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18:30-19:15 Moving Room

1) Correction of the exercises about the newspapers vocabulary we did last

Ex. 1 : Match the word with the good definition
Ex. 2 : Find the good word for each definition
Ex. 3 : Seven pictures of different magazines. First ask the students to
show an advertisement, read a caption, an headlineto see if they
assimilated the vocabulary they just learned.
Then ask them what each picture represents.
2) Transition: in a newspaper we must remain impartial, objective. Whereas in TV
news casts, you can have a guest and then you can have a debate. So today we
will work on a debate.
-> explain them what is a debate, how we speak, what is the aim of a debate

3) Vocabulary (p4) useful to use in a debate.

Split de class in two groups: the pros and the cons. If they are a lot, a third
group can be created who consisted in the judges. They will sum up each teams
arguments at the end of the debate and decide who presented the bests.
Give them a subject:

Its better to be a boy than a girl

Its safer to have a gun at home.
A bike is better than a car
Its better to be a boy than a girl
Its better to be a teacher than a student
Time is more important than money
Internet is making face-to-face communication obsolete

Before to start the debate, give the students 10 to 15 minutes to think about
their arguments and look at the vocabulary they need to use. The judges can and
should lead the debate.

4) Optional activity: You can ask your student to write their opinion about the
topic you discussed in class.

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