanldna dikkat
In his last days he had difficulty in distinguishing between his wife and
He is unable to distinguish between black and white. How can you
expect him to judge political affairs (i)?
alike: benzer (Look alike olarak da kullanlr.)
It is hard to beleive youre brothers. You dont at all look alike.
distinguishing: ayrc, belirleyici
Slanting (ekik) eyes is a distinguishing feature of the Asian people.
distinguished: tannm, sivrilmi
mit Yaar Ouzcan was a distinguished poet of his time. But today
hardly anyone remembers his name.


4.3.C. Although he had left so long ago, she could still ---- his tall, fair
figure as she had last seen him.

zm 4.3.C. (Doru cevap: visualize: hayalinde canlandrmak / resmetmek, picture.)


fair: ak tenli
Figure (ekil) kelimesinden tr hareket imkanmz hayli snrl.
Identify diyenler yanlrlar nk;
She identified the figure as a pot used in ancient times.
ekli, (rnein bir resme bakarak) antik alarda kullanlan bir mlek
olarak tanmlad.
Oysaki soru cmlemizde bu trden bir resim vs. yok. O zaman, ki i
bunu ancak hayalinde canlandrm olabilir.
Try to visualize yourself sailing through the sky on a magic carpet.
Kendini bir sihirli hal zerinde, gkyznde uarken hayal etmeye al.
visual arts: grsel sanatlar
visual aid: grsel malzemeler (fotoraf, harita, film, slayt vs. gibi
renmeyi kolaylatran trden)
visually: grnte
Visually the matress (yatak) is very pleasing, but it is uncomfortable.


4.3.D. The police were unable to ---- the body of the woman who was
washed ashore last night.

zm 4.3.D. (Doru cevap: identify: tanmlamak, tehis etmek.)

to be washed ashore: kyya vurmak
My son cannot tell the difference between geography and history but
he can identify any car as it passes by (yoldan gemek).
An official who asked not to be identified disclosed (ifa etmek) the
secret plan of the Minister.
Kimliinin aklanmasn istemeyen bir memur...


4.3.E. Although I had not seen her for years, I ---- her at once.

zm 4.3.E. (Doru cevap: recognize: nceden grlen / tannan bir kiiyi / eyi
hatrlamak, karmak, (bir lkeyi) resmen tanmak.)
She didnt recognize her brother at first.
The new government was first recognized by China.
Yeni hkmet ilk in tarafndan tannd.


Recognize fiilinin isim haline ksaca deinelim:

beyond / out of all recognition: tannmaz hale gelmek, byk deiiklie
The social structure of Turkey has changed beyond recognition in the

Altrma 4.4.

4.4.A. I caught a ---- of a boy beyond the trees.

zm 4.4.A. (Doru cevap: glimpse: bir an iin grme, gz ilime, grr gibi olma.)
beyond: ardnda, dnda, berisinde (Bir nceki sorunun son rnek
cmlesine baknz.)
Are there any people living beyond the mountains?
Catch soru cmlemizde a artikeli ile devam ettii iin kural gerei tek
seim imkn kalyor:
catch a glimpse of
Catch sight of something eklinde bir kalp daha vardr; ancak, sight bu
kalpta a artikeli almaz.
inde glimpse geen bir cmleyi evirirken fiil ve sfat ayrm yapmak
I glimpsed a boy beyond the trees.
Aalarn ardnda bir ocuk gzme iliti.
I caught a glimpse of a boy beyond the trees.
Aalarn ardnda bir ocuk grr gibi oldum.


4.4.B. He ---- over his shoulder to see if anyone was following him.

zm 4.4.B. (Doru cevap: glanced: bir an iin hzlca bakp, gzlerini karmak
(utantan, korkudan tr) ya da gzlerini hemen bir nceki konumuna
getirmek, gz atmak.)
The spy (casus) glanced back to make sure (emin olmak iin) nobody
was following.
She glanced at her watch (saat) and rushed out (h zlanmak) to catch
her bus.


rneklerden anlayabileceiniz gibi, glance anlk bir bak iken (bakmak),

glimpse anlk bir grntnn bir anlamda gznzn nnden gemesidir (grmek). Yani glimpse fiilinde, bir eyi grmsnzdr ama
aslnda ona bakmamsnzdr.


4.4.C. A ---- of lightning momentarily illuminated the valley below.

zm 4.4.C. (Doru cevap: flash: lt, parlt, ani alev.)

lightning: yldrm
momentarily: bir an iin, anlk (kk: moment)
illuminate: aydnlatmak, klandrmak (Bilgi vererek aydnlatmak ayn
kelimeyle ifade edilir.)
An illuminating book on the whys and wherefores (nedenleri) of


4.4.D. The ---- from the mountain-top was really superb.

zm 4.4.D. (Doru cevap: view: manzara, grnt, gr / dnce.)

He was sent to prison for his political views (gr).
superb: (bugnk genlerin deyimiyle) sper, olaanst, mkemmel
The food was superb.
The orchestra gave such a superb performance, causing the audience
to clamour (ask) for more.
Bu kelimeyi verince ayn tanma sahip supere biraz deinmek gerekiyor.
Szlk speri, bir kiiyi / nesneyi ok beendiinizde, bu kii / nesne
size heyecan verdiinde kullanlr diye aklam ama bu ekilde takdir
belirtmenin informel ve biraz modas gemi olduunu da eklemi.
yleyse yksek kaliteden sz ederken superb ve super aras nda pek
fark yok gibi. Ama gllk, emsallerine gre stnlk / byklk sz
konusu ise superi tercih etmeli, superb sfatndan uzak durmalsnz:
a super atomic reactor
Its made of a super plastic that is resistant to high temperatures.



4.4.E. Such a ---- met my eyes that I thought I would faint with horror.

zm 4.4.E. (Doru cevap: sight: grnt, (genellikle kt) manzara.)

(something) to meet ones eyes: (genellikle artc, etkileyici) bir eyle
kiinin gz gze / kar karya gelmesi
The sight that met his eyes left him breathless (nefessiz).
Buradan, yine sight kelimesiyle ilgili baka bir rnee geelim:
He couldnt control his tears at the sight of the hundreds of dead
to have poor eyesight: gzleri bozuk olmak


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